Together forever? -Yeah, together for ever

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Mike's POV

YAY! FINALLY! THE BEST NIGHT OF THE YEAR HAS COME! TODAY IS HALLOWEEN! AND WE'RE ALL TOGETHER! THE WHOLE PARTY! ISN'T IT AWESOME?! El, Will (who came just for the festivity) Lucas, Dustin... and Max. And no danger. A normal, spooky, and awesome Halloween. As it has always been. I'm looking for the costume I'm going to wear this year, by the way, I'm gonna dress up like Han Solo, and the rest of the party: Lucas as Obi Wan Kenoby, Will as Luke Skywalker and Dustin like Chewbacca. The girls instead said it was a surprise. Who could understand? Anyways, I pick the clothes, put them on, look at the mirror and smile. It looks cool. And I love Star Wars, not us much as Ghostbusters but we don't want the incident of last year to happen again. So, my mum gives me some money, and when I'm about to leave, I hear the doorbell. A group of four little children dressed up like characters of D&D. Especifically talking, our characters: there was a Cleric, a Paladin, a Ranger and a Bard. How many memories are going through my mind now

-Treak or Treat!- the one with the same costume as my old role speaks
-Uh hey! You want some candies, don't you?- I say after coming back of my thoughts, the boys nodd. So I run to the kitchen, take the bowl full of sweets and offer it to them. How joy for picking some sugar... I remember it. The kids go to another house, and I close the door.
-Still nervous for Halloween Mike?- Nance says behind me, looking like a zombie cheerleader.
-Of course Nancy, that was it- I roll my eyes and leave the bowl back where I found it
-What are you going to do? Are you going Treak or Treating?
-No! We're old for that! We'll meet in castle Byers, tell some scary tales, and watch a movie
-What a plan...- I get the sarcasm in her tone, and I huff
-At least I have something! What about you? Going to that party to get drunk and make out with Jonathan? That's not even related to Halloween! You do that every single weekend!
-Sure? Why do I look like this then?- she says referring to the appearance
-Like what? Is the same of always- I joke, laugh, and start running as I see Nancy coming to me a bit agressively
-Asshole! Take that back!
-Nope! Catch me if you can!- I go downstairs and lock the door, now I'm safe
-I'll tell mum to order you to be back at seven!
-Try that, Joyce is more convincing than you!
-Fuck you Michael!
-Yeah whatever...- Beep beep. I hear that sound coming from the basement, so I go down, and look for the walkie-talkie
-Mike here! Who's there?
-Dustin talking, when are we going to your place Byers?
-Whenever you want. Max has been here for the past fifteen minutes- Will is in the frecuence too
-Yeah? I'm finishing with the costume, I'll pick Dustin up and then we'll go
-Catch that, Mike? What about you? Are you coming?
-Yes Will, give me ten minutes and you'll have me in the door
-Okay, see you, over
-Bye!- And with that, I exit the house and take my bike to ride to my friend's. I see children all around. No matter where I look, there are a lot of people wearing silly, or amazing costumes. Away of distracting myself, I speed up and finally, get there. I knock twice and Joyce opens up
-Hey Mike! Great costume! Did you agree to wear the same or...?
-Yeah, this year it was Star Wars topic
-Cool! Come in, Will is in his room and the girls are in the bathroom
-Okay... Ms Byers how did you come back here?
-Oh, I never sold the house, I just asked for a loan to buy the new one in Maine
-But that's not as fun as watching a scary movie with your friends, so enjoy the afternoon!
-Thank you!- I make my way and stop in front of Will's old room.
-Will? I'm here!- I wait a few seconds, and then the door opens
-Han Solo...- he smiles, looking at me
-What's up Skywalker? Ready to become a Jedi or what?- I laugh and give him a hug. Gosh I missed him so much
-Maybe another day, tonight I have plans
-Could I know them?
-Scary tales, a movie, candy... What else to have a great Halloween evening right?
-You're right. Wow do you know what?
-Tell me- we walk inside, and sit in the edge of his bed, while I start telling him the big coincidence with those kids
-Four little boys came to my house, you know, treak or treating and that stuff, and you wont believe
-What? That they were dressed up like characters of D&D?
-... I've just lost all the illusion- he spoilt my story! It's not funny if he knows the ending! Wait  a minute- How did you know?
-Surprisingly, the game is very popular now. We made tendence or something like that, and now children love it. It's... Like super satisfying
-Yeah, I understand the feeling. I saw them in front of me and they remembered me of us a few years ago
-You talk like an old odd man, did you know that?
-Stop! It's true! We're not- I wont say that again. Not after the fight we had in summer. I don't want Will to be sad or mad at me. Not now
-kids anymore? I know. We've grown up. But admit that in your deepest you were dreaming about being those kids for a moment- Will seems so different. He speaks different. And... His look is different. Good different. But different. I think he notices how do I stare at him maybe a little too much, and clears his throat, making me come back to earth, a bit embarrased- is everything okay Mike?
-Y-Yeah, it was that... You... You look changed
-Do I?- I nod quickly- Well... Max told me the same. And my mum thinks I've matured.
-You? Have matured? Will Byers? Please let me laugh
-No! Of course I'm not letting you laugh asshole!- he giggles and punch me lightly on my arm
-Hey! Okaay. Wow you also swear. Proud of you man
-... How's the life... Out of Hawkins? Have you made some new friends in high school? Is your new house as good as this one?
-Well... Yeah I have this friends from Art. They're really cool. You and the guys would like them
-Would we?
-Yeah, they're Nick and Jess. They both like Art as much as me, and Jessica has a twin who is really friend with El
-I'm really glad... But I have to ask...
-Do you like that Jessica?- I look at him with a smirk, and he blushes a bit, but looks at me with displeasure
-Ew! No Mike! I-I don't like her at all! S-she's just my friend!
-Then why did you blush?
-Jess and Byers sitting in a tree...- I start singing that stupid thing from kindergarten, but it seems like Will enjoys it so I continue
-Mike c'mon shut up! I don't like her!
-Sure of that? Oh Will I'm your best friend! I want to know!
-Why what?
-Why do you want to know? Is that important to you?
-Well is related with you so yeah care?- I smile, and see the Will I knew. The insecure and cute one.
-Of course. I always care about you
-T-thanks for that...- Will turns to the floor, with a grin on his face, and his cheeks redder than before. I don't understand, but I accept it
-Are... You going to answer me?
-Actually I prefer to avoid that... I mean, if that's okay
-Uh... Sure. Anyways, tell me how's your life going. Living in Maine, with El... And that
-Well... Maine is a small town. Like Hawkins. It's easy to get used to it, but of course is not my home.
-I can get that, you had never gone out of Hawkins before did you?
-Nope. I was born here, raised up here... And now I'm gone...
-Hey... You're not... Gone. You're part of here. And you will always be.
-Thanks Mike. It's good to hear that
-No problem... And what with El?
-She's... Sad. I mean, I love living with her, I have had the chance of meeting El correctly, and now I consider her like my real sister. It's so comforting to know that someone knows what you have been through. No offense Mike! You know I trust you the most...  But it's not the same
-Yeah... I understand... So she's still sad for Hopper?
-And her powers... They vanished. But I know she will get them back
-I hope she'll get them back...
-Yes... And what's up with you guys?
-Nothing new. Lucas and Max are still a thing. I think they haven't broken up since summer
-Wow this time will last?
-I guess so
-And Dustin?
-Thanking him, we have the arcade reserved for one hour and a half over the whole year
-What?! That's insane! How did he do it?!
-Steve works there
-That explains all
-Yup. Beside that, I think I don't forget nothing
-What about you? And high school?
-Well... I'm okay. It's hard and weird without you two with us but... I'm trying to do my best
-What are you studying this year?
-Science, of course
-You still want to be a writter?
-Not anymore. I've thought of it lately... And Mr Clark says that I have manners to be a teacher. And I'm considerating it
-You as a teacher?! Mike you don't have patience to put up with your sister, how would you tolerate a class full of children?
-Hey! I'm really sensible! And good comunicator. At least... That's what he said...
-And it's true, but you have to be more calm in that way
-I'll try... Where are Eleven and Max?
-Max said they have to do something with make up... Girls stuff. I'm not allowed to enter to ask so I stood here waiting for you
-Nice.... Nothing has changed right?
-I hope not... I just want to be back. And go to school with the party, and hang out with you... But things change. And we must accept it
-Sure. That's how life works... Oh is El studying with you?
-Yes, she is. She's pretty smart. But... It takes her time to catch it all
-So she's studying Art?
-No, she's in Literature and Language class.
-Woah. And how is she going?
-You better ask her yourself, later
-Yeah it makes sense
-Uh... Mike
-Do... Do you still love her?
-... I don't know. This time without her... I missed El. But not us much as I thought I would. I don't have that feeling that I had last year when she was with Hopper but we didn't know it. Maybe because of that, because I didn't know if she was okay, even alive. But now that she's safe. With you, and "happy", that worrying dissapear.
-This summer we went too far. And I learnt something, and is that I can't control her all the time. It's toxic in a relationship. And it doesn't help...
-Lucas's advice?
-Yup. Why were you asking?
-Just... Curiosity. I think she doesn't love you either. She doesn't have that dependance on you anymore. She obviously misses you. But... I don't know. You should talk
-Maybe I should... Maybe later. I like to talk with you Will. You always know what to say
-Not always... Believe me
-It doesn't matter if you like your friend. You know that right?
-I told you to avoid it!- Suddenly, he throws a pillow to my face, and after I can realize, he throws me another one. I laugh, and throw them back to Will. And this is how a pillow fight starts. One against the other.
-Tell me the truth!
-It's not fair! I told you about El!
-It's not the same!
-Why is not the same?!
-Because-!- We hear the door cracks, and we turn around to see all of our friends with a confused gaze on us
-Guys...? What are you doing?- Lucas asks
-N-nothing! A pillow fight- Will answers quickly
-And Mike why are you on Will's top? - uh... Good question El. I haven't noticed until now that the boy is below me, and in a split second I get off of him and join the rest
-Pillow fight huh? You were shouting! We thought you were killing each other!- Max exclaims, with an orange costume of a witch, I turn to El, and she's wearing the same but instead of orange, purple.
-Well, it just happened. Nothing important
-Sure of that...Byers! Are you coming here or not?
-Yeah Dustin, I'm going. Give me a minute- Will is still lain on the bed... What has gotten into him?
-You alright dude?
-S-sure... Just...- he takes a deep breath, and I hear El laughing from behind when Will jumps out of the mattres, walking to our side- Okay! I'm back!
-Yay! Big time again buds!- Dustin opens his arms and we all join in a hug. This is the best feeling ever. After a while, we all seperate and wait for something to happen
-So... What about now?- The orange witch questions
-Let's go to castle Byers and start with the story tales!
-W-wait! ... We can't go there...- Will interrupts me, and we all look at him- Castle Byers was destroyed in summer... It doesn't exist anymore...
-When did that happen?- this time is Dustin, and then I remember that when we fought, it was raining, and we found Will next to castle Byers... With a bat in hand... Was it because of me?
-It doesn't matter. I'm going to pick some candles and torches to make some environment here
-I'll go with you Will
-Thanks El, the rest, sit down and wait- so, both of them leave, and as we're said, we sit down in a circle, leaving to spaces for them in both of my sides, so as: Max, Lucas and Dustin are in front of us.
-So they're finally back! Did anyone else notice about Will's change?
-Yup. In this case you're right Dustin. And that is good! At least he's happy
-Yeah but Max, he's still bad. He's out of his comfort zone! It must be hard for them
-Anyways, he's our friend and we have to support him- I agree with Lucas. We can't remember them that we'll miss them so much, it will put them sad. And it's not the idea

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