~Chapter 14~

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(Don't listen to the video until it says to within the chapter :) )


"So you're telling me that you know nobody that can sing?" Naila asks Michael.

School was over and they were now in the library working on their project. Michael has his pencil ready to write while Naila ponders different ideas.

"No I don't know anyone that can sing Naila. Everyone that I hang out with is into sports. Then there's you and well..."

Michael pops one of Naila's grapes in his mouth when a question pops into his head. "Naila do you sing?"

"Yes I sing," she responds nonchalantly. Without a doubt Naila could sing. Naila enjoyed singing though she didn't do it often. One thing about Naila is she wasn't scared to sing—it's just no one ever asked her.

Michael squints his eyes. "Don't you think that information would've been helpful for this project miss?"

"You never asked mister," Naila mocks giggling. "But I'm not going to sing for this project."

"Okay, that's fine. But will I ever get to hear you sing?"

Naila quirks a brow. "Will I ever get to hear you sing?"

Michael groans then mumbles, "The second time in the same day."

"Okay I'll drop it but I'm not singing until you sing Michael."

"Okay let's make a deal." Michael begins and Naila sits up in her seat—excitement beginning to ensue. "You sing first and I'll sing after."

"Really?" Naila smiles, starting to pack up her things. "Okay I have the perfect place."

"Naila what are you—girl we have a project to start! We are probably farther behind and we're supposed to be Mr. Miller's 'smartest kids'."

"Hmm he said that?" Naila pauses from her cleaning.

Michael begins packing his things as well responding, "Yes he told me that a couple of days ago."

"Well his smartest students will be able to finish their project and get an A by the time of the due date."

"Naila where are you going?"

Once Naila is all packed up she grabs her cane and stands. "We are going down to the music room."

Michael places his back pack on his back and grabs Naila's hand, leading them to the music room. Students weren't allowed in the music room unless a teacher was around. But Naila didn't care—and Michael? He was just enjoying his time with Naila.

When they got to the room the lights were on and the door was open, but no one was inside.

"You're so lucky no one is in here," Michael says to Naila as they walk in. "Is there something you'd like me to do?"

Naila smiles, ready to sing for Michael. "Just take me to the piano please."

Michael's eyes widen, "Don't tell me you know how to play the piano Nai."

He helps Naila sit on the bench at the piano and she feels the keys. She lets out a deep sigh becoming familiar with them since its been a while.

"My dad taught me how to play when I was younger," she begins as Michael sits next to her. He places his hand on her thigh giving her a comforting rub and she places her hand on top of his. "He taught me every key and its importance. I only played once after my parents died," she shivers and Michael squeezes her thigh.

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