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Song: you left me when I was at my darkest: Instagram edit

Selene's eyes shot open, and for the first time since she reformed, she made eye contact with someone. "...Pearl?" "Oh Selene! It's been such a long time!" Pearl beamed as she crouched down and hugged the other gem, only to be greeted with a rigid stiffness. "Selene?" She questioned. Her eyes turned cold as she glared at Pearl.

Selene's eyes were wet as she looked away.


Pearl closed her eyes and covered her mouth with her hand. "Selene...I...I'm sorry." The blue eyed gem waited for a response, but after a moment of silence, she went back to the others. " do you know her? What is she talking about?" Steven asked with concern. "Yeah, and why does she keep singing?" Amethyst added. "*sigh* let me start from the beginning. Selene is a selenite, a very beautiful, and very rare gem. Only one can exist at a time, and they can't be mass produced like most other gems. The only way one can be made, is to bury the shattered remains of the last one...but it takes hundreds of years for the new one to form...and they take a lot of attention." Pearl summoned a holographic video to play out how it works. "While forming, all four diamonds have to come together, at the same time..."

A white, a yellow, a blue, and a pink diamond all came together to form one big diamond. "...and simultaneously put some of their essence into the ground where she was buried." The Diamonds all separated and turned into each of the owner's hands. Then each hand touched the ground, and their matching color leached into the ground. "Then the selenite absorbs the essence, and, after a few hundred years of doing this every day, she emerges as a new selenite." They watched as the shards pulsed and absorbed all the color that was put in the ground. They started to glow and come together, and quickly formed a new selenite gem that looked different than the last one.

Then the hologram disappeared.

"As for the singing, that's how a selenite communicates best. Like how a Pearl speaks eloquently, and a Quartz soldier speaks...silly. A selenite sings. It's connected to her emotions...for the most part. She can manipulate her vocal chords to sing in a variety of genres. And she can hit any note. She can sound male or female. She could even do that...screamo stuff that Amethyst listens to...why on earth she'd ever want to is beyond me...the point is, she could. But let's focus on how I know her."

"I met her shortly after I was created. Things were a lot better at the time, and she was actually quite close to The Diamonds. She would sing and dance for them, and they would smile and sing along. But I slowly watched things deteriorate over time. As they started to expand the empire, they got too busy for Selene. They started to change. Things were getting more difficult for them, and they started to enforce strict rules. The Diamonds decided that she was far too valuable to lose, that they wouldn't have the time to make another one if something happened to her, so they decided to put her in a display case when she wasn't...'being used'. That way she could be safe and admired by all gems. She went from being a valued being a party trick or pick-me-up when one of The Diamonds was feeling down. When she wasn't singing or dancing for others, she would just sit in her case, for months at a time. No one to talk to. She would zone out while all sorts of gems stared at her and judged her like some kind of show animal. One day, I got tired of watching this, so I decided to become her friend. I would talk to her when I wasn't needed, and I would spend time with her when everyone was relaxing or out conquering worlds.

It helped some, or so I thought. But things were getting pretty bad when I left to fight with Rose...and I got so caught up in the war...I...I never went back to help her...I'd hate me too." She whispered. "GEEZ! No wonder she's so messed up!" The purple quartz shouted. "Amethyst!" Garnet scolded "Despite what happened in the past, she's here with us now, we can help her." she walked over to Steven and Amethyst. "...cause if there's one thing The Crystal Gems are good at, it's helping people." Garnet grinned as she ruffled Steven's hair with one hand, and Amethyst's with the other.

The fusion looked at Selene sitting in the corner, and, with a newly informed mind, was more determined than ever to help this beautiful gem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2020 ⏰

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