Chapter 4

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Aurora's P.O.V.

"The pleasure was all mine, Lord Josh." I say to the young noble who I have caught his eye.

Lord Josh took me out with his carriage for a six hour drive. What did we see? Just landscape. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful but it's just weird being around another men. Bash and I usually see the landscape by riding our horses and not by carriage. I have to admit by carriage it is boring.

"I will see you then." Josh speaks as we are standing outside my chamber's door.

"Soon I hope." I say playing into his game.

Well technically it's not a game but I'm not being entirely honest. I do hope to see him soon as a friend not as a romantic interest.

Josh leans in and delivers a kiss to my cheek before making his way out of the corridor my chambers is located at.

I walk into my chambers before closing the door behind me.

"You had fun." Bash speaks out scaring me since I did not know he was in my chambers.

"How long have you been here? Wait did anyone see you come in?" I ask before he shakes his head responding to my second question.

"Not too long. How was your day with Lord Josh?" Bash asks as he is sitting down in my bed.

"It was the best day of my life." I say sarcastically before Bash rolls his eyes.

"I could see why." He says while I try to take my corset off because it was a bit too tight.

"Bash, can you please help me?" I ask him before he nods and walks over to me.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah, we're not doing anything so its not wrong." I reassure him since he knows I have to keep rumors out of my virtue which I still have.


"You okay?" I ask him as he is taking off my corset.

"I just do not want to complain. I wish we could spend more time with you." Bash says after a couple seconds of silence.

This past week, I've been spending my time with Lord Josh. Since my parents want me to marry him, I must get to know him and that won't happen if I am spending everyday with Bash. Bash and I have been meeting privately of course but just for a couple of minutes.

"Bash." I say as I turn around to face him as he leaves his hands on my waist and I put mine on his neck to make sure we are making eye contact.

"You want to spend the night with me?" I ask him before he nods.

"What about the rumors?"

"No rumors will get out."

"Thank you." Bash says before he kisses my forehead.

"Let me finish changing into my sleepwear and we could cuddle. But you have to turn around, I don't want you to see me."

"Anything for my lady."

I quickly finish getting changed into my nightwear to turn around to Bash laying down in my bed.

"Are you all set?" I ask Bash but I realized he passed out.

I feel bad. He wants to spend time with me but when he is able to he is too tired.

I quietly walk over to the other side of the bed he left empty before laying down to sleep.


"Good morning." I hear Bash say as he kisses the tip of my nose.

"Sebastian, let me sleep." I tell him as I turn around so he won't continue to wake me up.

"It's noon." Bash whispers in my ear before I softly hit him with my pillow.

"I need my sleep."

"Let's go out like we used to. A walk around the garden? Or go for a ride?"

"I can't." I tell Bash after I sit up in my bed to face him.

"Because you're going to be with John?" Bash says before I rolled my eyes.

"Why is everything about John?"

"When is nothing about John?"

"You sound jealous, babe." I tell Bash before I lean in and softly kiss his lips.

"You have nothing to be jealous about." I reassure him before he shakes his head.

"He's marrying you not me." Bash adds him before I look down at the floor.

"What am I suppose to do? He asked me to marry him. I'm a single women with no other marriage proposal. I can't grow old and be unwed." I explain to Bash why I have to marry Josh.

"Then marry me."

Is he crazy? My parents would kill me if I end with Josh but at the same time I want to be with Bash but Katherine has an important meeting.

"To marry you?"

"I can't offer you land and tittle but I will love you for the rest of my life. And I promise you that I will always stand by your side."

"I accept your marriage proposal."

"I do not have a ring but soon." Bash says as he leans back in to kiss me.

"As much as I would love to spend time with you, I have a meeting with Katherine." I say after pulling away from Bash before he frowns.

"With Katherine? What would she want?"

"I am planning plan the marriage for Elizabeth and the King of Spain."

"Would you like to come?" I add in before Bash nods.

"I have to get ready so I'll meet you for lunch and we will go from there."

"You don't want to be seen with me?"

"Not yet. Not more than we are usually seen. I want to end things with Josh first so rumors of an affair won't go around."

"I understand. I'll meet you at lunch." Bash says before he kisses my forehead and leaves.

"Don't miss me too much." I say right before he leaves.

As soon as he is out of my chambers, I get up and get ready. I know I should have not lied about the wedding planning but what could I have done? I was going to bream up with Josh soon since Katherine told me I have to because she has a surprise for me. I hope that she means she is giving Bash land and title for us to be together. For my parents' sake. We haven't told her about us yet but she should know because it is Katherine Medici.

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