The Return (Chp 1)

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Hey it's Omega.

Enjoy! XD


Thalia's Pov:

I was shocked to say the least. I knew that Seaweed Brain was going to propose sooner or later, but I guess something went wrong.

"Hey Perce? Can we eat seafood for dinner?" Leo asked as a joke. While everybody else was waiting for the "Fish are friends, not food" lecture, but Percy had this far away look in his eyes. So, to everyone's surprise he just nodded and replied with "Sure, whatever." and went back to his gazing at the flames of the hearth.

Once everyone heard the comment, and got out of our initial shock, we all locked gazes and decided on one thing. To get an explanation of why our brother is acting so weird.

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

"WHAT THE HA-" started Percy before we put a gag in his mouth.

"Are you going to calm down?"

Hesitating, Percy let out a small, gaged fine

"What was that?"

We all flinched from the glare he gave us. While others *cough the boys cough* gave out a very MANLY shriek.

We untied Percy and all got slaped in the face.

(A/N please excuse my profanities)

"Ow! You little bastard!"

"NICO! Watch your language."

"B-but Will-"

"No buts. Or else..."

"Understood" Nico peeped

"And where do you think your going?" I asked the now frozen-in-place Percy.

"No where?" Which came out more as a question then what was meant to be a statement.

"Not without giving us an explanation." I said in finality.

"Fine." With that, he went on to the explanation from the quest to the new powers, glares, and the betrayal. This all done with murky eyes and a stoic face.

~~~~Time Skip brought to you by laziness~~~~

To say we were all furious would be the understatement of the century. We were so mad that, well let's just say that we put the camp in the infirmary. The thing we didn't, or even Percy knew were that the gods were watching from Olympus and that one sun god was even more furious than what Poseidon, the boy's father, should be. Let's just say that the frozen areas had seen better days.


Here ya go guys hopefully it meets your standards.

Till the next chapter,


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