~Chapter 20~

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TW// Death

I realized that this is a serious topic that can be very triggering to most people so read at your own discretion. I am actually going to be putting a lot of these now during what may be triggering moments because I realize a lot of my readers may be going through these things. If you are please know that you are not alone ❤️

Also... in the chapter before last I made the scene of Naila in the hospital 1 week earlier but now it's changed to 2 weeks earlier until that event. I have to add more spicy stuff before we get to that moment where we say goodbye to our main character😢. Okay enjoy ❤️



Rocking herself back and forth on her bed Naila repeats the words, "I didn't even get to say goodbye..."

Almost like it was a mantra she says it over and over and over again. For the past six days, that was the only sentence that could come out of her mouth. The first day after she'd found out the news it was hard getting her to eat any food because her nerves were so bad she threw it up.

"I didn't even get to say goodbye... I told her I'd see her later..."

That was another sentence she'd add in every once in a while to remind herself that she let her pain and attitude take over that night. She was supposed to stay in that hospital room by her grandmother's side—but she didn't. Instead she went home bottling up everything inside, lashing out on the only person who was willing to carry the load of pain she so desperately wanted to hold onto. That night after Michael left her room she had an odd feeling—the exact same one she had when Rosalina told her she loved her. She just knew something wasn't right...

So the next morning when Crystal calmly stated that their grandmother passed in her sleep, Naila knew her intuition was correct. Her only response to the news that morning was... 'But Crystal I didn't even get to say goodbye...'

Since that moment, she has yet to shed so much as a single tear—only allowing the couple of sentences to continue to spew out of her mouth.

When Michael found out he was quick to try and be her source of comfort. But this time she didn't want it or anyone else's for that matter. She only allowed Crystal to bring in her food but that was it. No one other than her was allowed into Naila's room.

Crystal walks into Naila's room with her breakfast on a tray and a stack of papers in another. "Good morning Naila," she greets walking in a little further. Crystal winces at the sight of Naila still rocking back and forth on her bed. She steps closer scrunching her nose at the odor radiating from Naila due to her hygiene negligence. "Sis you need to get in the shower..."

To her surprise Naila responds, hoarsely, "I don't want to do that Crystal."

"Do you know how much it's hurting me and the people around who love you the way you're acting? You're not the only one who lost her Naila! I lost her as well as grandpa but everyday we're still moving still trying try organize and finalize things for the funeral tomorrow. We are still living!"

Naila exhales, not really putting up much of a fight says, "Okay Crys I'll go get in the shower."

Crystal lets a light helpless smile touch her lips as she stands up to go get the shower started. When she returns she grabs the tray of food from Naila's bed placing it gently in her arms. "I'm going to take your food downstairs with me to sit in the microwave so when you're done you can heat it up."

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