The Scars Of A Sparrow

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JJ Ran through the empty dark passage that he knew tari got taken from until he got a call from tari


Tari : JJ it's okay! it's okay! where are you?

JJ : Uhh... does a dark alley count as a place?

Tari : Um... ill go get you

JJ : Uhh... where should i go? 

Tari : just take a right and then there's going to be a apartment, just go inside.

JJ : Very sketchy but ill allow it

JJ would walk into a few large buildings and enter the one tari texted him to go to into a building with a back part of the building that had multiple A.R. Set ups and many people using half of them

Tari : JJ! Over here!

-JJ would see Tari and run over to her seeing her in a dark blue jacket with a heart attached to a small pocket on the front of the jacket (referencing to the original Tari jacket fun fact)-

Tari : Why... Are you wearing my jacket?

JJ : O-Oh! i thought you might still need it 

Tari would grab her jacket and hold onto it

JJ : Anyway... Are you okay? Are you hurt? need a Break? need a kit kat?

Tari : What? No. I'm completely okay, thanks for asking though

-Tari Blushed at the fact that JJ at least cared for her -

JJ : N-No problem! no need to thank me, i do take bribes though...

Tari would take JJ up to a certain gaming set up

Tari : Alright put it on.

JJ would put on the headset as he got into his avatar and saw 3 other people

JJ : Uhh... Tari?

Tari would enter the lobby

Tari : Friends of mine? Yes

Sofia : So Tari? This your new boyfriend or something?

Tari : What! No...

JJ : *Depression noises*

Lamar : Alright sofia let's get into the serious stuff

Masa : I wanna see what the new kid can do

JJ would look with a confusing stare

JJ : Uhhh... you pointing at someone else?

Masa : No... YOU

Masa's arm would form into a chain gun and start firing at JJ in an instant


JJ would be barraged until a gold glow would emit and the bullets would begin to hit a barrier

Masa would then get sideswiped then punched right in the jaw flying across the map with JJ's hand steaming

JJ : Next time... don't use guns?

JJ would deform from his golden state while everyone just stares in awe

JJ : What? you guys haven't seen a guy like me yet or naw?


JJ : Uhh, supernatural, almighty, overpowering?

Tari : JJ. you said you could buy power ups right?

JJ : Mhm?

Tari : How much did you spend on your account?

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