A Second Date

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After changing out of their clothes and into comfortable pjs for the night, the two girls were back in the room cuddled up on the bed.

"I really enjoyed our date tonight, and this second one now. But next time, I get to take you out."

Hope smirked. "We'll see. I really like taking you out. I think this may be my new favorite thing to do in the world."

Josie looked at her girlfriend. "You will not deny me taking you on dates. I love planning, and planning a romantic date for you, I think that would be the best."

Hope shook her head and smiled. "Well, I should point out that I have more surprises up my sleeves."

Josie looked at Hope and giggled. "How is it that you don't have the Salvatore issues pjs like everyone else? I just noticed that you have no S, on yours."

The brunette looked down at the silk tank top and short set that she was wearing that were standard issue for the school. Then over to what the auburn-haired girl was wearing. A satin short sleeved button up and short set that looked like she had never worn them before.

"Well, it helps that my father funded to founding of this school for one, then it also helps that my aunts and uncle will continue to fund the school as long as I stay here, then as an alumni, I will probably also help fund the school. Also, your dad likes me, and I have a single room with an adjoining bathroom. No one comes in here, so no one knows if I wear standard issue pjs or not."
Josie just looks at the girl in front of her. She shoves her playfully. "Must be nice to be that rich."

Hope looks down and shakes her head. "I have all the money that is in my accounts now, but that is only a fraction of it. I get most of my inheritance on my eighteen birthday, with a quarter of it in trust until I turn twenty-five. I hate it."

"It can't be that bad to have to wait a few years."

Hope shook her head. "No, it isn't that. I don't want it all, but I have no choice. I have so much in my accounts now that I can buy twenty Salvatore Schools and still have enough to live for a couple hundred years. And this is only with five percent. This is why we have given so much to the school. It is also why I have been donating around Mystic Falls."

"At least you are able to do a lot of good with the money. Plus, your parents loved you and wanted to make sure that you were always taken care of."

"Yeah, Aunt Freya oversees all of that for me now. But she lets me give a lot away as I want. And since my cousin Nik and I are the only children of the family, everyone else has split their wills between us two."

"Wow. Yeah." Josie didn't even know what to say to that.

Hope smiled again. "It's ok. That is what lets me spend so much on you and buy you all the things that I know your heart desires. Like this!"

With that, Hope lifted up the basket of snacks that was sitting next to the bed for Josie to see. She dumped the contents out for a better look.

In front of the two was every one of Josie's favorite snacks. Gummie worms, both sour and regular, not bears but worms. They were so much better. Cheetos, Pringles, Oreos, Nutter Butters, Skittles and M&Ms. Along with various other chips, cookies, and candies.

"HOPE! These are all of my favorite snacks that I never get to have cause dad thinks that too much sugar is bad for us. How were you able to get all of this?"

"I have my ways."

"Nope, nah uh, you have to tell me! I need to use this so that I can have these whenever I want!"

The aurburn-haired girl smiled and kissed her girlfriend's cheek. "You will always have these because they will always be stocked in my room. You can come and get some whenever you want. You should also see what I have in the mini fridge for you."

Josie ran over to the fridge and opened it up. Inside was all of her favorite drinks. All flavors of Mt. Dew and several cold brew coffees. There was also a freezer section that had mint chocolate chip ice cream and tostadas.

"Ok, it is official! One, you are the best girlfriend in the history of girlfriends. And two, you have to tell me how you did this! Dad would have a coronary!"

Again, Hope smirked. "Ok, so I will tell you, but you can't say anything. Not even to Lizzie. Promise?"

"I promise."

"I order everything online and have it all overnight shipped to my Aunt Freya. She then does a teleportation spell to have it delivered directly to my room. Since Aunt Freya had an agreement with your father to allow her and me to send things to each other directly inside my room, he doesn't think anything of it. Aunt Freya doesn't think that I should be limited just because your dad doesn't like junk food."

Josie shakes her head. "That is so cool. I need a cool Aunt to send me stuff. Aunt Bonnie is amazing, but she agrees with dad and wouldn't let us break rules like that."

"Well, no you have no worries. If you want anything, you just tell me and then I will order it for you and have it here waiting."

Josie looked at the pile of snacks on the bed and then the pint of ice cream in the fridge. She wasn't sure what she wanted. It all looked appealing.

"You could have a little of everything. I got it all for you."

Josie smiled and jumped up with the ice cream and brought it to the bed. Hope handed her a spoon.

"Aren't you going to have some too?"

"Nah, I'm not a big fan of mint chocolate chip. I got that just for you. I'm going to eat some gummy worms though. They are the best!"

Both girls settled on the bed and snuggled back into cushions and got comfortable.

"What movie do you want to watch first?"

Josie smiled. "Do you have any old musicals or just the newer ones?"

"I have a little bit of everything. And if I don't have the Blu-Ray, I'm sure that they have it on one of my streaming sites. What are you wanting to watch?"

"My Fair Lady. I love Audrey Hepburn! I know it's an old movie, but I love the music."

The older girl smiled. "My mom loved Audrey Hepburn too. I have all of her movies."

With a wave of her hand, Hope loaded the Blu-Ray and started the film. She waved her hand again and all the lights in the room extinguished and only a few candles near the bed on the nightstand were left to illuminate the girls.

Josie snuggled in closer to Hope. She laid her head on her shoulder and continued to eat her ice cream. Hope looped her arm around Josie's shoulders and pulled her closer. She ran her hand through her hair and started to play with the ends that were on her shoulder.

They spent the next several hours going from one Audrey Hepburn film to the next until the young witch couldn't keep her eyes open any longer.

"Goodnight Jo. Sweet dreams."

"Night Hope. Sweetest dream with you here."


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