Happy Thanksgiving

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Mike's POV

-How much left?
-Half of the way yet, Michael. Relax, we will be there in half an hour
-Half an hour still?!
-We could just return to Hawkins and call Nana to celebrate Thanksgiving if that is better for you
-...Fine... I'll shut up. 
-Thank you, jeez...- My sister is a little bit sick of me, it's understandable. But I can't wait! Nance and I are spending the day in New York with the Byers! Yay! All has past... so slow. Hanging out without El and Will is not the same... And I'm not the only one who keep saying it... All the party need them back. It's a shame they couldn't come. Max was supposed to, but she decided better to go to California with her mum and her aunt. Lucas was not allowed to come and neither Dustin, their parents said that "it was too far and it didn't worth for just one day"...Bullshit. Anyways, it's the first time I see Will and Eleven since the moving... Nance could come a few times though, she can drive and she's not working... Lucky of her. Anyways, this time, I'm keeping my promise. I just hope they liked the presents I'm bringing. They deserve that and more, actually... Also, I have been thinking about this thing... That has entered in my head since they left... I don't love El. That's why I couldn't say it back in front of her. What I said in her cabin it's true. I can't lose her again. I can't. But Eleven is my friend. My best friend. We didn't work as a relationship... All was better when we weren't dating... I hope she feels the same during this time we've been separated. Instead, the party started giving me hints about Will. Like if he liked me or something like that. And I'm confused as fuck. I don't know how to react to that... Would it be true? I guess... I did always knew. If I didn't, I wouldn't have told him what I told him in my garage.... What a mess... I have to talk to them. Both of them. I'm so excited to see them!
-Mike? What are you waiting for? Someone to open your door? C'mon! We're almost late. Is here- My sister says out of the car... I've been dreaming awake. Huh. I found ourselves in front of a giant building, with maybe, 30 floors? That's how it seems... Yeah, this is New York...
-Is this the Byers new place?
-No, this is where Jonathan lives. They're celebrating Thanksgiving in his apartment.
-Is it big enough?
-Oh sure it is
-I guess you came here when you visited him
-Yeah, I'm sure you'll like it. But we have to enter first okay?
-Okay. You first- She guides me inside, we pass through reception and get in the elevator. Nancy press the 12 button. I guess that's the floor of Jonathan's apartment. I focus on the rest. As I thought, there are 13 floors more. This place is enormous. I hope Will and El like being here, I would if I were them. The doors open up, and the girl turns to the left, so I follow her. The corridor is long, almost without ending. Maybe I'm just impatient or is just because it's the first time I see a building this huge that is not the school or a hospital, but I just want to speed up and knock the correct door
-Mike calm down you don't know where are you going!
-Sorry... I'm just trying to get there as soon as posible
-Door number 49. It's on the right side of the corridor. You can run now- she smiles at me softly, and I grin at her back
-Thank you!- I start running, and looking at single door. 21...23... Nope. Not yet. God, I want to appear there please! This journey is too long to make it even longer! Still searching. 35...37... C'mon I'm close! Finally at the end, I slow down for a second and stare at a door completely decorated with Christmas stuff. And I see this particular bell made of cardboard that Ms Hawkes made us do in Art class of 5th grade. So yeah, I found it. And my heart is speeding fast. My stomach is turning upside down, and my lips are curving into the biggest smile I could have ever put. I run again, and stop before ringing the doorbell. Nance is here with me, I think I kind of forced her to walk quickly just to follow my pace, but it worth it anyways. We wait, and after a minute, the host opens us
-Hey! You're here! Happy Thanksgiving!- He says and hugs my sister before kissing her just in front of me... How cute
-Yes! And I'm here too!
-Sorry Mike... Welcome! Please come in-  Jonathan lets us in first, and then he closes the door behind him. I take a quickly look at the apartment. All with Christmas lights, and a big fire in the hearth, and obviously a colorful Christmas tree... There are big windows with amazing sights in one side, and a corridor that drives you to the kitchen. I guess the bedrooms are in the other way, just in my right
-Wow Jonathan... This seems amazing!  But I bet you needed help huh?- My sister says still amused by the environment
-Of course he did Nancy, you're talking about my son, how could he do this all by himself?- Joyce appears in a window that connects with the kitchen, she's wearing a red apron and gloves to protect her hands of the heat of the oven
-Hi Ms Byers! Happy Thanksgiving!- she says and runs to her side to give her a tight hug
-Hi sweetie, how a long time... Oh hey there Mike!
-The guys are still at home, they're getting ready, I'm sorry you have to wait for them
-No problem Ms Byers, I'm okay
-How was the journey? Many traffic?
-Not actually, people must be at their houses preparing dinner and that stuff- Nancy shrugs, and return to my side
-But actually it was tooo long
-You're not used to long travels, if you were, the trip would have mean nothing to you, believe me- Jonathan rolls her eyes and sit on a chair
-I guess... Is there anything we can do to help?
-No! You two sit in the couch and relax, my mum and me will take care of everything
-We can't just sit here and watch you two putting that effort for us. Nope. We're putting our bit
-Okay... In that case, Jonathan and Nancy help me here in the kitchen and Michael could you put the cutlery? Is right here come and get it- we listen to the demands of Joyce and follow them. I take all the knives, forks, spoons and napkins necessary for the whole family, and put them on the table. Then I grab some plates, and stack them in the middle of it. I have finished with my part... The adults are focused on the cooking in the kitchen... So this is my chance to investigate and study the place. The living room is huge, I've already realized about that. The kitchen instead is not that big, maybe is like mine or something like that. Let's "get lost" and see the rooms. I sneak out of the view of my sister, and open the first door I come to, I open it, turn on the light to have more clarity, and see a single bed, with an open (and disorganised) closet, and a desk with some books of god knows what. I'm sure this is Jonathan's room. I switch off the light and continue. On the other side of the corridor I find a toilet, and a bit further a room that has a big poster that says: "CAUTION! WAREHOUSE. DO NOT ENTER IF YOU DON'T WANT TO GET HURT". Well I'm not getting in then. Finally, there is this other door, on the same side than Jonathan's, so I open it, and it cracks a bit, I just hope no one listened. I pass in rapidly, and close the door behind me. This time there is enough solar light from outside coming from the window to see. A CD player in a little table, a closet closed, a big bed with a few comics on it, and a desk and floor full of colors. Sure this is Will's. Hmm let's investigate a bit deeper. I hop and sit in the edge of his bed, flicking through the comics he has. Most of them are from X-Men. But there is another from Marvel... He traitor... Then, I decide to lay down, grab a pillow and hug it, like if it was a stuffed animal. When I move the pillow, I see a book. Hmm why would Will hide a book? Interesting. I open it, and see drawings. Drawings, sketches... This is his art book. Well... Another. He used to have one but these is different, I guess he filled the book I knew. As always, Will and his talent is amazing. I love how he express himself with a pencil and a rubber. It's... Wow. I turn a few pages. Until I see this picture... That I recognise. A swing... Yeah I still remember. That's where I asked him to be my friend. I'm glad he hasn't forgotten it. Does this means he miss me? Awe. I miss him too... A lot. We were inseperable... Until the day I started dating Eleven... How curious... I jump off when I hear the door being opened all of a sudden. I turn around, and see who it is
-AH! Wait Mike?
-Mike!- instead of asking what the hell I'm doing in his room, he comes to me and give me a hug, which I instantly reciprocate
-Hey Byers! Finally you came!
-Yeah! Wait. What are you doing in my room?... How did you know this is my room?
-Uh... I was looking for the bathroom... And I ended up here
-Sure... You were just snooping right?
-Uh... Maybe. Sorry
-Well this is not my house so I don't mind that much
-Okay. Glad to hear that.
-Glad to see you here! Mum told us you weren't coming! That you had to stay with your grandma or something like that
-Uh... No? My parents and Holly and staying with her
-Oh. Nice
-By the way, I haven't said nothing about your outfit... You look good Byers- the little Will Byers is wearing a grey t-shirt and black denim jeans that just fit so well with his new hair- where the hell is your bowl cut?
-I left it in Hawkins. New life. New hair... I-is it that bad?
-At all! It's amazing! You look badass boy!
-Thanks... You... Are not bad either
-Oh how funny, come here!- I ruff his hear, completely messing it up
-Stop! Mike is not funny!- I separate, and look at him, he looks like if he had just awaken
-It is! That's much better!- I giggle and he throws a pillow at my face
-Bullshit! That's not true! Agh Mike!
-Ah hah... I'm your guest don't treat me bad or I wont come to see you and your stupid hair again
-You... Didn't just come here for me... You came to see El
-Yeah... Well... That's right. Oh! Where is she?
-I'm here- we turn around, and see the girl dressed up in black flowery dress with a white belt grabbed around her waist. Her hair straight falling of her shoulders
-Hi Mike- I stand up, stop in front of her, and give her a hug
-How many time
-Yeah... We thought you weren't coming
-Well... Here I am... How... Are you?- I said scratching the back of my neck... Why this is umcomfortable?
-I'm... Fine. Happy Thanksgiving
-Oh yeah! Happy Thanksgiving to you too!- I look at both of them. I almost forgot why I am here. And what I brought to them
-How is the rest? They... Couldn't come?
-No... Max is in California and Dustin and Lucas weren't allowed to come
-Let me guess, their mothers thought it was tooo far- Will says, rolling his hazel eyes and putting an arm on El's shoulder
-Yup. I could't have said it better
-Will what is Mike doing in our room?- wait what
-He got lost, he was looking for the bathroom. Chill El
-This is also your room El?
-Yes. That notebook over there is mine. I like drawing things I see in here. It's... Beautiful- let's pretend that didn't hurt
-O-oh... Nice. I didn't know you were into painting
-I taught her, I gave her a few crayons and then she became an artist- Will says, squeezing her cheeks, making the girl blush, and making me freak out
-That's not true! You taught me more things! And thank you
-No problem El. I'll always be for you
-Uh... Guys did I miss something?
-What do you mean?- El tilts her head standing it on Will's chest
-... You get on really well. Don't you?
-Well... Yeah, we live together. We have a lot in common. Why wouldn't we?
-Nothin Will... uh... Let's better go to the living room
-Oh sure! I came to say you two that dinner was already in the table
-Nice! Let's go!- the two of them leave holding hands and I follow from behind... Okay. What the fuck? I can understand that they had to interact more with each other. But I did not expect this. What was that flirting? And the hands thing? And the blushing? Why I do even care?! ... They... Nah. They're not... Nothing. Right? Pfft they're siblings now. Mike think straight please. We sit down with the rest, and Joyce brings the turkey. We all start eating, and catching up with each other. What a nice feeling by the way. It's dessert time and I realize that El and Will haven't stop whispering things to the other
-Hey, what is all the whispering for?
-Oh- El giggles- nothing...
-Yeah... Nothing...-And Will starts laughing too... I go back to my seat and pretend to ignore them. I thought this would be funny, but I'm not... Having too much fun. Will and El are forgetting that I'm here for them! All of a sudden, they stand up and leave
-...Where are they going?
-Is that...-Joyce looks quickly at Jonathan and as soon as he nods, Joyce smiles- oh. Nothing Mike... They... Just need to take something.
-Take something...?- Now, two hands are covering my eyes and  I hear a few laughters behind me
-Will what is this?
-You'll see
-Eleven could you let me see gain?
-Now?... Okay... Yea Mike, 3...2...1...- oh... OH... Awe. They made a present. They gave me a present.
-Guys... You didn't have to...
-Actually, we didn't -Will scratches the back of his neck and blushes a bit
-Joyce and Jonathan bought it. We thought you werent coming so we did not buy you anything at the end.
-But I heard what the guys wanted to do for you so I went shopping and find it- Jonathan speaks, giving a small box to Nancy too
-Jonathan there was no need
-But I wanted to. Open the presents
-Yeah open them!- Will cheers us, and El looks excited.
-Okay. Me first!- I start unwrapping the gift, and when I see what is inside. I'm breathless... They bought me that book I wanted so bad. It is called Metamorphosis, it is from Ovidio. I love it because in literature the teacher told us that this book mixes mithology and history. And it seemed really interesting. Oh my god I still cannot believe that they remembered it!
-Guys how did you know?! I mean I love it! But how did you-
-We never forget a word of what you say Mike
-This was important, and we thought of thanking you for being important to us
-I love you. I love you two with all my heart.- I stand up and hug them. I really miss them. Always. They're part of me
-We know you do dumb oh and- A hand shakes my hair, and I laugh
-Will stop!
-You're going to regret that asshole- he starts running, and I chase him. Just as if we were little kiddos again. I can go after him until he run into a corner, and he's trapped, so I grab his wrists and smirk- I won
-You're hair doesn't say the same- he starts laughing one more time. Did I mention how much I like seeing Will this happy and this cute?
-Well at least I got you so we're in peace
-Yeah?- Some people in the back start clearing their throats. We both look at the table and see Joyce, Jonathan and my sister laughing
-What are you laughing about?- Our siblings, discretely, look up, and point with their index finger to the roof. We follow their instructions, and... No way. Okay. Will and I are just below the mistletoe... Uh... My cheeks burn, and my stomach flops. What... Is happening? I let him go and we separate forcedly
-Uh... Where's that cake your mum was talking about? I'm still hungry
-I-in the table. Let's go back- we return to our seats, and El stares at us confused
-What... Happened?
-That is a mistletoe- Jonathan starts
-And that plant is normally hang up on the roof, so the people who stand below it, have to kiss. It's a Christmas tradition- Nancy continues the explanation
-Oh. So Mike and Will had to kiss?
-Yes sweetie, that is what the tradition says- Joyce smiles
-Guys why didn't you follow the tradition?- I choke in my drink and Will looks at her with wide eyes, she only laughs and winks at Will. What in the world?
-Uh... B-because we're not a couple El. W-we are not dating. Jonathan and Nance can do that. Not...us
-Ooh... Okaay- that tone sounds suspicious. It's about minutes what it cost us to forget about the recent situation and we begin eating Joyce's cake. It was delicious. When we finish, the three of us go to Will and El's room while the others tidy up. It's my turn to thank them for everything they have done for me
-I have something for you two too
-You have? Wow Mike spending money, El be careful this is not normal- he sticks his tongue out and I hit him in his arm
-Shut up! I wanted to have a detail! And to thank you
-What is it?- El asks curious. And I pick their surprises from under the bed.
-The yellow one is for Will, and the red for you El
-Thank you Mike! Can we open them?
-Sure, go ahead- El quit the wrapper and discovers a new walkie talkie. Until now, he had to use Jonathan's old one and it was terribly difficult to comunicate with her, so I bought El her own walkie talkie. Last model by the way
-This is a walkie talkie? For me?
-Yeah El. For you... Thank you for being such an important person in my life through this last years... You mean... So much to me... Even though we don't work as a couple... We can work as good and close friends right?
-Yeah... I agree... Thanks Mike. I'm thankful for having you too...- we join in a hug... What a relief we're fine...
-EL! COULD YOU COME HERE FOR A SECOND PLEASE?- Joyce calls her from the kitchen
-COMING! SEE WHAT MIKE HAS BOUGHT TO ME!- El leaves the room running, and now is just Will and I
-Aren't you gonna open it?
-What if this is a trap? Is there any joke inside or something? I see you completely capable of doing it
-Of course not! C'mon Will trust me on this one! You're my best friend aren't you?
-Y-yeah. I am. If I see something suspicious Michael I swear to god I'll throw you through the window
-C'mooon open it already!- I giggle and he starts shaking the box. Trying to figure out what can be on the inside. Then he pull of the ribbon that cover the box, and after that he take the wrapper off. And his opened mouth and shinny eyes tell my he loves it
-M-Mike... This... Is a camera
-I know...
-... One of the fanciest... A-nd it is for me...?
-Yeah, it is for you. For the most important person for me in the whole fucking world
-Mike... Thank you... B-but why? This costs a fortune. I don't even worth that much
-Sure of that? You were my first friend. You were always for me, you have been always by my side... You trust me like you trust no one else in the world. And you think about me like you think about no one else. Do you know how special do I feel with you?- Did I... What... Uh. That only came out of my heart... That is what I feel. But my brain don't understands it... What is this warm feeling that fills my chest and redden my face? And... Why Will looks at me as if he could read my mind and copy my actions?
-Mike... D-do you know... What you have said?
-Uh... G-good question...
-Di-did you mean what you said?
-Y-yes. Of course yes. I-it is how I feel it... How... I feel us... Don't you feel the same?
-I don't know how do you feel... I don't know what those feelings mean to you... But for me...- Will sighs and stare at me firmly- Mike...
-Hey! Will! A camera! Mike you're awesome!- Eleven comes back. Not in the right moment. But she comes
-Y-yeah! That is what I was telling him! Thank you Mike!
-Y-you're welcome!
-...Are you okay?
-Okay? We're great El. Don't worry about us
-Okay... If you say it Mike...
-By the way El what did mum want?
-Oh she just needed me to help to clean the dishes, Jonathan and Nancy were in the couch talking... And... Maybe making out... I didn't pay atention to them- we both laugh
-Jonathan is reaally patient when we talk about my sister
-Oh yeah sure Nancy is reaally smooth when she's with my brother
-I guess it is from family- I joke and shrug
-What do you mean?! I'm not impatient!
-And I'm really subtle!
-Then why the fuck did you say that is from family?!
-I don't know! I was messing around!
-Guys! Enough
-Okay... Sorry El
-No problem.
-Hey sis could you play music please?
-Sure! Can I play David Bowie's? I like that one!
-Fine!- El puts carefully the CD in the player and Starman begins to sound. We look at each other, Will and I stand up from the bed, and start dancing to the lyrics. Having fun... Laughing... Dancing... Singing to Bowie... Best Thanksgiving ever. But... As all the good stuff... All has an end. And the end is now
-MIKE?! MIKE?!- Nancy yells, because of the loud music
-Wait what?
-It's time. I can't drive til midnight. We have to go back home...
-No... Not yet Nance please
-Sorry Mike, I promised mum. That was the condition you could come with me remember?
-Mike... Will you visit us again?
-Of course El. Maybe in New Years Eve. I want to come back
-Okay... Good bye Mike. Good bye Nance- the girl hugs us. And then go to the bathroom
-Will... I-
-I know. You have to go. Let's... Let's talk tomorrow at 12:35 with the guys? Is that okay?
-... Nance I need a second
-I'll wait for you in the elevator. Don't last too much- she says as closing the door of the bedroom behind her
-I don't want to go
-I don't want you to go
-Do you like me, Will?- Cards on the table. That question has been spinning around my mind months... And I need an answer... Because I have something to say
-... I don't want you to be mad at me
-I wont. Ever... But... Is it true?
-... Yes Mike... I-I do... Since that day in the swings... Since we have memories together... Sorry...
-Sorry, what are you sorry for? I-I... I do feel it too... Will. And now I realize about it... I like you back Will
-You are saying it because you feel shame for me
-No Will no. Is not like that. What I said before it's true. I wouldn't lie to you and you know it
-Mike...- he runs to me and hug me. And I hug him back... I don't want him to separate from me... Not now...
-Thank you for waiting so long...
-Thank you for liking me back
-Thank my sister for closing the door
-Wait what- Without thinking, I raise his chin with my finger and lean myself in... Until Will starts doing the same, and our lips connect. Wow... I would never expected this. But I love it... And it's a shit thst I have to leave... But at least I solve this problem...
-I knew you weren't smooth
-And I knew you weren't patient. I saw how you stared at me in the livingroom with the mistletoe thing
-Excuse me? You were the one who cornered me just below it!
-Yeah..  of course Byers... Sure of it
-You stupid Wheeler!- he gives me a cute peck, that gets me by surprised but then I grin on it
-I... Have to go...
-Come soon... Please
-Just to see you... But don't tell Eleven- I joke and wink at him, as I get closer to the door and open it, finding the girl just listening from the corridor
-I know you love me as a friend so you'll come back because of me too. Are you... A thing?
-Uh... Will?
-Chill, she knew.
-Did you?!
-Yes. He told me a few months ago
-Oh... Could you believe I thought you have something? Now it sounds crazy
-Will and I..?
-Yes! At the beginning you were just holding hands, and laughing with each toher, and flirting... And
-Mike were you jealous...?- Will smirks and El laughs, making me blush of how right this time Will was
-Shut up! Of course not! How could you-
-Mike! I told you to hurry up!- Nancy calls me once again
-Coming! Well... Now it's time... See you two soon...
-Yeah... See you soon Mike
-Good Bye El, good... Good bye Will
-Bye! Oh and
-Happy Thanksgiving!- I smile, as we say this at a time. Finally, Nance and I leave the apartment... Then the building... And then New York...
-How what the night? Did you have fun?
-Yeah, I missed my best friends
-What's up with Will and El?
-Well... El is my friend. We're better like that
-And Will?
-... What we have always been Nance. What we have always been... Thanks for bringing me with you
-Thanks for being a good brother afterall
-Do you think mum would be upset?
-Nah I dont think so, anways, I'll blame the traffic and that's all
-Good idea
-Yeah, better than telling her about your secret huh?
-Yeah, your love for books. Eleven told me you were reading something with Will
-S-sure... Yeah
-Try to sleep Mike. The journey is still long
-I'll try... Good night Nancy
-Good night Mike... And happy Thanksgiving

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