"I wouldn't do that to you my little ray of sunshine you," Michael excites, while reacquainting himself with his spot next to Naila.

Naila giggles slightly turning her head in Michael's direction. "You okay Michael?"

"Yes girl! Why wouldn't I be?"

"Well you have this sudden burst of energy..." she pauses to find her words. "Almost like excitement—yeah that's the exact word. Excitement."

"I just love you... you know that right?" Michael asks.

Naila smiles wide hearing those three words come out of his mouth. It wasn't his first time and certainly not his last. He meant it more than a friendship, he meant it with every fiber in his bones. And though Naila didn't know that, she always enjoyed the thought of him meaning it more than a friendship—because she meant it more than just a friendship...

"I know Michael and I love you too," Naila blushes unknowingly, but Michael takes notice.

"So... the project," Naila breathes.


"Michael we're up next," Naila whispers nervously. "How do I look?"

It was finally time for them to present their project in front of the class. Of course they were the last students to present. They had spent the rest of the night finishing the project—both crashing on Naila's floor at four in the morning. Then having to wake at seven to get ready for school. They were both exhausted, but as soon as the teacher called their name to be next it all suddenly went away.

"Ba— Naila you look amazing, as always," Michael breathes taking a good looking at Naila's outfit.

Naila stood tall in her black slacks that hugged her curves tightly and her white turtle neck with her brown scarf.

"I bet you look amazing too," Naila smiles, to ease her emotions.

Michael looks down at his white button up and and black jeans. He made sure his hair was picked out properly that morning with the help of Janet.

"Yeah I guess I look okay," he chuckles.

"Okay up next we have Naila and Michael," Mr. Miller announces.

All heads turn to Naila and Michael as Michael helps Naila to the front of the class. As Naila stands and waits Michael goes back to gather their data and other things they needed for their presentation. Once done he stations himself right next to Naila and clears his throats.

"Of those of you that don't know even though we're four weeks into school already," Michael says, earning snickers from around the class, "I'm Michael."

"And I'm Naila," Naila smiles. "Today Michael and I are presenting our project on comparing different vocal ranges."

"So there are six different voice types and we gathered four different people for each voice type. This was just to see if there is a distinct difference between the people in the groups and also to hear the differences in each of the six different voice types," Naila explains confidently, Michael standing back letting her take control. This was her expertise.

"Now we are going to play a video we put together of the different people and voice types," Michael says, then signals for the lights to go off. He pushes play on the remote and the video begins.

Throughout the whole video Michael didn't even watch. He had watched about one hundred times before sending it to Mr. Miller—so that wasn't his focus. His focus was his nerves that were building up about what he was about to do. His focus was the criticism he may face. But most of all his focus was Naila. What she would think—

The video stops and the class erupts in a series of claps and whistles.

"Wow that was amazing you guys... but we have a problem." Mr. Miller winks at Michael and Michael nods. "You all are missing one more tenor."

Naila gasps, then whispers, "Michael I thought you said it was finished."

"It is Naila don't worry yourself girl," he whispers back and smiles, seeing her panic. For some reason this made him calm—because that's just how they worked. They both couldn't panic, one had to be the calm one.

Michael nods to Mr. Miller and suddenly a tune begins playing throughout the room. Naila's ears perk at the melody, it being a soft and beautiful one to her. What she heard next almost had her falling to the floor.

"People always stare at us when we're together, cause we laugh and joke and always have a ball," Michael sings to her while looking at the class—still presenting his project, he was the project.

"We're friends and that makes us so much better... we respect each other too I was lucky the day that I found you..."

Naila stands frozen, mouth slightly agape at the mere fact that Michael was singing. It wasn't like he had an ordinary voice either—his voice was nothing like she'd ever heard before.

Michael's brothers vocals came in singing, "Heaven knows I love you girl," with Michael singing along.

"I've never felt this way before... each day I love you more and more and more..."

Michael ends it there and it's like the whole class was in awe. After what felt like a whole minute but was only about ten seconds, the class finally clapped and some students even stood up for Michael.

"That was great Michael, I didn't know you could sing like that. Both of you amazing project. I'm going ahead and giving you your A on the spot. That's how you close out a series of projects."

"Thank you Mr. Miller and thank you class, I hope you all enjoyed our project as well."

Michael and Naila get to their seats and as soon as they reach it Naila reaches over and pinches his arm.

"Aow Naila what was that for?" Michael whisper-winces.

"For letting some stupid boys stop you from singing," Naila hisses. "Michael your voice is heavenly."

"Now I think that's a tad bit overboar—"

Naila immediately cuts him off stating, "Don't you dare say it's overboard Michael. You could literally be a professional."

Michael's eyes widen but he completely shrugs the thought away. "So what would you like to do after school? Do we stop hanging out since we're done with our project?"

"We're going to revisit that professional convo another time mister. Yes, we can hang out but you're singing me more songs, so you better be ready."

Michael groans... but internally he was happy. The one person who's opinion actually mattered to him, made him feel on top of the world—like he could conquer it. All because of Naila...

Wow wow wowwwww it's been a cool minute. Ngl I've missed you all and I truly sincerely apologize for the long hiatus I took. I was lacking inspo but I've finally found it. I also missed Naila and Michael. They're my babies😊... more to come from my babies for y'all.

To be continued...

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter! More to come ;)

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