There's too many people here. I need to leave. But I have no way to get home. The old hag told me she'll pick me up at midnight and it's not even 8:00 yet. What the fuck am I supposed to do? How the hell am I gonna get through this? I don't wanna be here anymore. I wanna go home.

I started bouncing my leg rapidly, gaining the attention of everyone at the table.

"Hey Bakugo, you good?" Sero questioned, resting his hand on my shoulder.

I was dozing off, not realizing I was being talked to until I was starting to be shaken. My eyes snapped over to the person shaking me, and I pushed his hands off of me.

"I'm fine. Don't worry about me. Go back to whatever you were doing." I said trying to dismiss the situation.

It seemed to work cause they all went back to talking and cheering. It was nice to see they were all having a good time. I wish I could be normal like that.

My mind started to wander again as my leg was bouncing more. I started to feel like I was being closed in on. There was plenty of space to move around, but I felt like I was in a box that was too small for me to fit in, and it just kept shrinking.

I started to sweat as it was getting harder and harder to breathe. I picked at the skin around my nails harder to try and calm myself down, but it wasn't working. As I kept picking at my fingers my hands started to shake. I hid my hands under the table though so no one would see my trembling hands.

My head started to pound and I felt nauseous as my world started spinning out of control. My ears started to ring and my sight became foggy. The sounds around me started dulling out until all that was heard was a loud ringing and very faint murmurs of people. I started holding myself as I was rocking back and forth.

"Hey. Bakugo? Are you sure you're alright?" Kaminari asked, looking at me intently. The others started staring at me, making me feel uncomfortable and anxious. 

"I-I told you already, I'm fine. Just, just give me a moment." I spoke shakily, voice cracking a couple times.

I stood up and shakily walked towards the exit, holding myself tightly as I was afraid if I let go I would fall apart.

I got to the door and pushed it open, and once it opened I stumbled out of the building, slamming the door behind me and leaning back against it for support. I slid down it and moved away from it, just in case some random person decided to leave and burst the door open.

I covered my ears with my hands to try and quiet down the ringing, but it wouldn't leave my head. My breathing was slowly starting to pick up more, my lungs hurting from the sudden lack of oxygen they were receiving due to the quickness I was breathing.

I brought my knees up to my chest and held them close to me, afraid of letting go. I started to rock back and forth as I moved one hand to clench the fabric over my heart.

I screwed my eyes shut and pulled at the fabric, wanting to pull all the pain out and get rid of it forever.

I started to shake my head as tears started flowing down my face. I let go of my shirt and I was suddenly filled with anger. I turned to the wall behind me and side punched it, calming down but leaving the side of my hand hurting.

It hurt my hand but it calmed me down a bit, so I did it one more time before turning back to face the parking lot.

Even with punching the wall I still was in major panic mode. The world started to tremble in front of me as my sight became blurry with tears. The ringing started to get louder and I start to feel the world closing in on me. The corners of my eyes start going black as I feel my consciousness leaving me.

Bakugo OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora