"You two think that's what a battle is? Beat your opponent's down so they won't get up? Ever!" They shuffled on the spots, and tension filled the air. "And you think that's how life works don't you? Survival of the fittest and all that crap! You love using fear and intimidation to get what you want. But let me tell you, you don't know what fear is! But I'm going to change that now." I said as Greninja unleashed dozens of smoking orbs with a swing of his arm, plunging the battlefield and the battlefield into darkness, and I felt my body move on its own.

Calem POV

That weird Greninja of his covered the field in smoke, and we all lost sight of everything.

"Megahorn!" I commanded, hoping Absol knew what to do. 

"Moonblast!" Miette did the same. 

Something wasn't right. Ketchup wasn't his usual loser self, he was... different. I looked around but couldn't see him, and I could've sworn the smoke was closing in around us, as if blocking us in. A laugh that sent shivers down my spine seem to echo from everywhere, and both Miette and I turned in all directions to see where it was coming from. 

"Shit, this isn't right Calem! We should leave!" My girlfriend whisper-yelled.

"Not a chance!" I hissed before turning back to the smoke that threatened to crush us in its embrace. Two flashes of white could be seen with the sound of a pair of thuds, causing both of us to flinch, and I could feel a drop of sweat trickling down my forehead.

"Doesn't feel good does it?" We turned to the right when the same emotionless voice spoke out from the left. "To be scared?"

"To feel fear?" The voice was soft but it was soaked with venom. We kept turning, the voice coming from all around us, never settling.

"This could be your world from now on."


"I can make it my mission. To make sure you never feel safe again."

"And there is nothing more dangerous than a man with a mission."

"Because he would do anything for it."

"You wanted to use fear, but how can you if you haven't felt it."

"I used to be scared of so many things."

"But now... now I am fear."

"Or at least I could be, for you."

"Unless you stop your bullshit now."

"No more of your bullying."


"Ye-yes! W-we prom-mise!" Miette quickly stuttered. I was about to stand my ground when the voice spoke out again.

"Your Boyfriend doesn't look on board with that idea."

"So what's the verdict Calem?"

Realising the situation that bastard put me in, I knew I had no other choice. "Fine!"

The smoke slowly rolled back to reveal both of our Pokémon knocked out on the battle field as that weirdo's Greninja was walking off the battlefield towards Ketchup. 

"Thank you for the battle." His voice was still as cold and emotionless as before as he returned that pesky water type of his and left the battlefield.

I'm gonna get you for this Ash. Just you wait...


Ash POV 

As Greninja and I broke our bond, I could feel the shroud that engulfed us both dissipate, as if it was never there. The rage and hate just drained away, and I returned to normal as I walked out of the arena.

"Well that was new..." I said, still holding the Pokéball up to my face.

"What was?" A voice startled me out of my thoughts, and I tripped over my feet, plummeting to the ground. Rubbing the back of my head I looked up to see a familiar purple-haired friend.

"Hello to you too Paul." I said as I stood up and dusted my clothes. Ignoring my greeting, he asked again.

"What was new?" 

"Uhm..." I contemplated telling him about what happened, but I didn't even know what happened, so I just settled for, "Greninja learned smokescreen, that's all."

He studied me for awhile before nodding.

"How'd you know I was here anyways?"

"Saw Serena and her fennekin when I walked out of class, Pikachu was with them and pointed in this direction before running off with them. What happened?" He asked, and I hung my head low.

"Calem challenged us to a double battle, and I stupidly accepted despite her saying she didn't want to. Arceus, I'm so stupid. I'd better go apologise now."

"Ok. I'll tell the rest then, I'm assuming they'd be wondering where you two are."

"You too Paul, you're as much a part of the group as I am. There's no escape for you now." My sincere tone changed into a joking one that earned a ghost of a smile before we both walked off.

A/N: So what do you guys think of this Ash. If you guys like him, I'm sorry to say he'll eventually disappear. If you guys don't, you'll be happy to hear the same thing.

The New Kid: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now