Run boys! He's trying to catch you.

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As the trio ran past the school gates because of Inosuke challenged as he ran in front of them. Inosuke laughed loudly bringing slight attention to themselves though it didn't bother the trree boys until Tanjiro turned around looking at Zenitsu after smelling a disturbed and surprise feeling coming from him. Zenitsu raised his voice is distress saying " Tomioka-san is coming this!! " 

The two boys lost speed as they both turned to Zenitsu dogging towards them " Shoot. Already!? " Inosuke responded in annoyance with a slight smile on his face as this is a daily routine. 

Zenitsu rasied his voice as they grouped back up completely forgetting about the race as Zenitsu asked where should they hid though Tanjiro immedaitally responded with " Lets head quickly to our classrooms! He won't be able to pull us out of class "

Tanjiro spoke quickly as Zenitsu pointed left outside the school gate. The two can smell and hear him coming as he pointed it for Inosuke to know what direction he's coming from.

" Quick let's go  " Tanjiro spoke calmly " you don't have to tell me twice " Inosuke spoke up as he turned around, they quickly ran inside the school without a second thought. As they ran Tanjiro was able to catch his scent coming from behind them. He's a demon for sure. With his super speed he might as well rival a bullet. 

" He's coming closer! "

Tanjiro raised his voice like this was a life or death situation. " Why is he here! He should be in the Olympics or something " Zenitsu dreaded as he ran from behind. The three kids ran though the school as some students minded there own business and went to class. A few of them where wondering why they were running but most of them knew why. This happens almost all day.

They also had to dodge a few students that were in the way " Excuse me! " " Passing though! " They passed through the students and all of a sudden Zenitsu squealed

" How did he know we came in the school!!? He's a monster!! " Zenitsu shouted as he started to pant, running out of breath already but Inosuke and Tanjiro could still run for a long shot.

" At least you don't need to worry Munitsuro! He won't attack you anymore! " inosuke shouted as he looked behind looking at the tired Zenitsu. Inosuke was at the front then it was Tanjiro and a little bit back from them was Zenitsu who was getting tired way to quick but he looked like he was able to still keep going.

As they were running they saw the Music teacher walk towards them as he was chewing on bubble gum. You aren't supposed to chew bubble gum but that rule totally slides when Tengen Uzui for some reason? He wore a light gray hood as his hair, the same colour as the hood stood about since it was down. He wore dark navy trousers.
Inside his hood you can slightly see the large, diamond head band he always wear. Sometimes he feel like a student then a teacher and even some students mistake him for a student.

His eyes looked up from his red phone he is holding in one hand and the other hand in his pocket. He stopped walking and notice us running and grinned as if we just lightened up he's whole mood.

" Run Boys! Run boy! This path isn't good for you, Run boy Run boy, He's trying to catch you~! "

The music teacher didn't even need to know why they were running cause he already knew why. What ever lyric's he sung the trio completely ignored him. He loves seeing them run from Tomioka-san. It is quite entertaining to see students trying to run away from Giyuu as it was a complete hazarded and quite intertaining.

He raised his voice like he was encourage us to continue doing this. Even if he said we shouldn't continue doing this we would still do this anyway so there was no point.

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