Meanwhile, Rikiya is at the photography club room reading the news. There have been several cases of KROWBAD-21. This disease is a strange occurrence. It takes place specifically in those who are going through depression. In a broad scope, it's basically depression with extra steps and with some increased chance of death. "Damn. This world has gotten dull nowadays. Tomomi-chan has already left and frankly, I'm still here. Thinking about it, I think the chief called off today's meeting. Guess his uncle's been affected by it. Poor guy. But, I gotta somehow get that scoop!" He turns to the statue out front. "It'll be dangerous but dammit it will work out! I gotta uncover this to the world!" Rikiya gets to the statue and looks around. Nobody is around. "Hee hee! This is perfect!" Rikiya enters the statue.

Meanwhile, Hirozaku and Kap are making their way through Lethe, striking down the shadows in their path. Hiro smacking the flying ones such as the Slipping Hablerie, which are just some Pac-Man-like creatures with tongues and teeth sticking out and a mask at the back with his bat. "Yeah, that's right!" Hiro shouts. Kap jumps and smacks another shadow with his shovel, which is a hand-held entrenching tool with a splintered handle, the shadow being the Cowardly Maya, which is a half-melted black goo with claws and a blue frowning mask that seems to be latched onto its face. "Hit the bricks, pal! You're done!" Kap shouts. "Damn, this is a hell of a place. How the hell would none of this affect me on the other side?" Hiro asks as he wipes some sweat off his face. "Think of it like you only have your wounds in this world. Even if you returned to the other world with a broken arm, you wouldn't have a broken arm in the real world. And you can come back to Lethe with no broken arm. Time doesn't really make sense here." Kap replies. "Guess that explains why I didn't get third-degree burns from that lightning strike." Hiro says. The two then find what appears to be a gate that is encased in vines. "Hey, skunk. What is this thing?" Hirozaku asks. "I don't really know, I never got this far. I think it's a way for us to be closer." Kap theorizes. "Well, guess we gotta go through if we're gonna find out then."

Hirozaku and Kap enter the gate and see a flowery field. Everywhere they look, it's like a paradise. It is beautiful. "Is something supposed to be here?" Hirozaku asks. "I don't know. I've never seen anything like this!" Kap panics. "Holy shit, dude!" They turn and see Rikiya there, looking all around him with his jaw wide open. "You! The hell are you doing here?!" Hirozaku exclaims angrily. "I just thought I could look more into this, this is a big break!" Rikiya exclaims with a smile. "Is that really true or are you just trying to run from home?" A voice was heard. Then they turn around to see a reasonably tall man with slick black hair. He seems to be pretty well built and has a punchable smug face. He also bears a suit and tie like you see businessmen wear as well as a necklace that has his employee's card with his face and name. "What the hell?! Kōhei?! How did you get here?!" Rikiya exclaims in utter disbelief. "Yo skunk! What is this shit?!" Hiro asks. "That has to be the cognition of whoever Rikiya knows!" Kap replies. "You never considered yourself to be one of us. After all, you are just a bastard child." Kōhei tells Rikiya. "You joined the photography club just to stay away from home. We all know it, you are nothing but a stain in our family." "Shut up! Shut up! You think I don't know that?!" Rikiya exclaims. "This is bad! Skunk! Let's rock!" Rikiya draws his bat as Kap draws his shovel but is more hesitant. "The hell's up with you?" Hiro asks. "It's just that this cognition, it's bigger than everything we've ever faced. We don't know what it's capable of and could even spell our doom!" Kap responds. "So this guy's a bit bigger, what the hell kind of bullshit do we gotta loose?" Hiro responds. "I don't know! I only ever made it so far! I don't know anything about this! And that isn't mentioning how Rikiya is here, he could die!" Kap replies. "Fine! At least let me stall him because he doesn't want us to leave! Go Beast!" He summons his persona which appears by his side. Beast swings at this shadow but the shadow blocks with what appears to be a cutlass. "Let the family talk, boy!" Kōhei says. "As I was saying, you're nothing but an outcast!" Kōhei exclaims. "SHUT UP!" Rikiya delivers a right hook on Kōhei's face who laughs and vanishes. "We gotta leave. Right now!" Kap says. He grabs Rikiya and they drag him out of Lethe.

"All right, dumb ass! What do you gotta say for yourself?!" Hirozaku says angrily. The three are now outside of Lethe with no students or faculty being around at this time. "What you did was dangerous! If we weren't there, you could've been left in Lethe!" Kap adds. "Look, I just... wanted to get a scoop." Rikiya says trying to fake a smile. "That's not how I remember it. That freak, Kōhei went on and on about how you see yourself as a stain in your family. You're just trying to get away from home." Hirozaku says. "Okay fine! I'm... a bastard. I've taken the job of a photographer. Helps me get away from home mostly and makes sure I am far from my... fake folks." Rikiya says. "Wow... that's rough..." Kap says. Hirozaku starts to reflect on what he says. "Oh, boo hoo! Nobody gives two shits about you because you are the different one!" Hirozaku says sarcastically due to his lack of kindness. "Hiro!" Kap says massively shocked with Rikiya looking at Hiro. "I don't care what you say! Listen, nobody without a death wish would just enter the exact place where death could be looming at every goddamn corner! You wanted those fucking shadows to take it all away! So what if you're some illegitimate child! Tough shit! You're still a human being! You got actual people to rely on you for god's sake! Life ain't shit if you don't enjoy it at all! Frankly, you got an actual friend in that fucking shrine maiden! WHO IS A CHILDHOOD FRIEND, IF I REMEMBER CORRECTLY! THINK, TANIMOTO, THINK!" Hirozaku says very annoyed at Rikiya. "Look, we all got some shit, but killing yourself ain't the answer at all, dammit! How about instead of trying to pull the trigger, you think about how that would affect the actual people that are around you?!" Hirozaku says. "Maybe, just MAYBE if you ever consider the bright side to jack shit then you could actually have a reason to live! Not one sane person, regardless of whatever the fuck goes on in their life, ever wishes for death when everyone else discourages them! You absolute dumb ass!" When he was done, he breathes heavily after what he told Rikiya. "The point is, try to find out what it is that is the issue instead of setting up a noose. Jesus fucking Christ, when we first met, I never saw you as the suicidal guy. Now, let's get your ass home and confront these ass wipes. because the way I see it, these people may be the cause of your problems. And I am not gonna stand by and let them drive you to suicide unless there is something that can actually be done." Hirozaku says. "Yeah. Okay." Rikiya replies. "If this doesn't work, I am giving you the suicide hotline. Not even a joke, a bastard that is contemplating suicide, I would prefer that people spend their lives alive regardless of their past." Hiro says.

"Now it's time to address the elephant in the room. Kap, how the fuck did Rikiya get in when you said nobody else should be able to due to the lock at the door?" Hirozaku asks the skunk. "I think it's because Rikiya first came in like he has an automatic key of his own." Kap responds. "And you didn't bring up something THAT important why?!" Hirozaku asks. "How was I supposed to know?!" Kap asks to which Hirozaku scowls. "I am going to make a rug out of you!" Hirozaku says angrily.

Meanwhile, the shadowy figure from before takes out their cellphone. "Hi. It's me... Somebody else has found Lethe... Right, deal with them like everyone else... Gotcha..." The figure hangs up. "Hirozaku Chiba. Rikiya Tanimoto. And that little Kap. How to take you three down." The figure asks himself.

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