── ❝1❞ ──

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The heartbreak Keonhee felt after coming to the realization that Leedo didn't love him, hit harder than expected. He lost the colors that lit up his world, it all reduced to varying blacks, whites, and grays. No blinding yellows at the crack of sunrise, no fiery reds anytime he turned his lighter on, absolutely nothing.

Not to mention, he could barely feel a thing anymore. He couldn't smile when he was happy, look upset when he was mad or anything. It was just...blank. He was like a blank canvas in aN art museum, the museum being the university he attended that was always flooded with students.

When he really thinks about it, not only did he lose the colors in his life, he lost the feelings he felt in life. He hated it-- at least, he thinks he hates it- He can't really tell.

Heck, he doesn't even feel boredom anymore. He can spend hours upon hours staring at the gray wall in his living room, much like he is doing now. He hasn't moved from his spot on the couch except for a few bathroom runs and to order food.

He just couldn't find himself wanting to do anything, especially after the accident. It all reminded him of when he HAD colors in his life, which he had lost a few months back already. Time sure flies...

But apparently the present time doesn't seem to want to "fly by" as quickly as the last few months had. The soft clicking off the clock arms moving, plus the bland atmosphere of Keonhee's apartment, time seemed to go even slower than usual. It was torturous really, but you know...Keonhee can't really tell...

The thing that snapped Keonhee out of his blank gaze, was the soft knocks from the front door. Keonhee sighs, standing up as he dusts off his shirt. He drags his feel over to the door, undoing all the locks as he opens the door with a blank expression. He is met eye to eye with Youngjo, or Ravn, but Keonhee prefers Youngjo now-a-days.

"Keonhee, how..how are you? You haven't been out, or answered mine or our friends texts..." Youngjo trails on, biting on his bottom lip nervously, as if hiding or holding something back. Keonhee only shrugs, his hand dropping from the door knob as he turns around. He walks away from the door, walking back in to his apartment. Youngjo was quick to step in, shutting the door behind him as he follows Keonhee in.

In Youngjo's eyes, everything looked clean and perfect in Keonhee's house. The walls were a bright yellow that made Youngjo happy. The discolored furniture added some life, but the cleasiness of the apartment made it look comforting. It was like a warm, but strange hug that felt like home.


"You know, I don't know what to do anymore." Keonhee's monotone voice vocalized. He leads Youngjo towards the kitchen, going around towards the kitchen counter. He reaches for his kettle, opening it up as he fills it with water.

Youngjo's eyebrows furrow as he saunters in the to kitchen, going to the island counter and sitting down,

"What do you mean? Are you talking about.."

"Yes. I'm talking about that. Youngjo, I don't know what to do. I can't feel, I can't see color...I..I can't live like this. I don't know what to do." he says, putting the kettle on the stove and turning the heat up. Youngjo feels his heart twist painfully in his chest as he winces.

"Keonhee..." Youngjo drags on, standing up as he goes around to Keonhee. He reaches out, grabbing on to the taller and yanking the taller's body towards him. He wraps his arms around the younger, putting a hand on the back of Keonhee's neck. He uses that grip to pull Keonhee's head down into the crook of Youngjo's neck.

"Then let me help, I will...I will help you figure it all out, but only if you let me." he says softly. Keonhee feels his chest tighten up, this sudden rush flowing through his body. He feels himself slump into Youngjo's arms as he closes his eyes, relief filling his body for the first time in a while.

"I...I'd like that..." Keonhee mutters, making Youngjo smile. Youngjo began to rub Keonhee's neck as he hums a bit,

"Then let me ask you something, how do you truly feel about Leedo and Xion?" Youngjo asks in a warm tone. Keonhee feels himself tense up again, his whole body freezing on the dot.

"Let go Keonhee, just...relax and let it out." Youngjo encourages. And for some reason, the way Youngjo held him so warmly and the way he sounded so..comforting, made another rush zoom through his body. He felt his eyes begin to hurt, his body shaking as he ripples out a sob. Which was followed by another, leading to a series of cries from the boy. He felt this overwhelming flood of sadness embrace him as he broke down in Youngjo's arms.

Youngjo just held him, not uttering a word as he rubbed both Keonhee's neck and back. It felt so...comforting and and warm, he never wanted to leave.

He cries for what seems like hours, but he finally calms down from his emotional high. All he can think though is Youngjo. Kim Youngjo, who stood there and let Keonhee break down for what must have been more than 30 minutes, in his arms. It made his heart beat just a little faster inside his chest.

"Will you..stay the night? I don't think..I can make it alone tonight." Keonhee croaks out, his voice hoarse from crying. He was only met with Youngjo's hand moving away from his neck, rather than snagged underneath Keonhee's jaw. Youngjo tugs Keonhee's head back to look at him gently, a smile gracing Youngjo's lips.

"Of course."

And Keonhee swears, the bluebonnets someone had given him the other day, started to look blue.


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