chapter 44.

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"maybe i just shut my eyes
cause i'm too scared to see"

I sighed, long and drawn out and exaggerated, and possibly just to get Jaedens attention. My head was buried into his pillow, his bed quickly becoming one of my favorite spots.

A small sparkling giggle erupted from above me, causing my heart to accelerate against my rib cage, a small smile sliding onto my lips. Thankfully my face was still pressed into the pillow, feelings and fondness and all disgusting stuff muffled by the soft cushion of the fabric.

"Ty common" Jaeden grinned, pulling my arm hard enough to roll me over onto my back.

"Nope" I replied smiling wider, "I'm never leaving your bed. Too comfortable" I rolled back over and I knew that Jaeden was rolling his eyes. I really was not prepared to go home.

At all. Fuck.

A second light laugh filled the air and pierced my fucking soul. Well, close enough.

"Tyyyy '' Jaeden drawled, flopping on top of me.

"Get off me" I whined in response before letting out another long sigh into the pillow, admiring defeat. "Fine" I mumbled out, attempting to sit up before realizing I was still trapped under the dead weight of a very cute green-eyed boy. Right.

Jaeden rolled off me, a smile lighting his face as I grumbled a string of swear words, (most directed at him) my lips unfaithfully quirking upwards. Traitor.

"I'll see you tomorrow?" I said in a much quieter voice. We didn't even have school tomorrow and I was definitely sounding desperate right now. Jaeden glanced up from where he was sprawled on the bed.

"Of course" he replied, his large grin slowly sliding off his face as I took a few deep breaths, wringing my hands together, before standing up, flashing him a smile that I hoped was convincing.

Didn't feel like it.

Jaeden sat up and pushed himself off his bed, the last rays of sun bathing his face in a pale gold as he gazed at me, before taking a step and wrapping me in his arms.

"You are going to be okay. Remember what I said before. If you ever need a place to stay, I'm here. Yeah?" I blew out a shaky breath before smiling, a genuine one this time.

"Yeah. yeah. Okay. Thanks again, Jae. Don't know what I'd do without you" I said pulling away, gazing dancing across Jaedens face, his green eyes seemed to sparkle in the dimming light, his dimples on full blast as his soft lips pulled into a genuine smile, and nope.

Nope. Eyes up. No looking at the lips. That isn't friendly anymore.

I pulled my gaze away from his pink lips (with great difficulty may I add) and smiled softly in return.

"You would probably die" he replied smugly. It took me a second to get back on track with the conversation, his pretty face having completely obliterated any train of through. I just shrugged, a light smile playing on my lips before letting go of the taller boy and grabbing my backpack.

"I would say I'll text you but... not sure I'm going to have a phone for a while after this" I said as we walked downstairs. Jaeden just nodded in reply.

"I'll see you tomorrow then?" he asked as I pulled on my coat.

"Yeah" I replied, opening the front door. "See you tomorrow" The soft tone of my voice getting almost swallowed up by the light February breeze. I smiled warmly at Jaeden before closing the door behind me.


The sun descended below the horizon, leaving large shadows, swirling with doubt, in its wake. The fear that had eased slightly while in Jaedens presence, now returned in full force as I tried, and failed, to stop fidgeting with the straps of my backpack or the sleeves of my coat.

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