#26: The Powers Hidden From Us

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"really? Now that you think about it, Sapphire controls the yin and yang elements? Life and Death. Joshua controls water and earth apart from shifting. Kyle controls air and fire." Vincent deduced.

"and here I thought using those spells were normal." Mark said in a as a matter of fact tone.

"from what I remember Mark... Those spells are like downloaded, installed on your brain since the day you were born." - Conrad.

Mark just nodded in understanding.

"Death.... That's the power given to me." Sapphire stated.

"If Conrad was talking the truth then... Ancient Runes are mine." Mark answered.

"Earth and Water along with shifting into any ancient and imaginary creatures I can think of. I have their strength yet not their powers."- Joshua.

"I could .... Change my wolf's size." Nathan sheepishly said. Everyone looked at him with shock except her little sister. "what it's true! Ask Stephanie!" Steph just nodded.

All of them accepted what their friend has said.

"I have the Element of Fire aside from Time." Kayden then commented.

"I still don't know my power though my speed is on par with Sapphire." Stephanie said.

"I don't have that special power you're talking about." Jewel answered which made everyone to look at her.

"tsk tsk.... That's where you're wrong my lovely friend. You have the power to practically bring any kind of storm with just your emotions. Not like any wielder of weather." David commented from the shadows. This made Sapphire to look at him with a glare.

"David, explain the reason as to why you're here when you're not invited." Sapphire asked with a silent snarl.

"I would just like to inform you that you’re bestfriend-slash-boyfriend-slash-whatever-relationship-you-have-with-him, is currently beating up Jerome and the 5B's venting his anger at them." David answered.

"5B's?" Cornelia asked in confusion.

"Bane and company." David answered with a mischievous smirk.

"Any other thing you want to say?" -Sapphire.

"I'm coming with you."-David


"I'm hitching a ride back home. Check my mate and talk to your grandfather before going back here."

"Do whatever you want." Sapphire said as she sighed exasperatedly. "Now back to the topic, April what do you think is your power?"

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