7 ⇢ Which Signs Fall In Love Quickly Vs. Get Bored Easily In Relationships

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Do you get attached for life, or are you ready for someone new?

Which type of lover are you? Do you fall in and out of love at the speed of light, or do you find yourself fatally attached to a person before the relationship has grown roots?

Astrology is a good indicator of how quickly we fall in love, and how easy it is to become bored.

Who are the zodiac signs that get bored easily vs. the zodiac signs that fall in love easily?

Zodiac signs who get emotionally attached to their partners as soon as they start dating are already thinking about their couple name, or who would take whose last name when they inevitably get married.

Even if the relationship doesn't last, they jump from one partner to the next, doing the exact same thing. Of course, those signs grieve the end of a relationship as if it was the only one they had ever had.

Then, there are the zodiac signs that get bored quite quickly in their relationship. Once they get what they want out of the relationship, they're ready to call it quits and find someone else to light their fire again.

I've ranked which zodiac signs get bored fast and fall out of love early on in the relationship vs. those who get attached way too quickly. Where do you fit in?

1. Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini runs very hot and cold, which means that he might be all over you one moment, and done with you the next. And once his feelings have faded for you, they're usually gone for good.

Gemini is more interested in casual, fleeting crushes than long-term relationships, so expect him to always have a sort of detachment from what you have together. He can't function properly when things get too complicated, so not only does he get bored in relationships easily, he prefers it that way.

Meaningless crushes that aren't confusing or serious are best for him because he can just move onto the next person when he loses interest.

2. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18)

Aquarius is kind of robot-like when it comes to relationships. You're never really sure if there are any deeper emotions under the surface, and the minute you think things are going well, he ends them.

Aquarius gets bored easily in relationships and ends things out of nowhere. This sign needs to have a strong emotional connection to someone for him to want to stay in a relationship long-term.

That's not to say that it's impossible for him, but it certainly doesn't happen often, either. Aquarius can still have a physical relationship with someone he's bored with, but once he's totally done with you, that's it.

3. Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

Sagittarius can get down with someone seriously, but that doesn't change the fact that he'll still end things if (and when) he gets bored.

He needs that excited feeling you get in your gut when you're with someone all the time. Once that feeling goes away, so does he.

He gets bored in relationships easily because he highly values his freedom and independence. His worst fear is feeling restricted, so the minute he feels one of those things happening, he calls it quits.

He wants constant adventure with someone, which might sound impossible for one person to give him, but to him, it can be interpreted as a long line of people, one right after the other.

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