The Fiery Sharpening

Start from the beginning

She just had been about to hand Chris another roll of bandages for Deidre's torso when a loud boom struck the surrounding area. That time, she hadn't been able to resist the urge to look back. The whole factory grew alight with flame, and she saw pieces of it falling within itself. Everyone else, except Deidre, who was unconscious, looked back too, though; Ren used the rearview mirror to glance at the explosion. Who had caused that: Ether or Callest? Did it matter if Callest died from it? If he did die, did Ether get out? Or, was he dead too?

"Do you think that they're both dead?" Nick's question broke (f/n) out of her stare. Barely, she peered back to Nick, and her expression was one of shock. Slowly, she shook her head to indicate that she didn't know. Her (e/c) optics turned back to the scene, growing farther and farther from them. "... Right," Nick answered as he averted his eyes forward again, only to share a look with Ren. Both of them hoped that both creatures were dead. Then, they wouldn't have to worry about being killed by Callest and/or pissing off Ether to be killed by him.

"(F/n)." Chris's voice broke her out of her thoughts again, which had consisted again of the possibilities that the explosion implied. "Come on. We need to finish patching up Deidre." (F/n) hurriedly nodded to Chris and finished handing the bandages to the older woman. While they worked on Deidre, she tried to focus on the task at hand even though her mind kept drifting back to what they just witnessed. She could tell that everyone was shaken up by the event and everyone was having their own thoughts on the matter. Even Chris was having a hard time concentrating.

Briefly, (f/n) had seen her father and mother's expressions. They looked just as shocked, but there was evident hope in their optics too. Both of them wanted both of the creatures dead. She knew that everyone else wished for the same. (F/n) ... Yes, she wanted both of them dead; she could get her life back to a degree. Somehow, her parents and she would figure out the explanation for why she had disappeared for about a year's time.

Then, why was she still feeling that urge of missing the creature? Was it because it would be there forever to haunt her; was that his way of staying with her even after death? Almost, she chuckled bitterly at the thought; it wouldn't surprise her. At the same time, though, she thought that perhaps it was because she just lost the one person who truly would understand and accept all of her decisions. Even her parents didn't know the full extent of all of her actions still, and she probably never would tell them everything for fear that she might not receive their forgiveness and complete understanding.

Such thoughts didn't mean that she loved Ether. It was far from that. Rather, it was like she just might've lost someone she could completely trust. Maybe, trust wasn't the best of terms, but he never judged her decisions. Instead, he accepted them and her reasoning as to why she made them. And, he did keep his promises. That formed an even stronger connection between them since it strengthened the deals between them. Ultimately, she really could trust him with anything; she could trust that he would keep her secrets and never question why she wanted to keep that information secret.

Overall, it was an odd feeling. She did want him dead, but she also wouldn't mind if he survived. Such thoughts didn't leave past her lips, and she continued to do her best on focusing on patching up Deidre; however, she did cast one more glance at the factory before the car made the turn, and the factory soon vanished from sight.

Groaning sounded throughout the space, and the one individual had no idea that the car with all of the humans had made the turn. Instead, an annoying amount of weight was on top of him, and he barely could breathe. Eyes blinked open, and very pale blue optics peered around him. It remained brighter in the space still. Pockets of flames burned here and there.

Utilizing his strength, he used his right forearm to push up on the block of cement resting there. He shoved the cement aside, and it landed with a loud thud on the ground next to him. Barely, he could sit up as another piece of cement had crushed his legs. They couldn't heal properly as long as that remained on top of them.

Thankfully, he had his left hand. Reaching over with it, he pushed that block of cement off of him too. His legs began to heal fully, and he used his left hand to support him up into a sitting position. Places on his body felt warmer than others, and he figured that the skin had been burned there but had healed. Most likely, pieces of his hair had been burned off, but that would grow back with time since his hair didn't recover like the rest of him.

None of that was his main concern, though. He wanted to locate the other creature. His optics scanned around the space. Rubble was all around, and above him, the second and third floors had collapsed in multiple parts. Even the ceiling on the third floor had caved in at some points. He could view the clouds overhead and the pale moonlight that shone through a clear spot in the snow clouds.

With legs fully healed, he got up onto his feet. The truck now was completely covered by rubble, and just small pieces of metal could be seen, especially since a large part of it had been wrecked by the explosion. So far, though, he couldn't spot any sight of him. At least, that was the case until he saw rubble being moved behind him and over towards the left of him.

Instantly, he rushed over. More rubble had fallen on him than he had on himself. A smirk crossed his lips. It would seem that he had survived the explosion too. Rubble rolled off as the other creature pushed it off of him more. His very pale blue optics looked up to the one standing over him before they landed on the standing one's left nails. Lips parted to speak, but nails struck through flesh before the other one even could get his arms to lift up and cooperate due to the crushing weight over him still.

Crimson trickled down nails as they pulled back out. Squished flesh, once beating, remained in his hand before it began to slide down and collide with the ground. Low-pitched chuckling echoed through the factory, and eyes were alight with pure, sadistic satisfaction before the remaining creature chucked the flesh to the side and wiped his hand off on the still-covered creature. "I've had enough of your lectures." Demented chuckles poured out before he remarked with a wide grin, "Silence suits you better." Standing up straight, his grin turned into a hateful scowl. "It always did, and you never should've touched even a fragment of my pink flower." Ether stretched his left fingers and glanced out a ruined window that gave view to the road leading to and away from the factory. It was time to return home.

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