You're pregnant

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"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Your best friend asks you as she pulls up in front of a CVS

You nod "I just want to make sure"

You wanted to buy pregnancy tests because you missed your period and that wasn't likely for you. Then you've been feeling so nauseous.

"I'll be quick" you tell her as you unbuckle your seatbelt

She nods and you take that as your cue to open the door and enter the small store

You entered the isle and glanced at the different options. You decide to buy "first response" and "clear blue" just to make sure the results were 100% correct.

You went to the checkout and received a weird look from the cashier, as If she was judging you.

You awkwardly payed and made your way to your best friends car

You stayed silent the whole ride home

You and Sebastian ,your boyfriend, made plans to hang out later so you had to hurry

"Are you ready?" Your best friend asks as she hands you the opened tests

"I'm really scared" you admit

She hugs you "everything is going to be okay" she reassured you

You nodded and went into the bathroom

You shakily sighed and peed on the sticks like the instructions said to

When you were done taking all 4 you put them on the bathroom counter

You waited three minutes. But those three minutes felt like the longest three minutes of your life.

When it was time to look you nervously looked at the tests. And all 4 were positive

You felt your heart sink. You and Sebastian were only 18 years old. His TikTok career was starting and you haven't even done to college yet. You both weren't ready for a baby.

Your best friend knocked and opened the door

You looked at her with tears filling up your eyes

Realization hit her and she automatically pulled me in for another hug "it's going to be okay. Your gonna tell him and everything will fall to place. I promise"

"Tell who what?" You heard someone say

You both jerk your heads and see Sebastian standing at the doorway

When he looks at you. His eyes quickly turn to worry. "Oh my gosh. (Y/N) what's wrong?" He rushes to your side and hugs you

"I think I'll leave you two alone and head home" your best friend says and shows herself out

"What's the matter?" Sebastian asks

You look down "there's something I need to tell you" your voice crakes

Before you could let another word out your sobbing into his arms

"Hey" he rubs your shoulder "babe, talk to me" he says genuinely worried

"Sebastian I'm pregnant" you blurt out

You see the color drain from his face and he doesn't move

"I'm so sorry" you sob "I didn't want to ruin your life, this is shocking to me too"

He shakes his head "this isn't going to ruin my life. This is very shocking" his admits "and I'm scared but we'll figure this out"

"Your not mad?" I ask

"Why would I be mad?" He says confused

"Cause we're 18 and we're gonna have a baby" you tell him

"I'm more scared, but we got this" he gives you a small grin

You hugged him and showed him the tests.

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