16 | Ember

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The mid-term break passed excruciatingly slow for Ember. It was absolute torture waiting for Foxfire to start up again.

She wasn't necessarily excited for school itself, or her new inflicting sessions with Bronte. Instead, she was more excited to see Emerson. They hadn't had any spare time to spend together after Everglen, and she was excited to see him.

But when the day finally arrived, she realized she was more nervous than eager.

She stood with Ace, staring at the monstrous building that was their school. It always baffled Ember how ginormous the campus of Foxfire was; it was more like a small city made of stained glass and shimmering towers.

Ember was just happy she hadn't been expelled.

She and Ace strolled down the worn path, heading to the glass pyramid for orientation.

Ace was yanked away from Ember as a bunch of his friends started talking to him. As he was dragged away he shrugged at her over his shoulder, completely non-apologetic.

Ace was much more popular than Ember; prodigies and teachers alike seemed to flock to him like he was a pile of gold.

To the girls, maybe he was.

Ember suddenly bumped shoulders with a tall, broad shouldered man. He snarled at her as her satchel was thrust from her hands, her books falling out as they hit the ground.

As she bent down to retrieve the books she heard a nearby lady whisper, "That's her, isn't it? Sophie Foster's daughter?"

A gruff voice answered, "Yes. An inflictor."

Ember glanced up toward the voices, her eyes darting to a couple with sharp features and pointy ears a few yards away. Ancients.

They were staring at her with curious turquoise eyes. The women shuddered as their eyes met. "She's dangerous."

Ember's gut clenched.

Were others whispering about her too?

Her hands started to shake.

"Need a hand?" A deep voice said behind her, making her jump.

"Sorry," Emerson said as she turned. "Didn't mean to scare you."

He looked adorable in his red level five uniform. Most kids couldn't pull the look off, but Emerson always found a way to. His teal eyes seemed to look good with anything he wore, and they always had a strange way of making her heart flutter around in her chest.

"Emerson!" Ember threw herself into his arms, surprising both of them. She was so happy to see someone that actually liked her that she was desperate for a hug, some comforting words, anything that would make her feel better.

"Are you okay?" His eyes were wide with concern as he hugged her back.

Ember nodded as she pulled back from the embrace, her cheeks heating up as she realized how many kids were now staring at them.

And they didn't look happy . . .

"I'm fine," she murmured, bending back down to collect her fallen textbooks and satchel from the rocky ground.

Emerson scooped up the rest of her books and placed them inside her satchel, but didn't give it back to her.

Ember nudged him, eyebrows raised.

"How about I carry it for you?" He said with a grin.

She smiled back. "Only if you want to."

"I do," he assured her, slinging it over his shoulder alongside his own.

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