(L) Louis (pov)

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L:  Oh, its time to find out who won the contest. *Turns on radio and listens*

L: So I will be spending 24 hours with someone named 'Harry Styles'. Wow, that name sounds familiar.

*Goes on twitter and sees a mention by @Harry_Styles*

@Harry_Styles : Guys I just won the radio contest TO SEE LOUIS TOMLINSON @Louis_Tomlinson

@LOuis_Tomlinson : Lucky you❤

@Emerald<Lay> : 🍆🍑

@loubearboobear : YAY IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU!!!

L: So I guess they are a fan of me. I  can't tell if they are female or Male.. or how old they are...I just wish they had pictures of themselves not just me. So I can at least see what they will look like.


L: Anyways so they were saying something about a group chat?

Paul: Y-yes I will add you right now

L: Nice

Paul: I need to go help the people on sight so i'm leaving. Just drive over in 30 minutes and talk to that boy in the group

L: Wait a boy?

Paul: Were you not listening to him speaking?

L: I thought it was a girl with a deep voice

Paul: Louis you are... literally so dumb 

*Louis just smirks then waves Paul goodbye and watches him drive away*


          Groupchat _____

Louis T: Hey 

MODEST: Get to know the other person in this chat so its won't be weird. I'm turning notifications off

Louis T: Thats cool


Louis T: Harry

Louis T: Harr-eh?

Harry S: Hi

Louis T: you meet your biggest idol and all you say is hi

Harry S: I'm sorry


Louis T: ..... should I reply to that?

Harry S: You told me to be like your other fans

Louis T: I'm happy your not a girl

Harry S: Oh why?

Louis T: Can't tell

Harry S: .....you know what I change my mind.

Louis T: What do you mean?

Harry S: Your to sassy i'm not coming

Louis T: Works for me

Harry S: No your supposed to tell me to stay... like the fanfics 

Louis T: You read fanfics about me?

Harry S: No...

Louis T: Sure...

MODEST: Okay both of you stop texting and drive over here.

Louis T: yes ma'am

Louis T: sir** auto correct

Harry S: Coming!!

Louis T: You will be saying that later ;)

Harry S: Ew no that's creepy, You don't even know how old I am

Louis T: Shut up and go with it

Harry S: Deal!

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