5 ⇢ How Each Zodiac Sign Can Maintain A Healthy Attitude In Life & Love

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Do it for yourself, and the ones you love.

We just received a letter from a client who told us that her husband just confessed to having cheated on her since the pandemic started. And now, he wants a divorce

Quarantine be damned, the man wants out now, and to hell with the woman he's been married to for 20 years. No room for trying, no pause to consider her situation, and no desire to remain locked up with the woman he now thinks of as old news. He has given himself over to the demands of his body, and nothing else matters.

While it's true that being forced to spend too much time with a partner can rattle our nerves to such a degree that we think of escaping, the idea of chucking people without a care is heartless and cruel. We are not a race that takes well to romantic cruelty — we break, and our hearts are not strong enough to handle any kind of love loss.

How is it possible to maintain a healthy attitude in love and in life? Does it take superhuman strength, or is it merely about asking the right questions, opening the right doors or trusting in the universe?

What can your zodiac sign do to stay happy and learn how to be positive in life and love? How can astrology help when you feel your relationship might be toppling?

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

It's very hard for you to remain composed, especially when you're under duress, Aries.

Your partner doesn't need those extra insults you threw at them when you were fighting. What's important for you to understand is that, you are not the only one in this "game of life."

If possible, try and get that the loved one you are battling is a person you once loved and respected; for the sake of what you once had, try to at least remain respectful. The environment of mutual respect will help you gain perspective and eventually sort things out. Don't throw it all away because of impulsive behavior.

Taurus (April 20 - May 20)

You are a softie, it's true, but you are also a hard player, and you tend to act on impulse, Taurus.

This is what you need to work on: your impulsivity. Take time to think before you make any actions, and do the same for what you say.

Your words are strong, and anyone who loves you, loves you deeply, so try and back off with the harsh reality lessons that you love to give. Yes, you are very smart, but consider that others are just as smart, and try to work from an even playing field. If you have feelings, so do they.

Tread lightly when you challenge your lover to your next duel.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

Gemini, you tend to be very afraid to let your emotions go, and your lack of trust can really eat away at a relationship. If you really want to keep things going, you're going to have to commit to making an effort.

You let things go too easily, and you walk out leaving incredibly detrimental effects. You must start to understand that you are responsible for your actions and that your actions do, indeed, have consequences.

If you are lucky enough to be loved, then honor that love with a show of affection in return. Sometimes you have to compromise, Gemini. If you do, you could end up saving a couple of hearts from being broken — yours being one of them.

Cancer (June 21 - July 22)

You are a very loving and giving person by nature, Cancer. What you are also is a very skeptical person who doesn't believe in second chances.

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