{you Have Been Kidnapped Part 2}

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You had been taken prisoner by Vader and you sat there in the cell alone. Vader had already tried to get information from you but you had resisted as much as possible.

You tried to keep strong, thinking of Leia. You heard the door open, and you looked up.

'Leia' you shout, standing and hugging her closely.

'(y/n), we need to get out of here' she said, taking your hand and pulling you to the mellenium falcon.

'Oh (y/n), your hurt' she said, worry falling over her face. She fixes your wounds and looks after you.

From then on Leia would always look after you, going together to do missions to keep eachother safe.

Dooku ~

You had been taken by the Jedi for questioning around your relationship with Dooku. You had refused to say anything to the Jedis kept you hostage in your Chambers. You had sent a signal to Dooku in hopes he could stop the Jedi.

You sat on your desk, the jedi sat infront the window, listing to their questions. Suddenly a ship landed quietly infront of the window and out jumped Dooku, into the room, glass smashing everywhere.

The jedi brung out their lightsabers but Dooku bested them with ease, they quickly fell back and ran out of the room.

'Thank you for saving me count' you mummer

He smirks 'anything for my princess' he said.

Dukoo swore from then on to always be close to your planet to keep you safe


You had been Kidnapped by a gang and held you for ransom in return for one of their gang members.

You where in a cell, trying to figure a way out when your capturers came in and grabbed you, speaking in another language.

'Let go of me' you shout, struggling against the alien who had you in its grip.

They carry you to a ship and soon you land again, there stood Thrawn, his hands behind his back, malice in his eyes. He had behind him a two stormtroopers and a prisoner.

'This is a good trade, isn't it?' the man said, laughing.

Thrawn said nothing, his lips pursed in rage.

He pushed for forward, you fall into the mud

'There is your little rear admiral' he announced. 'give me what we want'.

Thrawn signaled the stormtroopers to let to of the man, pushing him forward he ran to the gang.

You spit mud out your mouth.

'you said she would be unharmed, no matter, I knew you would break are agreement.' Thrawn said cooly, 'stormtroopers, tell the cannon to fire'.

The gangs ship exploded and Thrawn swept down and picked you up, gently, getting mud on his uniform.

'Stormtroopers arrest them' he called 'are you okay my love' he mummered, holding you close and kissing your head gently.

'Yes, I think so' you say, snuggling into his chest.

Thrawn decided from this point to not to send you on missions without him, to keep you safe

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