New tricks

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The next morning, after Emma and Cleo droped off their kids at school they started a group call with Rikki. They talked for a while but then Emma had to go to work.

"I should really go. Remind me, what time are we meeting Mimmi for the training and where?" Emma asked.

"She said she will meet us at the moon pool at 3 o'clock." Cleo replied.

Rikki was confused. She had forgotten about the training. "What? Is that today?" she seemed distracted.

"Aren't you the one who was so excited about this?" Emma asked.

Rikki told them that she would come and quickly made up an excuse to hang up on them. Emma and Cleo were confused, because she was acting weird.

"Okay... that was strange... she was super excited yesterday" Cleo said and Emma agreed. They talked a bit more and then they ended the call to go work.


Around the same time, at Evie's house, Mimmi and Evie were trying to decide what they would teach the girls. They knew that each one of the three girls had a different power, so Evie suggested they could teach them the power that the other two girls had. So for example since Cleo could control the water they would teach her how to boil and ice it.

"That's a great idea! That way they can help each other control their powers as well since they all have mastered one." Mimmi said.

Evie left to meet with her boyfriend Zack and Mimmi headed to her grotto to get some stuff that she needed for the lesson.


On their break, the three kids were helping the librarian. Alex was telling the others that he was glad they got the job because now he can meet more girls.

Dylan and Hayley agreed that he was such a creep.
"Imagine having him growing up. It's probably all he thinks about since he was little!" Dylan said sarcastically.

"Less talk, more work!" the librarian whispered. The kids stopped their conversation and continued to organize books on the shelfs.

"Guys look! I found an old mythology book about Mako." Hayley seemed surprised and excited at the same time.

"That seems interesting, let me see." Dylan said. "Wow the first chapter is on mermaids! It says that mermaids have lived on mako for over a thousand years and guess what! Apparently, they never left!" He almost shouted but since they were in the library he managed to keep his voice down.

"Mermaids have many powers. They can even turn their tails into legs to blend with humans." Hayley continued reading.

Alex interrupted them. He didn't believe in mermaids and all that supernatural stuff. After all, the book title said that it was mythology.

The bell rang and the boys headed to class. Hayley told them that she would come in a second and she secretly borrowed the book, she wanted to learn more about the mystery island, Mako.


Cleo decided to use her break to go visit Lewis, as he was working at the marine park as well, he was a marine biologist there.

"Hello honey. Am I interrupting?" she asked.

"No, I was just about to have my break. Did something happen? You look down" he replied.

Cleo told him that she was worried about going back to Mako after all those years. More than anything she was worried about Dylan.

Lewis was understanding, he knew that they couldn't just tell him the truth just like that. It would be a big shock for him. It took them a while to process it back then and they were older then, than Dylan is now.

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