How you met

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"I can't believe this is your first time coming to your school's basketball team" My best friend Sophie told me as we took a seat on the bleachers

I looked at her and gave her a sarcastic smile "And we're late"

She rolls her eyes at me and looked at the sweaty teenage boys running across the gym "we're not even late! The game is over!" She complained with a frown

I smile in satisfaction "Perfect"

We both get up from our seats and head down to leave. As our feet touch the gym floor a tall boy ran into me

"Hey!" I shouted as his body collided into mine

We made eye contact and I could've sworn I felt my heart beat ten times faster

He flashed me a smile "I'm so sorry, I wasn't paying attention" he apologized

I noticed he was wearing a basketball uniform and realization came to me "congratulations" I said hoping our school team won the game

His smile widened "Thanks! It was a close game, I'm so relieved we won"

"I'm (Y/N)" I smiled

"I'm Sebastien" he tells me "the Star basketball player" he adds

I glanced behind me and noticed that Sophie was no longer by my side

"Hey" Sebastien catches my attention "Do you maybe want to go get some froyo?" He asks me "you know? To celebrate me winning my game"

I smirked "are you asking me out on a date?" I asked him

He ran his hand through his blonde hair "depends on your answer"

I smiled and nodded "yes, I would love to go on a date with you"

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