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Three Months Later

The girls had been dating now for the last three months and everything was perfect. In all honesty, Hope wondered every day when the other shoe would drop. She knew that she shouldn't think like that, but things were perfect, and she had never known her life to be like this.

Josie and she spent all of their time together. They spent most weekends in Hope's room since she didn't have a roommate to worry about. Though, Josie did insist that at least one night each weekend that they spend with Lizzie and MG. Typically, Hope preferred if they could do this on Friday nights because that allowed her to have all of Saturday and Sunday with Josie alone.

Really, Hope knew that the twins would insist on double dates. She really has no one to blame but herself. She did help MG make his move on the blonde twin. She was happy for her friend and honestly, as long as Josie was happy, she didn't mind giving up a few hours each weekend.

Being that today was their anniversary, but also a school night, Hope had planned a surprise for Josie. She couldn't wait for her to see it.

She had promised that she wouldn't do anything elaborate since the brunette hadn't yet convinced Hope to allow her to plan any of their romantic expeditions. When she tried, Hope always found out and swept in to pay for everything.

In all honesty, Josie didn't really mind since she knew it was one of the ways that Hope showed that she cared, but she wanted Hope to know that money wasn't as important as the thought put into the gift or date. So, Hope promised a simple day, but it was still a surprise.

She was walking to her last class, that she shared with the younger girl now. Standing outside the doorway, Josie was scanning the crowd for her girlfriend. She was so excited about whatever it was Hope had planned for their afternoon. She knew no matter what, it would be perfect.

"Hello beautiful." Hope smiled as she walked up to Josie, giving her a quick peck.

"Hi." The brunette gives her a peck back.

This as always, was never enough for the girls. Josie grabbed the front of Hope's blouse and went in to give the tribrid a deeper kiss. Before the kiss could get too far, they were broken apart by a wolf whistle.

Looking over, the girls saw Raf walking past them to his next class. With a grin and a laugh, he asks, "Girls, how am I supposed to control my wolfs when you put on a show like that?"

"That's your problem. I can't help it; my girl is so hot I have to kiss her. I can't resist." The auburn-haired girl smirks.

"I think you mean you can't help being this hot. Cause trust me, you are the one that everyone is looking at. I have to beat them off with a stick." Josie grabs her again and gives her another kiss.

As the two broke their kiss, the bell rang to signal the last warning before class started. Taking the taller girl's hand, Hope lead them inside to their shared desk. This was a new development in recent months. Lizzie was not happy when Hope stole Josie to sit next to her. She got over it quickly though. It helped that this left the seat open for MG in those shared classes.

"So, what are we doing tonight?" Josie tried to ask nonchalantly.

Hope shook her head with a knowing smile. "You'll see. Right after class we are going to change and then head out."

The younger girl pouted. "Can I at least have a hint? I'll make it worth it."

The look on Hope's face said that Josie had just made an offer that she couldn't resist. "And what would I be getting for this hint?"

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