what the zodiacs would do if there was a serial killer in their home

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Aries: kicks and punches them violently until they are crying and bleeding heavilly

Taurus: runs to the fridge and fiercly guards it in case the killer trys to steal his food

Gemini: strangles killer with bare hands

Cancer: grabs the nearest object and hits killer with it repeatedly

Leo: gives the killer a piece of his mind for interrupting him while watching anime (just like me OwO)

Virgo: loses their sanity

Libra: bribes some money so that he won't kill her

Scorpio: kills the killer

Saggitaurius: has a talk with the killer and ends up being his accomplice

Capricorn: pushes his head in the toilet bowl and drowns him

Aquarius: threatens him with a gun

Pisces: screams and runs 

btw whats your sign? I'm Leo

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