Chapter 1- Blondie

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Luke looks like in the music video Try Hard (i know thats not the try hard picture so just go with it⬆️) and Michael has the unicorn hair.

"Michael, wake up! You've got school," My mum bangs on the door.

Yay! Another shitty school day! Ugh, I practically drag myself out of bed. Why can't the school have another week of spring break? I changed into a Green Day shirt and black skinny jeans.

My mum pokes her head in, "You ready? Breakfast is on the table"

Bacon and eggs were on the table, "Thanks mum"

I quickly finish it and get my stuff for school, "Bye"

"Bye sweetie! Come give me a kiss before you leave," she smiles.

I whine, "But mum, I'm punk rock!"

"Stop whining," she walks over and I give her a quick peck on the cheek and leave.

The bus came just in time, "Oh thank god"

All the seats were filled except one, next to a kid with blonde hair, "Hey Blondie, you mind me sitting here?" I plop down next to him, before he could say anything.

"I like your shirt, you like Green Day too?" Silence.

The kid had a fringe, quiff, I don't know, and was wearing a beanie, he was really skinny. His head hung low as if he didn't anyone to see him. I took out my phone and started playing games. I didn't recognize him, must be new. The bus ride wasn't really long so we were at the school in minutes.

Ashton was waiting for me by the front doors, we were friends since year 6 (6th grade for you Americans). He had curly brown hair and his laugh is so weird, "Hey Mikey"

"Hi Ash," I walk into the school with Ashton following me.

Our lockers are kinda far away, so we went to our own lockers. Blondie walks up next to me trying to open his locker, it took him 10 tries to get it. The bell rung and I went to 1st class, I never listen though. The teacher walks in, "Hello class we will be doing a new project"

Blondie stumbles in after a couple minutes, "Mr. Hemmings, you are excused for being late since this is your first day. Next time is a tardy" But doesn't say anything about his beanie.

He walks over to an empty seat diagonally from me. Blondie must be really smart, since everyone else is a year older. The teacher starts talking about some project, so I listened, I seriously don't want to get held back.

"We will be writing an essay about each others families. This will be due in 2 weeks. Your partners will be listed on this chart," She explained.

Everybody walks up to clipboard, by the time I get to it everyone else is already with their partners. I scanned down the list:

Mrs. Merry's 1st hour class
1. Julie and Sam

2. Will and Isaac

3. Sally and Rachel

3. Izzy and Jasmine

4. Tyler and Hunter

5. Emily and Vicky

6. Carly and Max

7. Kaylyn and Cole

8. Luke and Michael

9. Clay and Hannah

10. Percy and Jason

The only person that wasn't paired up was Blondie, guess he's Luke. He was awkwardly standing next to his desk, "Hi I'm Michael" Nothing. He said nothing.

I try again, reading off the sheet, "So, what's does your dad work as?" Nothing.

"Are you gonna talk or what?" I slightly yell making him wince, luckily the bell rung.

Rest of class went by really quick, I went to my most favorite class. Lunch.

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