Chapter One: I Hate my Job

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So I'm really sorry I keep posting more books without finishing my last ones but I seriously can't help it! I promise I'll get to it... eventually.

Anywhoooo in the mean time please enjoy all my new stories:)



I watched in boredom as my work unraveled before me. Couples supposedly "made for each other" breaking up, cheating, divorcing, working to find something more.

People these days. ALWAYS wanting more than what they already have.

That is precisely the reason I have cut back my hours and become a part timer.

If you were wondering, my job tittle is Cupid. My purpose is to get to know all the beautiful souls that inhabited the Earth, and pair them up! Like tinder or something but better! Back in the days of knights, princesses, and chivalry is when I did my best work. Romeo and Juliet? Yep, that was me, of course those idiots had to go off and kill themselves in the end, that was not my fault. My job was something I enjoyed to the highest extent. I mean, who wouldn't love watching all your pairings fall in love, choosing who to ship, and making your favorite couples live happily ever after. I took great pride in my job.

These days are harder to work with. GUYS these days were harder to work with. What do I do? Give them the girl of their dreams. What do they do? Get drunk and sleep with girls that are NOT made for them. Girls did the same thing, looking for the perfect guy and disregarding the one i literally put RIGHT in front of them! Its so frustrating! People these days are always looking for something that fulfills them, not wanting to put in the work and do it themselves.

Something people these days don't understand is that a soulmate is not someone put in your life to complete you, but someone who makes you want to complete yourself, and make yourself the best you can for them.

And I'm not talking all the name tattooed on their wrist or matching tattoos crap, I mean real soulmates, who genuinely fit together like two pieces of a puzzle. The more you look at it, the more you know they're destined to be together.

Isn't that amazing!? I LOVE LOVE! But love is a fragile, beautiful thing, and people just kept wreaking it.

So with many of my ships sinking I decided to step down and go to part time match maker. This means I get to pick and choose my favorites, or people that are just really struggling with all things... life, and give them a gift, a soulmate. The others are entrusted to find their soulmate themselves.

Camille and Tyson were one of these special instances.

Yeah, they were good people, but I didn't pair them because they were my favorites, I paired them because gosh Camille could not get a break!

On the particular day I decided to intervene, Camille had failed four exams, spilled a bowl of cafeteria chili down her shirt at lunch, missed the bus coming home, and discovered that her gold fish Tubby died.

Worst day ever? Camille had days like this at least once a week! I don't know why, but that day was just the last straw and I realized I really needed to help her in some way.

Camille was a typical teenage girl. She hated school, loved to go shopping, took thousands of pictures of her, now dead, pet, had crushes on cute boys, etc. She didn't have many friends, just one close one, Dorothy. Overall, Camille was just a struggling teenage girl with some serious bad luck. There was one thing that stood out about Camille though. She didn't necessarily have a diary like most girls. Instead, she would write her frustrations, dreams, ideas, and days events on a piece of paper addressed to the universe. When she finished, she would fold up the paper into an airplane and let it sore through her window. Usually it would end up stuck in someones gutter or run over by a car, but it's the thought that counts.

So here I was, for the millionth time, intervening in a poor girls struggle to succeed in literally anything in life, and gifting her a soulmate. I already had someone picked out, as I do for all souls I see struggling day to day, now i just had to decide how I would unite the two...

That night, when Camille sat down to write her struggles down on a piece of paper, fold it up, and let it sail through her window, I had a destination in mind...

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