chapter 42 - if you cant love this all goes away

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The tarkatan embassies seemed to perish one by one - quite quickly than expected. They were dying out, the lack of triumph was soon isolating them in a whole borough of Kotal's troops. Kano failed his task, the tarkatans died expeditiously, and Rain was being defeated by Kotal.

Kalliste and Kollector fought incoming onslaughts from Kotal's guards; dropping them quite efficiently like files.

Kollector tore their throats, their heads ripped from their necks, their stomachs sliced open. But more and more began to appear from the shadows.

Suddenly a buzzing sound emerged just in front of Kalliste. An insectoid familiarizing itself in a female form. D'vorah. Its blackened gnat eyes stared deeply in Kalliste with haste. A smile with sharp ends just unnervingly grinning at her.

A set of ovipositors hovered from its back.

"You are D'vorah," Kalliste stated.

"This one will gladly remove your inners." D'vorah's head cocked like a staggering snake. The insectoid looks into the distance just past Kalliste.

"Your queen is surrounded, so is your feeble companions." D'vorah spat. She moves closer in on Kalliste. Kalliste glances at the current situation, witnessing Mileena finally arises to interrupt Rain's near execution by Erron Black. Kalliste could only take one quick look before concentrating on D'vorah who continued to draw nearer.

"Your fear is unmasked. This one will have the pleasure of incubating you." D'vorah creepingly stamped her way closer and closer till Kalliste had to throw an attack. Her hit failed - its feeble attack caused D'vorah to immediately take a stab at her arm. The penetrating stab grazed a bloodied hole in Kal's arm; causing her to wince harshly, and while she was somewhat vulnerable from the blow - D'vorah began to pounce onto Kalliste - pushing her roughly against the floor.

And all she could hear was the departing sounds of war, distant murmuring of conflict.

Kalliste glared at D'vorah with anguish as she struggled to escape her bonds. Every ovipositor surrounded Kal's body. Kalliste could only pulverize D'vorah'ss armored chest with every strength of her good arm. But she continued to smile at her effortless aggression.

She arose, extending out like a vicious spider.

And before that sharp ovipositor could take a stab into Kal's flesh. It disembarked through air and mist. D'vorah grew utterly perplexed.

"Looking for me?"

A husky and deep voice intruded the insectoid's mind. D'vorah quickly turned behind her as Kalliste roughly hooked her fist onto D'vorah's ovipositor; digging her claws into the thickening flesh; ripping it out of her back. D'vorah hisses in pain. Kalliste held out the shredded ovipositor in disgust as D'vorah quickly digs into the ground, crawling back into the dirt.

Kalliste breaths heavily, her lungs taking sharp exhales. Then the tension in her arm flinches.

"Kalliste!" That sinewy voice drew her out from the void. Her heart feeling calm once more from the familiar call.

She cocked her head, gazing at Kollector who paced his way closer to Kalliste.

He arrived closer to her until he glimpses at her bleeding arm that she held on. Then he looks at her serene expression. But he hisses, fiercely concerned for her now.

"Have you no care for yourself? - Who done this?" Kollector says. His expression is filled with extreme wretchedness. He seemed angry with Kalliste and the perpetrator who made this wound. Kalliste scoffs.

"D'vorah. -But it's fine. It's but a bruise on my arm." Kalliste remains stern but cringes once more.

Then Kollector begins to search in his satchel. Pulling out whatever he had - displaying it into his view until he found a vessel wrapped in some fabric. How interesting. Stripping the elongated fabric off the thing, he begins to settle it onto Kal's bleeding arm.

Precious Possession (OC x Kollector) - MK11Where stories live. Discover now