"I had to wait until the right moment. I got a wand and then I took my chance," she answered and hugged him again.

"That's fantastic," he said into her hair. "We were trying to figure out how to get to you."

"I know you were. I knew you would try," she mumbled into his shoulder.

"MIONE!" Hermione lifted her head from Harry's shoulder as Ron came running out to her and picked her up spinning her around. "Boy am I glad to see you."

"I should hope so," she teased.

"Bloody hell, how did you manage it?" asked Ron.

"I..." she paused, her mind wasn't working clearly. How had she managed it?

She told Harry she had waited for the right moment...but what had that moment been?

"Thank you Ms. Granger," Voldemort's voice came from behind them. "For leading us right to Mr. Potter."

Hermione turned to see a wall of death eaters. Draco was standing with his family by the dark Lord.

"How could you?" she felt...betrayed.

"He knows where his loyalty lies," Said Voldemort putting his arm around Draco who smiled wickedly at her.

"What's the matter Mudblood. Did you think I cared?" he laughed. "Brightest witch of the age. Right! You're the one who thought running right to your friends was the smart thing to do when you knew the Bind would let me follow you wherever you went. It's your fault."

"You did this?" Ron demanded angrily.

"I didn't mean to," Hermione pleaded feeling a sinking sensation in her stomach.

"How could you Hermione?" asked Harry, his face full of pain at her betrayal.

"I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"This is your fault," said Ron.

Suddenly Harry was lying dead at her feet, his skin pale and waxy.

The bodies of all of her friends lay scattered around her, broken and bloody.

"It's your fault," came a voice in Hermione's ear from behind.

Dread knotted in the pit of her stomach.

She turned to see Greyback smiling face.

"No," she breathed in horror.

Greyback knocked her down to the ground.

Her head rolled to the side and she saw Harry's face beside her; Eyes open but vacant.

"No," she started crying. Greyback came down on top of her pinning her arms in his hands.

"You're mine now little witch."



"GRANGER wake up!" Draco shook her awake and Hermione took one look at him and shoved her unbound hand into his face connecting sharply with his nose. He let out a yell and clutched his face as she scrambled over running to the bathroom.

"Granger!" Draco ran after her, one hand holding his bloody nose.

He stopped short when he saw her throwing up into the toilet.

She didn't have much on her stomach since she hadn't eaten since the roll he had brought her the previous morning so all that came up was bile.

Draco stood frozen with indecision for several heartbeats before the anger left him in a swift breath and he knelt next to her and held her hair back from her face with his free hand.

Left Behind (A Dramione Romance)Where stories live. Discover now