Please Mikey please

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After everything this six kids have been through. After all the bullying, the suffering, the possessing thing, the feeling of something bad about to happen. That sensation won't leave their cores ever from now on. Everything is so complicated. But it turns even more, when you know it's impossible. They have to take priorities. But how children that are just 14 years old can be able to do that? They're so young, and still,  they've lived more triggering circumstances than soldiers from World War II. Again, they're put in a live or die situation. And now they have to decide what to do... Everyone is worried about Lucas, the guy who was used as the bait to try to save some time and get Eleven back from the Mindflayer's claws. Mike, Will, Max and Dustin worked with that. Now the girl is back, and Lucas is safe, all seem to point nice. Until the moment they all enter in the van but our Byers boy, who decides to stay out

"Will, what are you doing? C'mon, hop on" Mike says kind of confused about why his best friend is not with the rest yet
"I...I can't go with you... I'll catch you later. Move. I'll be fine". This is the cold response the party gets from the bowl cut guy, who looked a bit changed, actually. Everyone turns to the leader. The paladdin is the one who decides what to do
"Hey, I don't know what you mean, but we have to get the hell out of here before the Mindflayer finds El again. We won't leave you behind. We can't do that. So move your little ass and come here ". He stares firmly at Will, trying to guess the reason that makes him this paralyzed
"...Okay. Okay. You're right..." surprisingly, Will gives in. And the group is taken to the Starcourt Mall, they think it can work as a refuge. The back up finally shows up. Hopper, Joyce, Murray, Jonathan, Nancy, Steve, and a new blonde girl that is dressed up like him. In the time they catch up, the hurt ones (Lucas and El) try to rest, and heal, while the rest improvise a plan. The tension can be cut in any moment, but everyone try their best to keep calm.
"How can we kill that thing? Is not like last year. Now that thing is in our reality, and it doesn't look like is going to abandon it all of a sudden." Dustin says, coming to an obvious but necessary conclusion.
"If there is still a gate, we just have to close it. What's the difference?" The Wheeler girl joins the conversation, putting always her sensible thoughts on the table
"That last year we didn't have a russian pack trying to kill us" And this is Mike, doing his best not showing any kind of hesitation in the words he uses
"But El can do it. She's fought demodogs, and multiple investigators of the lab. What's the big deal?" The red haired girl is right. They've lived this before. If they won once, why not twice?
"Because El is out of energy. She has just saved our lives and you want to exploit her like she was just a weapon. She's not a machine Max, she's human" another complicated thing about teenagers. Relationships. Mike and El... kind of had one. But let's repeat, what 14 year old children know about? They broke up. They're still friends, sure. But Mike maybe doesn't agree with that
"She's the cure. She can stop the Mindflayer Mike. I know you care about her. But you can't be selfish and save one life instead of tens of them" Nancy speaks again. Always doing what is right. She looks at her little brother with compassion,  looking for some empathy.  A lot of people have died already. They don't want anyone else to pass away.
"You're all out of your mind if you really think Eleven is going to fight that thing"
"What? You don't want your little girlfriend to get hurt huh?" And all the eyes turn to Will, the one who for the first time since they arrived, has opened his mouth
"Will what are you talking about?" Mike lows his voice, as a kind of sign that he sends to his friend to avoid the subject
"Eleven" he starts, standing up from the ground he was sitting on, and moving towards Mike, ignoring the fact that he would've preferred not to talk about that right now "she's the reason that all of this happen, and still Lucas was about to die for saving her and now you just want to throw that away? You don't want to use the chance we have to end this nightmare and is all because, of her? Because you still care about her don't you?" Now both of them are inches apart, the gap between their noses separating them. Mike is more confused than before and doesn't understand at all what this is about
"Of course I care about her. As the rest. We're all friends Will" in spite of his concern, he keeps a low and soft voice, in order to calm the other guy down. But it's worthless
"No Mike! You still love her! Just admit it" And the words Mike was afraid to listen, are said. He enters in panic, not knowing what to answer to his childhood buddy
"Will I- I..."
"You what?!"
"I... I don't..."
"BULLSHIT MIKE! DON'T LIE TO ME! DON'T. LIE. TO ME." mouths are covered with hands. And wide eyes are stuck on them, while they just stay paralyzed. These are the two boys who never fight. Never argue. Never have any kind of... conflict. Now they are in the floor, Mike below Will, being pinned to the ground, by the smaller grabbing him by his shoulders. When the kid realizes about... everything, he gets away, and stand up. Hiding his left hand in his pocket, and lowing his head in completely embarrassment.  "Sorry..." he says once, looking at the audience they were having. "Sorry..." he says twice, looking at Mike with guilt, and helping him to get up too. After that, he exits the building, wanting some fresh air. Now everyone look at Mike. He knows his friend needs him. He wants to know what is really going on, so he just follow Will, and find him lain in the hood of his brother's car, looking at the starry summer night they are having. What a shame they cannot enjoy it properly and they have to watch out with an other-dimensional monster coming for them. Anyways, Mike lies next to Will. And wait for him to break the ice "Sorry... for the show I made inside. I don't know why I said that..."
"It's okay Will. I accept your apologises.  Dont worry. I know you're dealing with a lot so... I kind of get it..."
"...Mike... I... I can't hide this anymore..." the other guy looks at him, again, without getting what he means. But when Will lifts up his sleeve, revealing a huge mark on his forearm. A bite. Starting to darken his veins... Mike's mouth falls open
"How... how long Will?"
"Since yesterday morning I think..."
"When we rescued Lucas and a little thing of those attacked us? You said they didn't get you"
"I didn't want to get attention.  We had others priorities Mike. And we still have. Finish the Mindflayer"
"You... that's why you didn't want to come with us? In case the Mindflayer activated you?"
"Yeah... call me crazy, but I don't want to try to murder my friends. Not again"
"El will help you. There's still time to get that thing out of you"
"And even if there wasn't, we have to know what is first"
"Well first of all is to keep my friends safe and sound. I want you alive. Not just El! Not just Lucas! You too. Of course you too. We've lost enough people. None of mines will get hurt. I swear to god Will-"
"Don't make promises you don't know you're gonna keep"
"... Do you... feel it inside you?"
"Rarely. Imagine having a worm inside your skin. It feels like that"
"Mike I'm dangerous.  For all of you. In any moment that thing will bite my insides and control me. If I'm near you and I do something-"
"Listen to me. You won't. Okay? We will do something to stop that"
"Lucas saved my ass a lot of times in school... yesterday was our time to save his ass... I don't regret about being bitten. I'm just...scared of what's next Mike. I should tell the rest. I should tell my brother in case I don't come back. If I get possessed and-"
"For the sake of god Will stop! S-Stop... you said it. We have other priorities now. Let's save the world for a last time, okay?
"... Will things get back to normal Mike? Will there be a time, in which we'll contemplate this sky, without seeing a shadow watching us?  Trying to kill all of us?"
"Honestly, I don't know. But I hope so... c'mon. We should get in and update the plan... do you... feel good enough for that?" Will just incorporates and nod, giving Mike a half smile.  They both enter back, and gather with the rest
"So here is the final thing. The Russians have this machine, that if we can invert, instead of opening the gate, it will close it" Hopper introduces "Murray, Joyce and Jonathan will come with me. The rest, will be here distracting the Mindflayer while we're figuring out  how that stuff works" they all nodd. El and Lucas are already here. The girl looks at his father with her natural sparkling eyes. "El, you'll use your powers as less as possible. In the moment we'll know  that the gate is getting closed, I will call you, and you'll kill that son of a bitch. Okay? Don't do anything stupid" she smiles, and all of them get to work. First of, they say goodbye to each other... just in case. The typical thing. The adults are gone. And it's up to the kids. Nancy, Steve and Robin are armed.  Lucas without his wrist rocket is not Lucas. Max and Dustin use some Russian weapons they got a few hours before, and then Mike has a revolver.  Will is just... in another world... he knows is coming. His neck is tickling and everything inside him is telling him to throw up
"Guys... he's here..."  Is what he can say. Suddenly, they hear the sound of glass cracking just above them... El and Mike are the ones who look up, and see that the monster, effectively,  is there. 1...2...3. Bum. It falls down, making the entire mall to tremble.  They all look for some kind of hiding place. Divided in different groups, we have: Lucas, Dustin, Max and Steve. Robin and Nance on another one. And behind a fake plant, Will is groaning in pain, trying to contain everything his arm is making him feel like. Mike with him, watching how his friend is starting to fade away
"Will...? How are you feeling?"
"Get away from me... I don't want to kill you Mike"
"I won't ever leave you, okay?"
"You need, now.  Before it-" and he's not able to finish, because a scream echoes in all the zone, everyone jumps out from wherever they are, and see that Eleven is cornered, completely alone, almost being caught. Nance gives it a shot from one side, Lucas from the other. Max runs with El, grab her by the hand, and hide again in a shop. Bullets and rocks fall to the ground. And dribble from Will's mouth too... His head is blurred, so his sight. Mike looks at his neck, and it's completely black and kind of grey. It's completely frightening
"I have to get you out of here"
"Mike, don't be stupid. Go... go with El... protect her"
"Well what about you? I promised there was time"
"There's no fucking time Mike! Hop is going to call in any moment giving El the sign to beat that thing up"
"More reasons to ask El for help. As soon as she heals you, as soon as she-"
"Cut the... bullshit Mike... grab... grab this" Will picks a tape out of his bag, Mike focuses on it, and then realizes "I made it... with all the songs that have left a mark on us... the lyrics... just talk about us really well. I want you to listen to it, okay?"
"No freaking way I'm taking it"
"Mike, take it"
"Take it"
Will don't let me-"
"TAKE IT!... Please Mikey... please..." Mike lets out a gasp, by the name Will have just called him. With a knot on his throat, and watering eyes, he holds the hand which is grabbing the tape
"I won't listen to it without you, you understand?" Will closes his eyes and nod slowly. Mike knows he's losing him, and he doesn't have an idea of what to do...
"MIKE! WILL! DUDES WHERE IS THE-" Lucas and Dustin run towards them, and when they look at Will... they turn to Mike and decide better not to yell at them. "What... happened? What is wrong with Will? Will, hey! Are you there? Will!" Lucas starts shaking the body of his friend "Will! Mike what's up with him?!"
"He... he..." Mike has still difficulties to talk, so Will takes a deep breath, and let it out in once
"I got bitten. The other day, when we were looking for you... don't worry... just grab this cry baby and get out of here" he forces a laugh, then start coughing, and spit black blood. Mike is not the only one scared now "leave me here... I'll be fine... be prepared for the sign"
"Mike... what do you think?" Dustin asks almost knowing the answer
"You two get back there and distract the Mindflayer. Protect El. That's the mission.  I'll stay with Will" the three of them turn to the infected child, groaning again, frowning constantly and biting his lip. "Go now"
"Be careful Mike... you know that's-"
"I know Lucas. I know. Leave" Lucas grabs Will's face with his hands, trying to wake him up, weakly, he opens his eyes again
"Hold on a bit longer okay?"
"We'll come for you buddy"
"I know..." Will's cough is getting worse "I know you will... now do what Mike says" they nod, and crawl back with all the mess that was taking place just behind them "you... you should've gone too Mike..."
"You don't seem to get it... I won't ever leave you. I won't. I won't..."
"I... Mike I can't... please, I don't want to kill you. Leave. Leave Mike."
"No. I'm the leader. And I decide to stay with my best friend of all the times" Will smiles, but start groaning again, at the same time, a huge roar it's heard in the whole Mall. "Wait... if we damage the Mindflayer, we'll hurt you as well "
"Doesn't matter... just... end this. End this Mike. For me"
"MIKE! MEN WE HAVE IT! WE NEED YOU NOW!" Dustin asks for the paladdin
"I promise I'll be right back. Don't move. Okay? I won't last a lot" Will nods with his head, and Mike run with the guys "WHAT IS IT? LUCAS?!"
"But... Will..."
"Hey! Here you have them" Robin appears with the box fool of fireworks. Steve gives his children a lighter and Mike think it twice
"Guys is not a good-"
"THERE IT GOES!" and Dustin throws the first one. Everyone go with them, and with turns, they attack the mindflayer. Every dart it hits the monster, every dart Will is feeling inside him. Mike is devastated... when he comes back to earth, is because the floor trembles again. The monster is K.O. And as they all go to check the walkie talkie and listen to any new of the adults,  Mike runs back with Will. The one who's turned around and standing up slowly. Mike face lights up
" Will... how are you feeling now?" His voice is much more calmed. But when Will face him, Mike's illusion vanishes "Will...?" He has no time to react when he finds himself being attacked by Will "WILL! IT'S ME! IT'S ME! IT'S MIKE! MIKE!"
"Mike...?" His strength lowers
"Yeah, it's me bud. I'm here"
"I'm sorry Mikey... I'm... sorry"
"It's okay, it's okay man... it's okay" in the moment Mike lowers  his back,  Will steal him the revolver Hopper gave him, and place it on his own head "NO!" Mike throws it away, before Will does anything stupid. Then he dodges his possessed friend, though he runs back towards him, but again, Mike is able to throw Will to the ground.
"Kill me Mike... KILL ME!" Those words... get stuck in Mike's mind all of a sudden. Listening to Will saying that... is just something so surreal... but it's real. Everything is. But... why this too? Will stands up quickly, taking a glass from the floor, but before he can use it, Mike knocks him down, just like it happened a few minutes ago in vice versa.
"I know you're still there Will..."
"Who's... who's Will?" This comment takes Mike by surprise, and in advantage of it, the other guy turn him around so now Mike is below Will once more. He starts groaning, and pressing the glass into Mike's chest, he starts to moan too. Then, there it is. The magic word
"MIKE! MIKE! THE GATE IS CLOSING! IT'S EL TIME! MIKE! FINISH IT!" The sheriff's voice order through the device, so the leader take a quickly look at the rest of his friends, circling the monster, with El in the middle. She starts using her powers, and Will falls to the ground
"WILL! Will come on. You can do it. You can do it. Don't go. Don't go. Don't go  don't go don't go DONT GO WILL BYERS DONT YOU DARE TO GO!" Mike now is crying. Hard. He doesn't want to believe it. Again, a quickly look to El. She's now levitating with a stream of blood falling from her nose. The Mindflayer is roaring again, and going back to Will, is having the same effect on him
"M-Mike... let me go... I... if you don't kill me, that thing will. I... I dont want to cause more pain Mike"
"You... you are insane Will Byers. I won't ever hurt you and I'm going to save you, I'm going to save you. We just need El and-"
"El is saving all of you. Nance... was right. Is not worthy to save one single life... knowing you can save tens of them...
"Will I want you to live. To share your life with me... don't... don't you dare to leave... Will... Will c'mon"
"Is over... Mike. I feel it. I feel it killing me from inside... you know that if you use that gun, everything will be alright"
"IF I USE THAT GUN ANYTHING WILL BE ALRIGHT GOD FUCKING DAMN IT WILL!" Will sighs, also crying. El is finishing with the  mindflayer. And before it can possessed him, he looks at the gun, which was a few feet away.  So with the last strength he has, he crawl fast and grab it. But again, Mike is faster "I SAID YOU'RE NOT DYING TO-"
"I wouldn't forgive myself if I don't save you...."
"Save me... Set me free. Stop my suffering Mike. I'm begging. Mike please... Please Mikey please...." Mike looks at Will, barely, because of the amount of tears that are filling his eyes
"I can't... I... can't kill my best friend... you're my everything Will. How the hell am I supposed to do this? I... no...Will.... Will please... don't make me to..."
"...Come... Mike... come here " The guy on the floor, opens his arms, hoping for a hug. Mike runs to him, and help Will to incorporate. They hug each other like they have ever done
" I love you Will..."
"And... I love you too Mike..." in that split second, the revolver is not in Mike's hand anymore, and when the guy can realize about it, the trigger is pulled. Will falls onto Mike shoulder, and say one last thing "thank you for being my friend...."

OH MY FUCKING GOD I'M SOBBING SOMEONE GIVE ME SOME TISSUES😭😭😭😭😭😭 PD: comment if you know in which movie I based this one shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2020 ⏰

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