Chapter eight

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Max grabbed a knife from Dale's trailer, it was Carol's but she probably wouldn't miss it.

She was only going for a day so it wouldn't matter, she was going to come back so no one can get mad at her.

It was around noon so not too late or early to head out, it also meant that she would be able to see Sophia and walkers.

"Okay, lets do this" Max mumbled to herself quietly before walking off of Hershel's land.


"Sophia?" it's been hours and still no sign of her sister, Max was getting tired, she was sweating, it was hot out and she forgot to bring water with her.

The heat was making her slow down, Max stopped beside a tree, she placed her hand on it and leaned against it.

Maybe if she just rested her eyes for a little bit, then she'll be ready to look for Sophia again.

The girl slid down onto the ground still leaning against the tree, she placed the knife in her lap before closing her eyes.

- (at the farm) -

Max has been missing for about three hours now and no one can find her anywhere.

Daryl wasn't showing it but he was definitely freaking out on the inside, Rick wasn't letting anyone go out by themselves to look for herself which made Daryl mad.

There is no way in hell that he is going to listen to Rick right now "screw that" Daryl mumbled and walked into the woods with his crossbow.

"Wait!" Daryl huffed angrily and turned around, Carol was running towards him with a gun in her hand.

"I want to help" she said, if Ed was around she definitely would not be doing this but he's gone now and both of her daughters are missing.

"No" Daryl muttered just loud enough for Carol to hear him, he turned around and headed for the woods.

After a minute or two of walking in silence Daryl heard footsteps behind him and just assumed that it was Carol "thought I said no"

"You did but my daughters are out there and I'm not letting you look for them alone" Daryl nodded, that was fair, he only has one daughter missing and Carol has two but that shouldn't matter anyways they're kids who just need help.

- (in the woods) -

Max snapped her eyes open quickly at the sound of footsteps, it could be anything, a walker, a stranger that's going to kill her.

"W...who's t...there?" She asked, her voice shaky with fear, the person didn't respond but the footsteps got closer, Max grabbed the knife and gripped it tightly, she stood up and hid behind the tree.

The footsteps stopped right in front of the tree "Max? Sophia? Are either of you here?" That was Carol's voice, Max didn't know who the other was but she only assumed that it was Daryl.

"Mom!" Max ran out from behind the tree and tackled Carol into a hug, she didn't notice what she said but Carol definitely did.

Daryl cleared his throat "I didn't think that you guys knew I was gone" Max said as she gave Daryl a huge hug.

"You've been gone for hours, everyone noticed" Carol told her daughter with slight anger in her voice which made sense since Max couldn't gotten extremely hurt or worse.

Max dropped her head "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to worry or scare any of you I just wanted to look for Sophia" she admitted.

Daryl scoffed "you got one arm, what if a walker or a person attacked ya?" Max shrugged, she didn't think that far ahead, she couldn't use a gun or a knife yet so it's a good thing that nothing tried to attack her.

"I guess I didn't think about that" Max muttered but her parents still heard, she felt bad about making them worried and scared, she just wanted to look for Sophia.

- (at Hershel's farm) -

The walk back to Hershel's farm was a very quite one, it seemed like Carol and Daryl were mad at Max which they probably were.

"Go to Daryl's tent, we'll be there in a minute" Max nodded and slowly made her way over to her fathers tent, when she got there she sat down beside his bike and started picking at the grass.

The crossbow that Daryl gave her sat beside a log, it was probably never gonna be used now unless Max got a prosthetic arm which was basically impossible in this universe.

"Hey" Max turned around at the voice, it was Daryl, he was standing about two feet away from her, his crossbow still hanging on his shoulder.

Max raised an eyebrow "are you going to look for Sophia?" She asked confused since he got got back from looking for her.

Daryl nodded "can I come?" He shook his head, she definitely was not allowed to go out anytime soon.

"We both agreed that you are not allowed to leave this property at all unless it's an emergency" Carol said from behind Daryl, that rule was pretty dumb according to Bellamy.

She scoffed " but looking for Sophia is an emergency" Max said already starting to get angry.

Carol nodded "yes it is but baby you only have one arm and you don't know how to use weapons yet so we can't let you leave"
Max clenched her fist, she stood up from the ground and ran off as quickly as she could.

"Wai-" Carol tried to shout but it was too late, her daughter was out of sight already, this is now the second time that she ran off.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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