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So this isn't just disclaimers,bit also contains notes and things.
Either way reading this is not necessary, it is just recommended because it may help clarify somethings about the story.

Because-I've changed so much from the original Roth and tangled stories.
I didn't change the movies, just smaller things that were unimportant have become more important.

Ex: the memory container thing Jack opened in the first movie, I gave it a little clutch. Which is (may be a spoiler, don't read if you want to find it out as the story progresses) you can only open a memory vial thing once. After that it can't be opened again by the same person. I don't know if that was explained well, probably not. I'll work on the explanation.

Warning: This is a Jackunzel fan fiction. Meaning the pairing between Jack Frost and Rapunzel. If you are a Jelsa shipper (Or Eugenunzel, but people who tend to be strict on that cannon ship is mostly because it is there only excuse for not supporting other ships between Flynn and Punz) do NOT read this story. This story was not made for you, it was made for myself because Jackunzel is my OTP.

Some big story line issues:
So I'm aware people see Jamie as a distant relative of Jack (because like... I totally do too) but that is not the case in this story. Actually I've included reincarnation in this story.
So technically Jamie and Jack aren't related.
But certain family members become reincarnated into the family.
But I promise it's not an incest story.
Because Jamie and Jack aren't related.
And of course I squeezed Rapunzel into the Bennett family, duh. That's literally the title.

Irony: I'm not going to get detailed but this story includes many things I personally find ironically humorous. Because how can you expect this to happen to them when they were this in another life.
It doesn't make sense
But like
I thought it was funny

Name thing (Swear it's important): So when you read the name, Zel, think of short hair brunette Rapunzel.


Rapunzel Bennett (Jackunzel)Where stories live. Discover now