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|D.C. Office|

"Can you hear me Tony?"
"Loud and clear Al."

McGee monitoring the movements while Allison is thinking step by step through the plan. Tony and Gibbs has been on a stakeout in Arlington for almost 5 days when suddenly the circumstances changed, pushed them to do the extraction as soon as possible.

"Give me their position Grant."
"50 meters to your left boss. 2 individuals. We're not sure which one is the General."
"DiNozzo take the lead."
"On it boss."
"Careful guys. We need both the General and the dosier."
"I'm....a..th....now....wh..." The audio from Tony's earpiece is getting bad and then his body heat disappear from the screen. "Tony? Where is your position? Go back. We can't hear you." They are waiting but still hasn't got any response.

"I got the General and the dosier Grant. Tell DiNozzo to get out." She looks at McGee and he seems to have no idea of what happened to Tony. "He's probably get into an airtight space."
"Get him out McGee."
"I can't."
"What's going on Grant?"
"Get out from there boss. I'll send the SWAT team. Get out."

She throws her own headphone in frustration. "How did that happen McGee? I thought you're already studied the building?"
"I did. There are no such structure on that building ever recorded."
"Check in with the SWAT team. Tell me when you find him."

Outside of MTAC, she beat herself up. She thinks there is a flaw in her plan. "I must've missed something. What is it....He doesn't just... disappear." She went to check the building's history one more time, she might find something if she's looking more thorough.


He looks around, trying to forget the headache on him. "Ah great, I should've known it's too easy. I was too lucky for the last 2 weeks . Bonus paycheck, new car, and a delightful sneaky sex last week. Now I'm locked in about underground cell. Again!" There are no windows but a door with a peephole on it. There are an alley outside the room. "And this....comm is useless here. Damn it."

Unlike the last time, he might doesn't have to save someone else but himself. So he had plenty times to think about a strategy. But instead his mind is wondering someplace else.

*6 days earlier at a bar*

"This extraction plan is getting me nowhere." She takes another shot after 3 shots before that. "Yeah I can see that. You beat yourself over the floor plan."
"True. There's something about it but I can't put my finger around it."
"You're stressed out."
"I am."
"You need to reeelaaax. This is me and Gibbs who's gonna execute the plan. We're good at it. It's gonna be a smooth process."
"Maybe...but still."
"Come on. Have fun. Because I'm gonna be on stakeout tomorrow. I don't want you to be stressed out."
"I know. Hence I drink a lot."
"Hey, I know something that could make you a little bit loosen up."
"I know. Sex."
"What, no I mean dance....but whatever you preference."
"Well me and Richard used to do it too."
"What? Sex?"
"Richard? No. I mean dance."
"Oh. Haha. Sorry, because I remember you said you never slept with him."
"Correct. But right now I think what I need is making out with someone. You're up for it? I'm on the edge."
"Wait, what? Me!??? No. I mean..." She cut him and gets up from her seat. "Alright. I got it. I think I just found a guy who's been hitting me since I walked in. You wait here okay. I'll be back soon."
"Hey. Wait. No! I'll do it."
"You're drunk. I'm not gonna let you go with some stranger. You got a high level clearance. I'm...up for it."
"Alright, bathroom?"
"No. Your place. It's like only across the street."
"Right. Okay. Follow me."

*Allison's apartment*

The sun shines through the window right to his face, wakes him up. And there she is lying there with him and her arms around him. She was falling asleep relatively quick last night and Tony couldn't believe he just had sex with the woman that he's been fantasized from the day he met her. She told him that she haven't done it for almost a year, that's why she's really on edge. Even though it's just a one night stand, he's not complaining. "Geez you're even hotter in the morning."

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