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Some background first- You are the daughter and first born of the god Mímir- The god of knowledge and wisdom whom has been an ambassador to Odin for many years.

You first visited Asgard many years ago and your hand was promised to to one of Odin's heirs by your father, unbeknownst to you. (You are highly unaware of this fact until it is brought to you.) And of course with your father being such a close friend to Odin he accepted, knowing his heir would need a queen.

Your mother is sister to Freyr, the king of Alfheim, Though your father's never told you much about the Realm- Your mother choosing to stay with your father. You'd visited a few brief times.

Most of your childhood was spent in
Svartalfheim-Land of the dark elves- your father had sent you there to strengthen your spirit and to harden you into a warrior, therefore you are very skilled in combat.

(As a complete Mythology nerd I've been wanting to write this for quite some time- I remember hearing about thor and loki coming to Marvel and watching it and being like 'Welll- this is a tad bit different to the mythology but I like it' So I know quite a bit about the mythology, the realms and it's rulers so with this fanfiction I'd like to delve into it a bit deeper and kind of mix it into the Marvel universe for this Fanfic. But fear not I'll explain everything from the realms to the different gods in depth and answer any question's.)

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