Rob o' the Hedge of Mercia

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Once upon a time, in a grand forest called Deerwood, there was a hedgehog that everybody called Rob. Everyone who knew of this hedgehog knew that his target was injustice. Legend has it that Rob was once a wealthy hedgehog, but he turned to an outlaw in order to help the poor and depressed people of the land of Mercia. Rob lived in the Deerwood Forest with a band of freedom fighters who were all dedicated to helping the poor survive the cruelty of the rich. The kingdom was in very bad shape. The wise and benevolent King and Queen had been captured overseas and held for ransom. While they were away, the 'fat cats' had taken over. So it was up to Rob to help when no one else would.

One day, an extravagant and expensive-looking carriage was riding through the Deerwood Forest when Rob spotted them. He jumped in front of the carriage, refusing to budge.

"Halt! Stand and deliver!" he shouted.

"Here now, peasant," a black cat said as he stuck his head out the window. "How dare you stop me? I am Lord Pete."

"And I am a simple forester," said Rob, approaching the carriage doors, "who demands that you pay a fair toll for passing on my highway."

Pete exited the carriage and said with a sneer, "We have no time for such foolishness. Kill him. And do press on. It's nearly nightfall..."

The moment he said that, Rob took out his bow and shot an arrow at the cat's robes inside of the carriage door. Pete stared in disbelief at the hedgehog standing before him.

"Perhaps I didn't make myself clear," the hedgehog scoffed with a smirk. "I am Rob o' the Hedge. Now let's try this again. Why don't you tell me how much money you're carrying and we'll agree to a fair toll. Be honest with me and I'll be fair with you."

"We are just a few poor pilgrims, making our way towards the next town," stammered the cat. "All of the money we have we carry in this little purse."

He tossed a small leather brown bag at Rob's feet and picked it up, inspecting it curiously. He raised an eyebrow at Pete.

"Really..." he said. "Well, if you are a poor pilgrim, I'll double your money. But if you're lying, you lose everything. Oh, Amy!"

A pink hedgehog with a bob hair cut and red dress and green eyes suddenly appeared next to one of the guards.

"Search the carriage, will you?" Rob said.

"Right away," replied Amy.

"I'm afraid I can't allow that!" Pete said nervously.

"Did you hear that, guys?" Rob asked. "He says he can't allow it. What say you?"

It was then that a few more people who were hiding in the forest raised their bows and aimed their arrows at Pete, ready to shoot if he didn't cooperate. Pete froze and turned back to the leader.

"Uh, um... G-G-G-G-Go ahead, search the carriage," he sputtered, trying to remain calm. "You'll find nothing in there. I can assure you."

So Amy went inside and searched the carriage, only to find a large gilded treasure chest. She took it out and showed it to her cousin.

"Nothing, eh My Lord?" Rob asked.

"I found this under the seat," Amy said as she stood beside the black cat.

"I warned you not to lie to me," Rob said, glaring daggers at Pete.

"I...I've never seen that before!" Pete quickly said. "It must've been left there by the people who had the carriage before us. I just rented it this morning, truly. Don't hurt me!"

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