The Move

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It has been a couple of months since Polly's attempt to rescue Hunter. Every time the family attempted to leave the village, Polly would make an excuse to not go through with it. Even though Nixie and Bob knew she was trying to delay the move, they allowed it to happen. After all, they didn't want to leave either. In fact, it didn't take long for them to start making excuses as well. The three tried their best to delay the inevitable. And it worked. ...For a while.

Eventually the shadow had spread dangerously close to the house. It was so bad, that the darkness could easily be seen by looking out the window. As much as they didn't want to go, the Raposa didn't have a choice.

Nixie shifted around in her sleep. She couldn't stop thinking about her and her family's future. Bob was beginning to worry as well.

Nixie and Bob were sitting at a booth in a fancy restaurant. It looked exactly like one of the restaurants at Watersong. Bob looked around in awe. "Cookie's done real good, huh?" Nixie, who was sitting across from him, smiled. "He really has outdone himself this time." She looked at the booth. There was enough room to fit two more Raposa. Nixie's smile faded. "Where is Polly and Hunter?" Bob paused for a second and looked at the empty seats. "...Oh. They musta ran off somewhere." "Shouldn't we look for them?" Bob shook his head. "Nah... They're fine. They'll be back. Besides..." He held her hand. "I wanna be alone with ya for a while..." Nixie blushed. "Bobby... I... I think I'd like that." The two smiled at each other. Bob lifted Nixie's hand to his lips and kissed it. "You're so sweet, Nix. Just can't get enough of ya." Nixie giggled. "Oh, Bobby..." She looked at the top of Bob's head. His brown fur had a little gray in it. Her eyes widened a little. 'Is... Is his fur turning grey? I've never seen this until now! When did this start? Is he okay?" Bob noticed Nixie staring at him. "...What? ...Somethin wrong, Nix?" Nixie continued to think. '...Maybe he's just aging?' Bob was getting a little concerned. "...Nix?" Nixie jumped a little. She didn't realize he was talking to her. "Um..." 'I don't want to be rude...' "I'm sorry. I was a little distracted." "Nah, you're good. Ya startled me a bit though!" "Haha... Sorry!" "Dont be! Even da best raposa get distracted." "Bobby... You're too kind." "Haha... By the way... What were ya staring at?" Nixie blushed a little out of embarrassment. "Uh... I... I was staring at you actually." 'Well that isn't a lie...' Bob sat upright. "Me? Haha..." He blushed a little. "I... I'm flattered... Really am." Nixie smiled. "Of course I'd stare at you... I don't understand how I couldn't." Bob's face turned red. "Haha... ya can't be serious!" "But I am." Nixie glanced at his fur. It was even greyer than before. 'What in the world?! This cannot be normal... I hope he's okay...' "...How are you feeling Bobby?" Bob was startled by this question. It seemed like it came out of nowhere. "Wha? I'm feelin good... Why ya ask? You okay?" Nixie was unsure about what to say. "I..." 'Maybe I am imaging things?' "It's nothing. I was just seeing things..." "Oh..." Bobbery could tell that Nixie was concerned for him. He wasn't sure why though. 'I don't feel like something's wrong... Should I? ...I guess I kinda do feel a bit different though...' The food arrived at the table. Nixie began to eat the food in front of her. 'Ah... I haven't tasted this dish for the longest time...' "Bobby, you should try this! It's so exquisite!" Bob stared at the food in front of him. He was starting to not feel right. 'Ugh... Something's wrong....' "Uh... I dunno if I'm hungry, Nix." Nixie looked at her husband. On top his greying fur, his face was pale. "Bobby? Are... Are you sure you're feeling okay?" Bob looked up at Nixie. His eyes had bags underneath them. He didn't want to admit how bad he felt. "I..... I-I'm fine!" He smiled and picked up a fork. "See? I'm good!" Bob stuck his fork into the food and ate a bite. All of a sudden, he began to feel worse. His entire body ached. "Ughh...!" He leaned onto the table. Nixie's eyes widened. She could actually see his fur turning grey. "Bobby! Are you okay!?!" Bob looked down at the food in front of him. The part he took a bite from was oozing out a black substance. 'What is that!?!' He could feel the ooze in his throat. It did NOT feel good. 'WATER! I NEED WATER!' Bob quickly reached for a nearby glass of water and began to gulp it down. He was almost finished with the glass of water, when he felt the ooze move up his throat. "Mmmph!!" Some of the black goo spurted out of Bob's mouth and into the glass. Nixie stared at the glass for a moment. 'Is that...? Shadow...?!' Bob suddenly felt an increasing pain in his chest. 'Agh!! What is this!?!' He clutched his chest and lowered his head close to the table. His face was so low that Nixie couldn't see it anymore. She gasped at Bob's condition. "Bobby!!! Bobby! Are you okay?! Do you need help?!?" Bob groaned in response. 'I... I don't have control of my body... What is this!?' Nixie got up from her seat. "What is happening to him?!?! HELP!!! SOMEBODY HELP HIM!!! HELP!!!" Nixie then heard someone laugh. It sounded like it came from Bobbery, but it didn't sound like his voice. "Who was that!?! THIS IS NOT FUNNY! YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF YOURSELF!" "Haha...eheheheheheh!! No one can help you..." Nixie jumped. That laugh was starting to sound familiar. She looked at her husband. His fur was completely grey now. The laugh was definitely coming from him. Nixie leaned closer to him. "Bobby?" The man looked up directly at Nixie. He now had bangs covering half of his face and a ponytail. He wasn't Bob anymore. Nixie jumped back. "W...Wilfre?! What did you do to Bobby!?!?!" Wilfre grinned. "Oh... Is that what you call him? How charming." "Get out of here, Wilfre!" "Oh? Why should I? I have so much work to do." Nixie slowly backed away from the booth. "W...what do want?! Whatever it is, take it! Take it and leave!" Wilfre laughed. "Really? In that case, you might get your wish!" Wilfre transformed into his shadow form, and began to float out of his seat. Shadow was spreading all over the place. Nixie tried to run away, but was soon blocked by shadow. "You.... You crazy man! W...What is it that you want?!" Wilfre looked at Nixie and laughed. "Naive Raposa. You can't possibly understand what I'm after." Wilfre began to twitch a little. It seemed he was having a little trouble controlling his body. Or rather, Bob's body. 'Ugh... It hurts... I cant control anythin! I need my body back!' Wilfre shook his head in frustration. "Ugh... I'm tired of these games. I'll tell you what I want. I...." He struggled to get the words out. "I.... Want.... YOU!!" Wilfre rushed toward Nixie and tightly squeezed her. Nixie began to panic. She was being squeezed so tightly that she could barely move. Shadow was starting to spread all over her. "No... No! LET GO OF ME!! NOBODY WANTS YOU HERE! LEAVE ME ALONE!! STOP IT! STOP!! GO AWAY AND NEVER COME BACK! UGH... STOP IT!!! ST..."

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