ch. 11

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Felix's POV

I was on my phone well we were in the car, my mother was talking about this guy and Marinette was fiddling with the end of her dress/shirt/belt. I was googling this guy and I was digging deep, I sighed today's goings to be long, I felt a light tap on my shoulder, I turned to Marinette who looked nervous, "a-are you okay Felix" she asked, my heart skipped a beat, wait why the hell did my heart skip a beat stay on track dumbass,
"Yes I'm perfectly fine Marinette thank you" I answered, and she nodded and went back to fiddling

Once we arrived I slipped my phone in my suit pocket after turning on a voice recorder, we went inside and my mother gave him a very light hug, now he was a big man, not buff big, but more like gluttony big, we sat down and had dinner, he talked to Marinette about how she got into this job and her favorite type of fabric, etc etc,

I excused myself to the bathroom to search for more background info on this dude, after a few minutes I saw a charge I really hoped I wouldn't have to. But it should be fine my mothers with them.
I put my phone away and walk back tot he table to see a note, they went to talk about business in the hotel is next to it, I sign and spot something red in Marinette chair, did she drop something, I pick it up, it was a sleeping kwami, holy shit, I knew Adrien was chat but... Marinette's ladybug, wait is it dangerous for them to be apart, I wake it up, "Marinette is it time to go?" I rugs its eye, it looks at me and screams/squeals, "you're not Marinette!" It looked terrified, "no but we need to get to back to her, do you know where she is?" I ask and it shakes its head, "can you find her?" I asked and it nodded, "yeah, I can sense her miraculous" it whispers, "alright whatever your name islets go find Marinette" it nods, "tiki, my names tiki" I nod and she shakes my finger, I chuckle and she leads the way.

We pass the front desk and stop standing there was my MOTHER arguing with the worker, tiki slips into my suit pocket" mom, where's Marinette?" I asked panicked, "oh hey Felix, she in the hotel room with [big dude name], why" she answered, I almost shrieked, "mom I did a background check on that dude he's a pedophile and has multiple rapes,  sexual harassment, and child rape charges, and you left him alone with Marinette, a pretty, skinny teenager," I said panicked, her eyes went wide as saucers.

Don't report just skip
Attempted rape, being overpowered, slight NSFW

we both broke into a sprint, she leads us to the room we got there and tried the door it was locked, I looked to my mom, "I don't have a key" she told me, I used all my strength and kick the door in, there I see, this man shirtless, pinning down a naked Marinette whos gaged and crying trying to resist, his fingers are messing with her lower area, I'm beyond pissed,

⚠warning over⚠

I walk up and punch this guy, getting his attention before pulling out a gun and holding it to his head, my mom pulls him off Marinette and pins him down well-calling 911, I use my jacket and cover her before taking the gag out of her mouth, she instantly starts sobbing and clings to me, I set her in my lap and hold her running my hands through her hair well whispering calming words as she cries and whimpers, the police arrives and arrest the guy, a few police ask marionette what happened and she told them everything, the dude attempted to rape her but didn't get that far so he got attempted rape and sexual harassment/groping charges
One police officer suggested therapy for Marinette to my mother and Marinette looked deep in thought, she looked up at me tears still streaming down her face she looked like she realized something, her face tinted pink and he put her head in my chest, I hugged her tighter and put my head in the crook of her neck, she flinched went I did that, I look that her neck and figure out why the damn bastard gave her a hickey on her neck, that pissed me off way more, I cleaned the area, and asked my mother who was still talking to the police for ice, my mother handed me a cup of ice and I put it on marinettes neck to help the swelling go down she gasps slightly at the cold, I tell her she's alright and lightly kiss her shoulder but she doesn't take her head out of my chest and doesn't stop crying silently.

I pick her up and all 3 of us go home, her clothes got ripped so she stayed in my oversized jacket in my arms when we got home she the asleep, I took her to her apartment room and laid her down, I stared at her with a worried expression and bit my lip, I don't really wanna leave her, I sigh and lay down next her if she asks ill just call she wouldn't let go of me in her sleep, I continued to stare at her but couldn't sleep so I wrapped my arms around her waist and spooned her.

God damn it Marinette down ever get hurt like that again.

Mr Felix Agrest & Mrs Marinette Agrest जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें