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Goodsprings has been around since pre-war vegas. It's a small farm town off highway 95. It's mainly a farm village full of older couples and young people looking to make a living off of Merc. work and farming. But there's this one particular person there that made goodsprings a very popular area. If you wanna know the real story ask doc Mitchell about "the courier".
When the courier woke up he was in a weird fog of what happened alls he remembers was a checkered suit man with a chrome gun. When he got on his feet doc Mitchell said he was shot clean in the head but to the left more then the center. As the courier said "thanks for patching me up doc" and he walks out the door. As he makes his way to the saloon a big bulky robot calling him self victor. "Well howdy there partner how's the hole in your head closing up." The courier looks up and say "so you saved me." " well straight to the question aren't you partner." , "well yes Ive been shot, buried and, dug up answer would be nice." The courier looked at victor's screen with that blank stare and waited for him to a say something.
Victor told him about how the man In the checkered suit was named Benny and he's druggy side kick was a great khan named jessup hired as a bodyguard. They captured the courier and tried to kill him all for this thingy called the platinum chip that the courier was supposed to delivered to a man named "house". As the courier listen he slowly remembered every thing that went down. After talking to victor the courier went down to the saloon. As he opened the door he saw a man named Joe Cobb, a low life powder ganger who seem to be looking for a man. As the courier sat down Cobb walked up to him. "You seen a man named ringo, bitch". The courier looked up at him and said " the bitch I see is the man standing in front of me", Cobb goes into hit but the courier grab his hand slammed it on the table and stable his hand to the table with his buck knife. Cobb screams in pain as the courier twisted the knife and pulled it out. Cobb ran out, a girl came over named sunny smiles and said "you some kind big shot ain't ya" the courier looks at the dent and blood from the table and says "he called me a bitch". Sunny looks at him and laughs "I like you". The courier ask about what happened they told him how ringo was wanted by the powder gangers for something. The courier say " bring me ringo, were ending this dispute." As ringo came in from a secrer hiding place he sat down and said " what do u want with me" the courier replays " I wanna help you. But first tell me about a man in a checkered suit." Sunny pops up and say "that dick, yeah he passed thought here a couple days ago." The courier says which way'd he go" sunny says over towards primm it looked like." The courier stood up and said "ok. Now let's fix your proplem" the courier sunny ringo and a couple towns folk made a plan to stop the powder gangers but firsts the courier needed something. He walked over to the good springs general store where he. Saw a man named Chet, "welcome to me general store how can Cher help you today." "The courier replays I need something better to where then these ratty clothes." Cher says "well I've got just what your looking for" he goes in the back and pulls out a trench coat and some prewar riot gear. "How bout this..." , Perfect the courier says and puts it on Chet goes on and says "it's on the house just make sure sunny stays safe ok." "I'll keep her safe" replies the courier. As he walks out he examines his new armor and coat, he also pulled out his .357 revolver and loaded 6 bullets into as he puts it into his holster a bullet wizzed by his head soon after 6 powder gangers followed. The courier dives behind cover and shoots of a few rounds. As he stood up a gangers head got blown clean off by sunnys rifle. One of the gangers ran up to the courier with a knife screams "I'm gonna kill you" the courier grabs his arms breaks it turns him around and uses him as a human shield killing the rest of the powder gangers after that the courier took his meat shield threw him in the ground and proceeded to blow his brains out with the last bullet he had.

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