An Unowned Victor

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In the morning Tari usually wakes up really early (5:00 AM), always ready for the day, making breakfast, warming up by speedrunning a level or 2, she has this in her head now that she has to do it daily and being their next "best" meta runner

JJ on the other hand would most likely sleep in and wake up at 10:00 in the morning. whenever he has to go to his check ups he wakes up 7:00 in the morning... usually. with a schedule like this we don't how his body works so let's just let him be

                                                                       - Location : Tascorp -

-Tari would be speedrunning a few levels before belle came in-

Belle : your going out today

-Tari would look dissapointed since going out means she's going out to the city putting up sponsors for tascorp and join speedruns anywhere she goes. And she just wanted to stream a few games then speedrun a whole game for tonight-

Tari : Alright.... i'll go get ready....

-Belle would have a smirk-  

Belle : Luxe, she'll be out in a minute

Luxe : Good. make sure she doesn't do anything on our backs. that camera is our only evidence of what ever she's doing and what we can do to her

Belle : Whatever you say...

-they'd both leave a call they were in as tari was leaving the tascorp building-

Tari : Ugh... at least i'll only have to restock 10 of the sponsors at least, then i can get to games and speedrunning hopefully...

Tari would do exactly that but on her 8th sponsor she was meant to restock JJ called her

JJ : hey Tari! you open for today?

Tari : Well... sort of

-Meanwhile in the tascorp building-

Luxe and belle got interested by whoever tari was called by and decided to listen

JJ : What do you mean by sort of???

Tari : i just have to put up these sponsors for tascorp. after that i have to go game at different places to "represent tascorp".

JJ : Sounds like fun! i'll join you if you feel comfortable enough

-Tari would blush at the word comfortable since she started to get attached to people after the incident and really felt like she need friends or something-

Tari : S-Sure! meet me by the  mall nearby then.

JJ : Sweet! またね! 

JJ would end the call as tari finished up the last of the sponsors and dashed for the mall

Tari would enter the mall texting JJ where he is and he texted back "Meet me at the food court'

Tari would understand what he was trying to say and went to the food court to see a small crowd near a long table 

JJ : hey Tari! over here!

JJ would be pointing at a empty seat near him. so tari sat and saw the game they were playing, a Gun game except a natural disaster was happening every minute and there was a few empty controllers, so tari played a bit and said that she and JJ had to get going and left.

Back at tascorp luxe and belle begin to monitor both of them, luxe had assumptions like JJ could be tari's family, boyfriend, another associate, or a spy acting as her friends giving information to other companies. whatever they thought they thought he was a threat and stupidly they immediatly thought to take him out and interrogate him to see if tari had spilled any important information and they knew where they were headed

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