chapter 12 - different breeds

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This task's result was something Kollector had to worry about and the deep cut in his palm stung as he returned to his Emperor with empty tribute. This was all to blame him for his carelessness but he would've liked to put the fault on Kalliste. Although in the end, she saved him from the destruction before it fell on them from an unexpected faint of blood. He was disturbed, angry and most of all, concerned about returning to Shao Kahn with nothing in his hands.

Shao Kahn sat on his throne and watched as Kollector crept his way to his master in worry and fear. The emperor glowered at him and said "Kollector, you've come back with riches from the old drought, I presume?

"Yes, my lord," Kollector said bowing low, "but..."

"But?" Said Shao Kahn in perturbation as he awaited Kollector's next words,

"His treasures were buried in an attempt of collecting his tribute. He had conspired this after his death." Kollector explained to Shao Kahn.

The emperor thumped his fist against the armrests of his throne and roared out in rage. "Kollector, this old fool owed Outworld great riches to me and you so carelessly let it befall?!"

Kollector lowered his head in shame and guilt, upset by his emperor's fury. "I am sorry, my excellency, it was not my intention. But I swear to you that the tribute will return soon enough. There are ways to retrieve even more riches."

Shao Kahn calmed down as he listened to Kollector's words, intrigued as he sank his head in response. "You have something else in mind?!?" He asked Kollector.

"It will take time, but yes." Kollector nodded and bowed once again.

"Very well then. After years of loyalty, I will entrust you with this. For now, you are dismissed." Shao Khan. Kollector grinned at the Emperor before taking his leave. After he left, he spat and throttled his arms in anguish as he felt in rage. Kollector was given no reward, no extra tribute, no nothing and he was utterly disappointed in himself. As if he wasn't already enough trouble as it is.

Nothing, nothing, nothing! Nothing for him to have, nothing cherishable to keep for his hard work but he only had himself to blame for it.

Meanwhile, a quiet place where was known to be the common area of the palace. It was blissfully hushed and peaceful and not too many people were populating it. The room was lit up by candles that gave off a pleasant fragrance and soft light, and a few flowers were placed around the room as well. A place that seemed too nice to be a tyrant's palace.

Kalliste had been spending her extra time sleeping, and napping after a long day of running around and fighting. Her head ached and her eyes were heavy. She could feel her body slowly shutting down; sleepiness enveloping her. She sighed as she lay on the bed and closed her eyes, falling into slumber.

Dreaming in serenity, a warming tone washed over her body like an invisible blanket, the nearby candles and fireplace helped a lot.

A being in irritation came by and then noticed the loud silence of the common area and Kollector immediately spotted her there. The irritation slowly dribbled away from him as he was curiously enveloped by seeing her peacefully sleeping in this public area where no one was allowed to enter except for the servants.

He was curious why she was here alone when she could've gone someplace private like her quarters and wondered if maybe she was bored or perhaps needed company. He stepped closer and took notice of how serene she looked lying in such a comfortable manner. Kollector was swayed by a mesmerizing display of magnificence that captivated his senses. He stared at her face, watching as her eyelashes fluttered and her lips formed small smiles while her cheeks turned pink.

Precious Possession (OC x Kollector) - MK11Where stories live. Discover now