The Break

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Hunter felt the world on his shoulders. Now that Polly knew his secret, he couldn't go a single day without worrying that she will spill the beans. In fact he grew so stressed, that worrying was all he did. He could barely enjoy time with his family and friends, and he had trouble sleeping at night. He wanted his break from the Twilite Wood to be longer, but he just couldn't take it anymore. Hunter needed a chance to calm down and relax. The Twilite Wood was calling him and he couldn't help but answer.

It was a rainy day at the Raposa Village. Bob was out delivering furniture to one his clients, and Nixie was out shopping. Polly was setting the table while Hunter stared out the window, eager to go back to the Forest Gate.
"Hey Hunter! Do you wanna have tea with me?"
"Nah... I'm not in the mood..."
Polly set down the tea cup in her hand. "Aw come on Hunter! You never wanna have tea with me!"
"I'm sure dad will when he gets back."
"I know... But..."
"...But what?"
"But? I... I didn't say 'but'!"
"Huh. Could've sworn you said 'but'." Hunter put on a jacket and opened the door.
Polly raised an eyebrow. "Where are you going?"
"Out. Where do you think I'm going?"
"...Oh yeah."
"Tell mom and dad I went to a friend's house or something."
"Okay I will. ...Are you sure you don't wanna have tea?"
"...I'm good. Maybe later."
"Oh. ...See ya."
"See ya." Hunter walked outside and closed the door behind him.
Polly sat down at the table and looked down at the cup in her hand. "He'll be back. Eventually." She took a sip of her tea and looked at the empty seats around her. She sighed. "I hope mom and dad get back soon."

Hunter walked through the rain towards the Forest Gate. He didn't even check to see if anyone saw him. He just kept on walking.
He went through the gate, into the Twilite Wood. Hunter looked up at the sky. The sky swirled around in it's usual unusual way. Surprisingly enough, it wasn't raining at all. "How did I guess that?" He took a deep breath and walked through the secret pathway. The leaves crinkled as he walked. It wasn't too long until Hunter came across a familiar road mark. He walked up to the giant stump. It had glowing mushrooms growing all around it. "Hey bud. How's it going?" He patted the stump for luck and moved on.
Once he got to his hideout, Hunter opened his arms and fell forward into the soft grass. "Ow." The grass was soft, but as for the dirt underneath? Not so much. "That was bad idea." He got off the ground and brushed off the dirt. He sat down onto his chair, and looked over the bushes. He sighed. "Nothing..." He picked up his notebook and looked through it. It was pretty worn, and was nearly filled with doodles and notes.
"Let's see what I got." He continued to search through his notes. "... Oh... I remember this guy." The page had a doodle of a squirrel looking creature riding a dandelion seed. The drawing depicted the creature with tiny eyes, and pointy teeth. Underneath it were the words 'Flying Nut Rat'. If there was anything bad about the Twilite Wood, it was this thing. One time Hunter went deep into the woods to explore, when he entered the territory of one of those creatures. One minute he was collecting acorns off the ground, the other has was being bombarded with them. Hunter shivered at the memory and quickly turned the page.

The next page made him smile. This page had a sketch of a baki with a leaf on his head. The baki had what appeared to be rays of light around it. Underneath it were the words 'Leaf Baki (the smartest one)'. The page after it had notes on the baki's appearance and how it acted. It also told of the mysterious baki that first led Hunter here. Hunter thought many times what to name this baki, but he could never think of a good name. Besides, the baki might've already had a name for all he knew. "Yeah, I can't just call him George. He doesn't deserve that." Hunter looked up at the trees. Their purple leaves glistened in the starlight. "...Why did they show me this place? He's smart, he must've had a reason..." He closed the notebook. "Whatever it is, thanks." He put the notebook back in its place and looked at the swirling clouds.

"It's always the same here... Always weird.... Always in the same place... Always just me... It's cool." He frowned. "Can... can I say something? ...Next time is... gonna be different. My sis... you haven't met her yet... She really wants to see you. I want her to see you too. ...But I'm scared." He began to fidget with his fingers. "I... I know it's dumb.. But I don't want this to change. I know it's only once but what if something happens? What if she changes her mind and wants to join ALL the time? I won't be alone anymore.... Don't get me wrong! Polly's awesome... But I just wanna be on my own..." He began to tear up. "I...I don't want her to ruin it..." He sniffed. "And what if she tells? ...I don't know what they'd think.... But I know mom would be mad... She'd... she'd never let me outside again... I would never.... Never get to come back..." He put his face in his hands and cried. "I'll miss this... I will... I'll never enjoy this again... will I?" He lifted his head from his hands. The tears in his eyes blurred the trees and the sky into a combination of color. "What's wrong with me... I can't even think about this without crying like a little baby!" He wiped his eyes in frustration. Hunter's face was red. "I... Im sorry..." He gently laid down on the grass and looked up at the sky. "I'm so dumb... I can't even control myself..." The soft grass rubbed against him. It was as if the Twilite Wood was trying to tell him that everything will be alright. "...How do you know? You can't see the future, can you? ...Oh. Right. Everything turns out here... How'd I forget that." He sighed. "I don't want to lose this. I really don't." The colorful sky comforted him, saying that he would never lose this place. "...Thanks. Sorry for being a complete baby earlier... I..." A leaf fell on his mouth, shushing him. "Pfffhph!" He picked the leaf out of his mouth. It did not taste good. He got up and spat on the ground. "Hey! What was that for?" A slight breeze drifted by. It actually felt nice and soothing. Hunter sighed. "I have to go soon... But I don't wanna..." He smiled. "I'll be back soon. Be nice to my sister okay?" Hunter waved goodbye to his hideout and walked through his secret pathway back to the gate.

Back at the village, Polly was home alone. She tapped her fingers on the table waiting for someone... ANYONE to show up. "Ugghh... This is killing meeeee....." She glared at the door. "What is wrong with you people!? Who leaves their kid unattended like this?!" She got up from her seat and looked out the window. "You'd think this rain would make them hurry up!" She sighed. "Now what am I going to do?" She looked around the house. Nothing seemed to be interesting enough. The entire house just felt dark and gloomy. Polly looked at the bookshelf by her parent's bed. 'Maybe I can learn something and impress everyone?' "Let's see... 'Beach House Monthly', 'The Baki and the Banya', 'The Indigo Number', 'Of Baki and Rapos', ....'How to Sew: For Beginners and Experts'?" She pulled the book from it's shelf. "When did mom get this?" She sat down on their bed and began to look through it. "...I bet I can do this. Looks easy enough."
She continued to look through the book when she heard the door open. It was her mom. She had a basket of food and an armful of books and knickknacks.
"It is so cold out there!"
Polly set the book down and ran up to her. "Mom!!" She hugged her mom. "I missed you!"
Nixie smiled. "I missed you too. ...Just let me set these down." She set her things on the dining table. "Where's your brother?"
"Brother? I don't have a brother."
"...Oh really?"
"Yup. I'm an only child. It's a shame. A brother would be nice."
"Polly, where is he?"
"He's at a friend's place."
"He left without my permission?"
'...Uh oh.' "He said he'd be back soon!"
"That young man will be hearing from me when he gets back." Nixie picked up the books she bought and placed them on the bookshelf. "I found these books at Isaac's. He has quite the variety." She noticed the book on her bed. "Oh! What is this?"
"A book."
Nixie shook her head. "'How to Sew'?"
"It caught my eye. Where'd you get it mom?"
"Isaac's I believe. I thought I could learn in my free time." She sat down on her bed and flipped through the book. "I even bought needles and yarn."
"Really?" Nixie nodded. She went under the bed and pulled out a metal tin. "Wow. You weren't kidding."
"I never had the time and patience, so I never really got started."
"Oh. ...Can I try it?"
"...You have to be kidding."
Polly shook her head. "No. Why would I be?"
"Honey... I don't know if you would enjoy this. If I'm not patient enough, surely you wouldn't be. "
"Sure I'd like it! Doesn't this face look patient enough? Come on mom! Let me try! Pleeeeeease?"
"...Oh alright."
"Just be careful alright? The needles are very sharp."
"I will!"

Hunter walked out of the gate and was immediately greeted with rain. 'Ugh... I forgot about that.' He ran home as fast as he could.
Hunter ran up to the front door, eager to get out of the rain. He took a deep breath and entered the house. Everyone was home at last. "Hey." Nixie crossed her arms. "Hunter!"
"W.. What?" 'Please please PLEASE don't tell me she told!'
"You went to one of your friend's houses without our permission!?"
"I... I'm sorry." 'That was close...'
"You left your sister all alone! Who knows how she feels?"
Hunter looked at Polly, who simply shrugged in response. 'Hey. Maybe I'll ditch YOU next time. Maybe YOU'LL see how it feels.'
Hunter was soaking wet from the rain. "I... I'm sorry Polly. I... a....Achoo!"
"Bless you!" Nixie shook her head and sighed. "You poor baby... must have caught a cold from the rain. This is what happens when you don't listen to me."
Polly raised an eyebrow. "A cold? ...In the rain? I thought that was just a myth."
Nixie ignored Polly's comment and put her hand on Hunter's forehead. "...You're just a little warm. I'll go get you some hot tea."
Hunter wiped his nose on his sleeve. "Thanks mom, but I'm fine."
Bob backed him up. "He's right Nix. He looks alright to me. No need to fuss."
"Nonsense! Of course I need to! Here you are sweetie. Come and sit at the table."
Hunter sat at the table and drank the hot tea in front of him. 'Wow this is hot. I think my tongue got burnt.'
Nixie sat down next to him. "Better?"
Hunter swallowed some of the boiling tea. 'HOT.' "...Yeah mom. I'm fine."
"Oh good! I was worried for a moment!" Hunter blew on his tea, hoping to cool it down. "...You scare me sometimes Hunter. I don't feel like you're close with me anymore."
Hunter looked down into his cup. "..."
"I never know what happens in your head, and that haunts me."
Hunter began to blush. "..."
"Hunter please look at me."
"Look at me."
Hunter looked up at his mom. "Yeah mom?"
"...Stay safe. I love you too much for something bad to happen to you."
Hunter gave a faint smile. "I love you too mom."

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