Aesop: Yeah, they just do that sometimes when they get too stressed...

Joseph: Oh... Ew.

Eli: Can you guys be quiet? I wanna sleeeeep.

Aesop: Sorry... I want to fall back asleep too... Joseph, do you mind?

Joseph: Um, yes! I do mind! You two should not be in the same bed! Especially after Naib confessed to you, Aesop!

Aesop: Don't say that name ever again.

Joseph: Oh- I didn't mean- Wait-

Aesop: *turns over*

Aesop: Just stop talking already...

Eli: Aesop...

Aesop: Yeah? What is it?

Eli: You can't just pretend Naib doesn't-

Aesop: I'm sleeping.

Eli: Then how are you talk-

Aesop: I'm asleep. I can't hear you.

Eli: *sighs in defeat*

Joseph: I'll just go then... I swear! If you hurt my honey, you will pay!

Joseph: *flashes the knife for Eli to see*

Eli: I've already done it once, and I don't intend to do it again...

Aesop: *slides his hand over Eli's*

Joseph: I still can't trust you...

Eli: You don't have to. Aesop, you okay?

Aesop: I'm fast asleep.

Eli: Bruh... Let go.

Aesop: I need to make sure you're there.

Joseph: *pulls off the blanket*

Joseph: What are you guys doing?!

Eli: *facepalms*

Aesop: Don't worry about it. You're getting worked up over nothing...


Aesop: Oh Lord...

Joseph: This is EVIL! A great SIN! You can end up in HELL for this!

Aesop: You're being over dramatic... Now give us back the blanket, I'm cold...

Eli: Could you also let go of my hand?

Aesop: Like I said before, I need to make sure you're next to me. At all times. I can also feel your body temperature, so I know if anything's wrong.

Eli: The hell? Okay... I really think you should get checked by Emily.

Joseph: YOU should take a visit to the cremation centre.

Eli: And just why would I do that?

Joseph: You need to book an appointment.

Eli: Let me guess. You want to cremate me.

Joseph: Oh, how did you know?

Eli: Ugh. Aesop, I'm going back to Hastur's room. Entertain this pedo.

Eli: *leaves*

Aesop: Noooo!

Joseph: *crawls in Aesop's bed, taking Eli's space*

Aesop: Ew, get- Out-

Aesop: *pushes Joseph out, causing him to fall on the floor*

Joseph: My darling...

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