"Is that so? And where might your Granny live?" Discord asked greedily licking his lips and stroking his beard with his claw.

"A good fifteen-minute walk from here. Her house stands under a few big apple trees in a small clearing on the other side of the forest. You can't miss it."

"You don't say! I'll be sure to keep that in mind. And your Granny, does she live alone?"

"Yeah, she does. That's why I have to hurry and get to her house before sunset. Nobody else is there to look after her. Plus, she could really use some company."

"I'll bet she could," Discord said, nodding his head.

Then an evil thought suddenly formed in the Draconequss's twisted mind. He smiled a mischievous grin at the rabbit.

"You know, Little Cream, there are still plenty of hours left on this beautiful day. What's your hurry?" He asked slyly.

"My mother told me not to leave the path or talk to strangers," Little Cream said. Discord snarled at her under his breath. "Sorry, Mr. Discord, but I really should get going now."

Discord paused and pondered over his situation, trying to think of a plan to stall Little Red Cream as he watched her trot away with her basket of treats in tow. His mouth watered and his stomach grumbled loudly. He hadn't eaten in several days, but he knew he had to wait for the precise moment to pounce.

"A little rabbit as sweet as that would make a perfect, delectable little morsel and would taste so much better than the older rabbit," he said to himself, licking his lips and smiling wickedly. "I'll have to be smart and catch them both. But how am I going to do that?"

And soon enough, Discord had figured out a clever yet sinister plan to distract the rabbit in red.

"Little Red Cream, wait!" Discord called before teleporting in front of the rabbit, who cried out in fright. "How much do you love your Granny?"

"A whole bunch," Little Cream said, curiously looking back at the draconequus. "Why?"

"Look over there," Discord said, wrapping his paw around the rabbit's shoulder and pointing a claw at a grove of flowers. "I just thought that maybe your Granny might like some lovely flowers. Oh! And have you not noticed the sun shining? Or even the birds singing their songs? It's such a beautiful scene, don't you think so?"

"I guess. It is really pretty... But no. My mother said not to..." Little Cream said before being cut off.

"Now I understand you don't want to disobey your mother, but I'm certain she won't mind if you take just a little while longer. Like I said before, the sun won't set for hours and you know perfectly well what flowers are like for picking up the spirits when you're sick."

A sly grin spread across Discord's face as he spoke and looked at Little Cream. While looking at the flowery meadow and listening to the birds' song. Little Red Cream's eyes brightened and she smiled a wide grin.

"You know what? You're right! I bet Granny would love some flowers!" Little Cream exclaimed.

"Then it's settled. Mustn't dilly dally now, my dear," Discord chuckled, gently shoving the rabbit towards the meadow with the end of his tail. "Granny will want a nice big, fresh bouquet. And be sure to give my best wishes to your Granny. I do hope she tastes... Oh! I-I-I-I mean...feels better soon."

"Gotcha. Bye-bye, Mr. Discord," Little Cream said with an innocent smile as she waved goodbye.

"Goodbye, little one. And take your time," Discord replied, slowly waving goodbye back.

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