Chapter 37: Appearances Can Be Deceiving

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Rafael walked toward Micklaus, his face expressionless. Zephora hung limp his arms. Her skin was pale and his mark on her neck was red with a small amount of residue of her blood. He had to force himself not to look at her or he wouldn't be able to do what needed to be done.

Micklaus was right about one thing, he shouldn't have let himself become attached to Zephora. There was no changing it now. He would have to live with the pain of losing her. They were doomed to end in tragedy anyway.

"I assumed you'd bring the girl, but I was expecting her to be...less alive." Micklaus admitted

"She's only just. I thought it premature to end her so soon. She may be... useful." Rafael explained.

Micklaus considered him for a moment. Rafael couldn't tell what he was thinking.

Before Micklaus responded, Victor, who's presence Rafael had purposefully ignored up to this point walked up to him. "He lies, master. He's only delaying her death in hopes he can somehow save her."

Rafael felt a powerful urge to smash Victor's face. The weasel was intent on discrediting him at any cost. "If my goal was to save her, there are much better ways to achieve that. Everyone knows Draedyn has a soft spot for humans and he feels a debt to this one after she helped Amelie."

"Master..." Victor tried to argue.

"Silence!" Micklaus interupted Victor's protest's."Was it not you who let Amelie slip through your fingers? And where is Severo, you were the last one to see either of them. Perhaps it is you who lies."

Then he turned to Rafael, "I like the way you think. You're just in time too. I'm about to greet Draedyn and not another moment can be delayed. After all, I can hardly keep my guests waiting." Micklaus said with a glint in his eye.

"Victor, Come with me. Rafael, I want you to wait for a few minutes, then bring the girl." Micklaus ordered. Then he added as a parting comment. "Someone will die tonight. I'd prefer that someone to be Draedyn. I'm counting on both of you to not fail me again!"

Rafael waited for Micklaus and Victor to leave. Then he followed them discreetly to the ballroom where Draedyn was waiting. He stopped once he was close enough to see what was happening, but stayed in the shadows. Zephora shifted in his arms and he adjusted her so she was in a more comfortable position.

Rafael could see Draedyn across the room with other members from his coven. They looked like they were there for the gala. Dressed elegantly and poised on the surface, and yet he sensed they were tense and alert, ready for anything.

"Draedyn, I am surprised to be honest. I thought you didn't come to events such as these." Micklaus feigned surprise.

"Let's not play games Micklaus, you know why I am here. You're treachery must be stopped." Draedyn strong voice echoed around the room.

"What treachery do you speak of, and what proof have you? All I have done, is further the cause of all Vampires. To be an advocate." Micklaus declared. "You made a mistake by coming here and now you will pay dearly for it."

"You dare show your true colors in front of all these witnesses?" Draedyn asked incredously.

Micklaus sneered. "What witnesses? Have you not noticed? The only ones  left at this gala are those like-minded vampires who have the same vision as I."

"What about these humans? Are they like-minded as well?" Draedyn disputed.

"These humans are whatever I wish them to be. Look at them! They have no will. They do as they are told just as they were meant to."

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