Chapter 5

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"And you ended things with Lord Josh?" Queen Katherine asks me as I am walking with her down the corridors of the castle.


"Good because your time has come."

"And that would be, your majesty?"


Since I have been doing Katherine's dirty work, she promised me to get me a worthy husband. I just hope when I got secretly engaged with Bash that she will forget. However, she hasn't. She engaged me to a King awhile ago but never told me except about two week ago. I still haven't told Bash.

"Christian King of Norway is finally arriving today." She adds in.

"When would I meet him?"

"He should arrive any time. He would be joining you for Elizabeth's weeding."

I guess I will not be announcing my engagement with Bash any time soon. I would just have to come up with a plan to end my engagement with Christian King of Norway so I can marry the man I love. If my family learns that I am trying to change my future of a potential Queen to be the wife of a bastard... let's just say I might be disowned but I think it would all be worth it.

"No need to stress. Rumors say that Christian is a very handsome and young man." Katherine adds in before I nod.

"Anything more?" I ask her since apparently she can only ask me to be doing her work and nobody else.

"Also Mary Queen of Scots will be joining us today. Make friends with her, you will be in her inner circle and tell me everything that goes on." Katherine says before she departs from me and walks into a room where King Henry is.

"You look lovely." Bash says whispering in my hear before I turn completely red.

Katherine order the best of her maids to get me dressed. I assume it is because of Christian arriving today.

"Thank you." I say turning around to face him.

"What are you doing in this part of court?" I ask Bash since he is not really allowed in this part since he is a bastard and people say he has no place in court but now that I am supposed to be future queen I am allowed here.

"I was told to look for Francis and tell him he was needed. You?"

"Katherine wanted to talk." I answer not wanting to get into telling.

Mostly not wanting to tell him I am engaged to him and a King.

"Since we are changing topics, when Francis arrives do you want to go riding or something?" Bash asks me before I shakes my head.

"I would love to but I do not have time. However, I will come to your chambers tonight." I whispers loud enough for Sebastian to hear not wanting to tell him why I'm busy.

"Aurora, come inside." I hear Henry yell from inside the room.

"I should get going." I say before I walk over to him and kiss his cheek.

I walk into the room to see Katherine and Henry getting ready for the arrival of Marry and Christian.

"Aurora, we will set you with our finest jewelry to impress your fiancé." Henry speaks up after a couple of seconds in silence.

"People say we should not be making too many alliances or we would look weak." Katherine says adding into the conversation pretending to be against the alliance but she was the one that set it up in the first place.

"Aurora would not make the alliance public into it is needed but she will be represented as being part of this family. For the sake of France, Italy and Norway." Henry says correcting Katherine before I nod.

"What does that mean, your majesty?" I ask Henry not being sure what he means.

"You will be walking with us when Mary arrives." Henry says.

"Christian will be coming minutes after Mary and he must see what you mean to French Court. He must see the power you hold." Katherine says explaining in detail since she knows I did not understand why.

This is not good for the sake of Sebastian and I. If he noticed that I am engaged to another man... it would not be pretty. I need to end with Christian before Bash finds out and I need to find a way without Bash and I taking the fall.

"Go out in the hall." Henry speaks up after Francis enters the room.

I quickly walk out so Francis can talk with his parents and I will spend time with Bash which is our in the hall.

"That is weird. Why is my dad wanting you?" Bash asks me after I stand beside him as he rest his hand in my back.

"Katherine wanted me to walk with them for when Mary arrives. Maybe that's why she wanted the maids to dress me this morning."


I walk beside Bash as we are heading to be standing beside his father. As we reach King Henry, Bash parts side with me and stands beside his father while I stand beside his mother. I stare in front of me to see Queen Mary with her ladies. Mary is full of beauty. Not shortly after, Queen Katherine walks with Francis. Katherine stands next to me but a couple feet in front to show her power while Francis walks along the grass to say his greetings personally to Mary.

Mary leaves with Francis as her ladies follow behind her. It was Francis' turn and now it is mine. This is nerve wracking.

"Christian King of Norway." A guard yells as his carriage stops at the end of the road.

"When he comes down, do not walk to him as Francis did. You are the woman, he will walk here and introduce yourself." Katherine says beside me before I nod.

Minutes later, Christian comes out of his carriage and let's just say he is appealing to the eyes. More appealing than Sebastian but I am not in love with Christian as I am with Bash.

"Woman will want to be in your spot. Show him why you are the one." Katherine continues to speak as Christian is walking our way.

"We will leave you." Henry says before his mistress turn around.

"Bash?" His mother asks him as he is not doing the same.

"I'm leaving with Aurora."

"Aurora has someone important to meet." Katherine adds in before Bash shoots me a weird look.

"I will see you later, have fun riding." I yell Bash before he nods and turns around.

Shortly after, Bash leaves with both his parents and King Christian of Norway is in front of me.

"Your majesty." I say after I bow down to him.

"You are prettier than words can describe." Christian says before I smile at him.

"You are not too bad yourself." I respond a bit too quickly.

"Now I just leave but Aurora can give you a tour of the castle and your chambers." Queen Katherine says before walking away.

"I am not the best host but I will try my best." I tell Christian before he nods.

"You should show me your favorite sites."

"We must start by the garden then. I must say it is breath taking."

"I would say not as breath taking as you, Aurora."

"Are you always this flirty, your majesty?" I ask him since it is a bit weird having to flirt with someone who is not Bash.

"Only when it comes to my fiancé."

"Fiancé." I say whispering to myself wishing I could say that out-loud about Bash and I.

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