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A/N: i'm writing now because i'm in a sad mood... PLUS i want to finish this book and i'm sure y'all do too


Eunji woke up with her face resting on the desk and the sun reflecting off the mirror sitting in the corner of her bedroom. She flutters her eyes sitting up from the desk, back cracking as she does so. "ugh what time is it" she slowly turns her head to her purple charging cable and takes her phone off it. She turns on the screen for it to read... "HOLY SHIT ITS 8:50 IM LATE"

While she's running around like crazy and chucking her uniform. She ran towards her shoe closet and put her vans on as quick as she can, little did she know her brother was standing in the door frame watching her frantically run around. "first of all" Eunji jumped with fright, "it's 7:50 not 8:50". Eunji stopped where she was and slowly turned her head to him.
"it's... what"
"7:50 you misread it"
"are...you...kiDDING ME"

Haechan slowly started to back away from the door and down the steps while Eunji was ragging. "OH BY THE WAY JISUNG AND CHENLE ARE ON THEIR WAY WITH JAEMIN JENO RENJUN AND MARK"


"Wait, you ate your sisters homework?" Eunji raised her brow at the older boy walking beside her. The boy just shrugged,
"what else would you do if your sibling didn't get their homework done and you were stranded at the bus stop with no money?" he looked at her waiting for an answer.
"uh... i dunno... drink water?" she said
"wrong you eat the homework" the older boy said looking forward,
"Renjun paper is bad for you" Eunji looked at Renjun with a concerned look. Renjun looked at her and back in front of him again,
"last time I checked I was alive, I'm walking, I'm breathing, I can dance, I can talk, Eunji... I'm pretty sure I'm alright"


Eunji sat at her desk looking lifeless, like she hadn't got a wink of sleep. "Eunji, what's wrong? You look like you can't even answer what 2+2 is... did you get ANY sleep last night?" Soojin looked at her friend sitting there, her chin resting in her palm. To be honest, she wasn't alright. She was the complete opposite. She was looking after her twin brothers all night while her older brother was at dance practice up until 10pm. Her parents didn't come home because, as per usual, they were on a business trip, trading things with Australia.

She needed to study for her upcoming exams and couldn't focus. She was sure she was going to fail this year. "Uh... yeah just stressed a bit. Don't worry too much about it Soo it'll leave as soon as exams come up" wrong. Stress is always applied. Soojin looked at her friend with a worried look trying to find a hint of lie in her face, she failed to find that, so she nodded and went back to facing the front of the class glancing at Eunji to make sure she was okay every now and then.

"Psst Soojin" Soojin turned her head around to the boy diagonally behind her. Jung Wooyoung.
"what do you want now" she stared at him while he was reaching for the corner of his desk and pulled out a piece of paper under his pile of books.
"here Mingi asked me to give it to you, I don't know what it says but... here" Wooyoung handed the paper towards her. She grasped the note in her hand and looked at him while slowly opening it. She looked down and read the note:

Hey Soojin, it's me Mingi. Wooyoung probably gave you this because I'm on the other side of the classroom, anyway.

Mingi, Soojin and Wooyoung    
We ^ both know that San likes Eunji,
Mingi, Soojin and Wooyoung
we ^ should come up with a plan
to get them together

so what do you say?
- Mingi (and wooyoung ;))

"Wooyoung I call bullshit that you didn't read this" she crumpled the note and threw it at him while he laughed loudly. Soojin shook her head and turned around ripping a page of paper out of her science book. She wrote:

I'm in, we'll sit with you at lunch ;)

-Soojin (and not wooyoung)

She folded the note and handed it to Wooyoung. "Give it to Mingi, if you don't that strand of chest hair of yours won't exist"

A/N: So how are y'all?

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