"Are you satisfied?" Michael looked down at Ronon, not so subtly mocking him.

Ronon quickly got to his feet. Blood tricked down his face pooling at the corners of his mouth. Sweat was beginning to puddle on his forehead.

Just as Ronon was about to strike, John stopped him.

"Ronon, it's Weir. We have a mission."

"Next time you won't get away so easily." Ronon growled at Michael as he walked past him.

"Looking forward to it." Michael called over his shoulder."

The crowd began to drain from the room.

"You should stop antagonizing him, you know." Teyla handed Michael his jacket before leaving to catch up with John and Ronon.

John, Teyla, McKay and Ronon had all just arrived in Dr. Weir's office.

"Ah, I am glad you are all here, Dr. Zelenka has made a discovery. He is in the conference room."

Elizabeth followed the team into the conference room and sat down. Dr. Zelenka was standing in front of a large screen. It was displaying an image of the city as seen from the sky.

"Recently, I been looking at ocean floor around city. I found what could be a—a ship!" Dr. Zelenka explained excitedly. He clicked a button on the remote he had in his hand, and the screen behind him changed. A map was on the screen now. On one side of the map was the city and on the other side was a dark spot with a yellow highlighted circle around it. "There!" Dr. Zelenka pointed.

"Dr. Zelenka has reason to believe that the ship has been there since final battle with the Wraith. We believe it is an ancient ship that crashed and ultimately sank to the ocean floor." Elizabeth explained.

McKay was already beginning to look excited. "If we could get it up and running! Who knows what kind of engine technology the ancients had on their ships? Maybe we wouldn't even need the intergalactic space gate!"

"John, I would like you and your team to take a jumper and investigate. You should be able to start the ships life support systems from the jumper. That should allow you to board and see what kind of shape the ship is in."

"Sounds good, when do we leave?" John asked.

"As soon as you're ready, I have a jumper being prepped right now." Elizabeth stood up from the table. "Bring us home a star ship Colonel!"

"Elizabeth, if I may," Teyla stood up to speak, "I wonder if we should invite Michael on this mission?" Before Dr. Weir could respond Teyla began speaking again. "This mission does not leave the planet and I think giving Michael a direct purpose might help him transition from a prisoner of the city to a resident."

Ronon immediately showed his distaste for the idea. "That would be a terrible idea! He's not a member of our team, he can't go on missions with us period." Traces of dried blood were still in the corners of Ronon's face.

"John, what do you think?" Dr. Weir asked.

"We can always use the extra hands." John looked at Ronon. "If you don't think you can handle Michael, you can stay here." Without waiting for a response John continued out of the room.

"Harris, I appreciate your concern, but it is not necessary." Dr. Beckett was hurriedly organizing his med bag. "Those people are sick, and my team and I have medicine and medical expertise that may be able to help."

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